package main
import (
func main() {
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)\b(34[0-9]{2}[ -])([0-9]{6}[ -])[0-9]{5}\b|\b34[0-9]{13}\b|\b(37[0-9]{2}[ -])([0-9]{6}[ -])[0-9]{5}\b|\b37[0-9]{13}\b`)
var str = `American Express
Requirements: American Express cards start with the number 34 or 37 and have 15 digits. Pattern is 4-6-5 when having spaces or dashes.
Pattern Parts:
Starts with number 34 and 15 length:
1) \b(34[0-9]{2}[ -])([0-9]{6}[ -])[0-9]{5}\b|\b34[0-9]{13}\b
Starts with number 37 and 15 length:
2) \b(37[0-9]{2}[ -])([0-9]{6}[ -])[0-9]{5}\b|\b37[0-9]{13}\b
Combining 1-2 to form one pattern:
\b(34[0-9]{2}[ -])([0-9]{6}[ -])[0-9]{5}\b|\b34[0-9]{13}\b|\b(37[0-9]{2}[ -])([0-9]{6}[ -])[0-9]{5}\b|\b37[0-9]{13}\b
Test Cases:
Positive (Should fire):
15 length, no space, start with 34 342312341234112
15 length, dashes, start with 34 3423-123456-12345
15 length, spaces, start with 34 3423 123456 12345
15 length, no space, start with 37 372112341234123
15 length, dashes, start with 37 3721-123456-12345
15 length, spaces, start with 37 3721 123456 12345
Embedded in sentence with space:
15 length, no space, start with 34 Here is the cc: 342312341234112
15 length, dashes, start with 34 Here is the cc: 3423-123456-12345
15 length, spaces, start with 34 Here is the cc: 3423 123456 12345
15 length, no space, start with 37 Here is the cc: 372112341234123
15 length, dashes, start with 37 Here is the cc: 3721-123456-12345
15 length, spaces, start with 37 Here is the cc: 3721 123456 12345
15 length, no space, start with 34 Credit Card#:342312341234112
15 length, dashes, start with 34 Credit Card#:3423-123456-12345
15 length, spaces, start with 34 Credit Card#:3423 123456 12345
15 length, no space, start with 37 Credit Card#:372112341234123
15 length, dashes, start with 37 Credit Card#:3721-123456-12345
15 length, spaces, start with 37 Credit Card#:3721 123456 12345
Negative (Should Not Fire):
15 length, no space, not start with 34 352312341234112
15 length, dashes, not start with 34 3523-123456-12345
15 length, spaces, not start with 34 3523 123456 12345
15 length, no space, not start with 37 362112341234123
15 length, dashes, not start with 37 3621-123456-12345
15 length, spaces, not start with 37 3621 123456 12345
15 length, no space, start with 34, embedded Credit Card Number342312341234112
15 length, dashes, start with 34, malformed 3423-1234-1234-112
15 length num matching pattern but embedded User ID: 000000342312341234112000000`
for i, match := range re.FindAllString(str, -1) {
fmt.Println(match, "found at index", i)
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Golang, please visit: