re = /(?:(?<=\().+?(?=\))|(?<=\[).+?(?=\]))/m
str = 'this is a [sample] string
with [] special ((words)). and he(r)e\'s [[another! one]] within double brack[ets.
let\'s finish] this.
#ver 1 - \\[(.*?)\\] - catch brackets, stop if nl between brackets
#ver 2 - \\[(.*?]*)\\] - same
#ver 3 - \\[([^]]+)\\] - same, but catch even if nl between brackets
#ver 4 - \\[([^\\[\\]]*)\\] - same
#ver 5 - (?<=\\[).+?(?=\\]) - catch inside the brackets, stops at nl
#ver 6 - (\\[(?:\\[??[^\\[]*?\\])) - same as #3
#ver 7 - (?<=\\[).*?(?=\\]) - same as # 5
#ver 8 - ([[][a-z \\s]+[]]) - catch only the first, w/ brackets
#ver 9 - (?:(?<=\\().+?(?=\\))|(?<=\\[).+?(?=\\])) - same as #5 but catch () as well'
# Print the match result
str.scan(re) do |match|
puts match.to_s
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