using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Example
public static void Main()
string pattern = @"query (?<collection>.*) query: (?<queryString>.*)planSummary: (?<planSummary>IXSCAN|COLLSCAN).*ntoreturn:(?<ntoreturn>\d+) ntoskip:(?<ntoskip>\d+) nscanned:(?<nscanned>\d+).*nreturned:(?<nreturned>\d+).*reslen:(?<reslen>\d+) (?<duration>.*(?=ms))";
string input = @"2020-04-07T15:46:14.839+0000 [conn205712] query mrfreeze.core_products_platform_3m_test_v4 query: { business_model: ""pay_per_circulation"" } planSummary: IXSCAN { business_model: 1 } ntoreturn:500 ntoskip:365000 nscanned:365164 nscannedObjects:365164 keyUpdates:0 numYields:60 locks(micros) r:1879126 nreturned:164 reslen:11664 970ms";
Match m = Regex.Match(input, pattern);
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' found at index {1}", m.Value, m.Index);
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for C#, please visit: