re = /^(LTE|RS[A-Z]+)\s*([^:]+):\s+(.*?)(?=\s*$)/m
str = 'AT!GSTATUS?
Current Time: 54902 Mode: ONLINE
System mode: LTE PS state: Attached
EMM state: Registered Normal Service
RRC state: RRC Connected
IMS reg state: No Srv
LTE band: B28
LTE bw: 10 MHz
LTE Rx chan: 9260
LTE Tx chan: 27260
RSSI (dBm): -48.0
RSRP (dBm): -74.5
RSRQ (dB): -12.2
RSSNR (dB): 12
Tx Power (dBm):
LTE Cell ID: 23198257
Physical Cell ID: 307
TAC: 57506
LTE band: B1
LTE bw: 15 MHz
LTE Rx chan: 275
RSSI (dBm): -59.5
RSRP (dBm): -87.5
RSRQ (dB): -9.2
Physical Cell ID: 412
subst = ''
result = str.gsub(re, subst)
# Print the result of the substitution
puts result
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Ruby, please visit: