package main
import (
func main() {
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`[^\s]\s*END`)
var str = ` -- if this is a checkbox,
IF (@widget = 'Checkbox')BEGIN
EXECUTE [dbo].[home_save_slip_checkbox] @school_fk = @school_fk, @slip_fk = @res_output, @definition_field_fk = @definition_field_fk, @notes = '', @points = @points, @student_fk = @student_fk, @academic_year = @academic_year, @occurred_date = @occurred_date END
-- if this is an exclusion
IF (@widget = 'Exclusion')BEGIN
EXECUTE [dbo].[home_save_slip_exclusion] @slip_fk = @res_output, @school_fk = @school_fk, @student_fk = @student_fk , @ocean_user_fk = @ocean_user_fk, @definition_field_fk = @definition_field_fk, @points = @points, @exclusion_type = 'Internal', @exclusion_duration = 3, @start_date = @occurred_date , @notes = '', @d_of_e_reason_code = 'BU' , @reason = '', @academic_year = @academic_year, @category = 'FIXD', @occurred_date = @occurred_date , @definition_location_fk = @definition_location_fk END
-- if this is a detention
IF (@widget = 'Detention')BEGIN
EXECUTE [home_save_slip_detention] @slip_fk = @res_output, @school_fk = @school_fk, @student_fk = @student_fk , @definition_field_fk = @definition_field_fk, @detention_date = @occurred_date , @detention_location_fk = @definition_location_fk, @detention_duration = 30, @points = @points, @definition_slip_fk = @definition_slip_fk, @definition_subject_fk = @definition_subject_fk, @definition_class_fk = -1, @academic_year = @academic_year, @occurred_date = @occurred_date , @detention_reason = '', @detention_work_to_be_completed = '' END
for i, match := range re.FindAllString(str, -1) {
fmt.Println(match, "found at index", i)
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Golang, please visit: