import Foundation
let pattern = #"(\()|(?:(([udfblrmesxyz])(?:([-i'])|(2))?)|(\[((?:(?:[ud][fb]|[fb][ud])(?:[lr]?)|(?:[fb][lr]|[lr][fb])(?:[ud]?)|(?:[ud][lr]|[lr][ud])(?:[fb]?))|(?:o[24][udfb]|o6[lr]|c[cw][23]|pt[jn]|par|prn))]))|(\)([1-9min'])?)"#
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: .caseInsensitive)
let testString = #"""
face rotations: fblrudf'b'l'r'u'd'fibiliriuidi
axis rotations: xyzx'y'z'xiyizi
pieces: [uf][ub][df][db][fu][bu][fd][bd][fl][fr][bl][br][lf][rf][lb][rb][ur][ul][dr][dl][ru][lu][rd][ld][urf][ufr]...
patterns: [o2u][o2f]...[o4d][o4b]...[o6l][o6r][cc2][cc3][cw2][cw3][par][ptn][ptj][prn]
groups: (rf) (rf)'(rf)n (rf)i (rf)m (rf)3
mixed (and test):
(r(fr)i[FR])m f
let stringRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: testString.utf16.count)
let matches = regex.matches(in: testString, range: stringRange)
var result: [[String]] = []
for match in matches {
var groups: [String] = []
for rangeIndex in 1 ..< match.numberOfRanges {
let nsRange = match.range(at: rangeIndex)
guard !NSEqualRanges(nsRange, NSMakeRange(NSNotFound, 0)) else { continue }
let string = (testString as NSString).substring(with: nsRange)
if !groups.isEmpty {
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Swift 5.2, please visit: