# coding=utf8
# the above tag defines encoding for this document and is for Python 2.x compatibility
import re
regex = r"^\s*(?'param'.*):long_name = \"(?'def'.*)\" ;(\n^.*:units = \"(?'units'.*)\" ;$)?"
test_str = (" time:long_name = \"Year\" ;\n"
" time:units = \"equal month years\" ;\n"
" year:long_name = \"year\" ;\n"
" lon:long_name = \"longitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lon:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" lat:long_name = \"latitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lat:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt:long_name = \"z-level mid depth\" ;\n"
" zt:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu:long_name = \"longitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" xu:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" yu:long_name = \"latitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" yu:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:long_name = \"longitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:long_name = \"latitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:long_name = \"depth of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:long_name = \"longitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:long_name = \"latitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:long_name = \"latitude of moc grid\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:long_name = \"depth of moc grid\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" A:long_name = \"ocean surface area\" ;\n"
" A:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" Vol:long_name = \"ocean volume\" ;\n"
" Vol:units = \"m3\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:long_name = \"ocean depth grid level 1=deepest\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:long_name = \"ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:long_name = \"ocean depth\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid area\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid mass\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:long_name = \"MM kinetics index lg phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:long_name = \"MM kinetics index sm phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:long_name = \"area_oc3\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:long_name = \"mass_oc3\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" temp:long_name = \"temperature\" ;\n"
" temp:units = \"K\" ;\n"
" sal:long_name = \"salinity\" ;\n"
" sal:units = \"PSU\" ;\n"
" DIC:long_name = \"dissolved inorganic carbon\" ;\n"
" DIC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" NO3:long_name = \"dissolved nitrate\" ;\n"
" NO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" PO4:long_name = \"dissolved phosphate\" ;\n"
" PO4:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Fe:long_name = \"dissolved iron\" ;\n"
" Fe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" O2:long_name = \"dissolved oxygen\" ;\n"
" O2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ALK:long_name = \"alkalinity\" ;\n"
" ALK:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" SiO2:long_name = \"aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)\" ;\n"
" SiO2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC:long_name = \"dissolved organic carbon\" ;\n"
" DOC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DON:long_name = \"dissolved organic nitrogen\" ;\n"
" DON:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOP:long_name = \"dissolved organic phosphorous\" ;\n"
" DOP:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOFe:long_name = \"dissolved organic iron\" ;\n"
" DOFe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" FeL:long_name = \"ligand-bound Fe\" ;\n"
" FeL:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Ligand:long_name = \"iron binding ligand\" ;\n"
" Ligand:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" N2:long_name = \"dissolved nitrogen\" ;\n"
" N2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CFC11:long_name = \"dissolved CFC-11\" ;\n"
" CFC11:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CFC12:long_name = \"dissolved CFC-12\" ;\n"
" CFC12:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" MM_diaz:long_name = \"M-M kinetics index diaz phyto\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:long_name = \"Si:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:long_name = \"O2:POP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:long_name = \"O2:POC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:long_name = \"O2:DOP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:long_name = \"O2:DOC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:long_name = \"DIC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:long_name = \"DOC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" H:long_name = \"H carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" H:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:long_name = \"fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:units = \"atm\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:long_name = \"CO2_aq carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CO3:long_name = \"CO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" HCO3:long_name = \"HCO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" HCO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:long_name = \"ohm_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:long_name = \"ohm_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:long_name = \"dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:long_name = \"dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" pH:long_name = \"pH\" ;\n"
" pH:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:long_name = \" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:long_name = \" cc_frac2\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" den_m2:long_name = \"oceanic denitrification (flux)\" ;\n"
" den_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:long_name = \"N-fixation (flux)\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" DOM_frac:long_name = \"DOM export fraction\" ;\n"
" res_m2:long_name = \"oceanic respiration (flux)\" ;\n"
" res_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_x:long_name = \"particulate organic carbon flux\" ;\n"
" POC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_13:long_name = \"d13C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14:long_name = \"D14C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of POC\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PON_x:long_name = \"particulate organic nitrogen flux\" ;\n"
" PON_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POP_x:long_name = \"particulate organic phosphate flux\" ;\n"
" POP_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:long_name = \"particulate organic iron flux\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = \"POM scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_x:long_name = \"calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux\" ;\n"
" CC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_13:long_name = \"d13C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14:long_name = \"d14C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of CC_\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" det_x:long_name = \"detrital (refractory) material flux\" ;\n"
" det_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:long_name = \"detrital scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" opal_x:long_name = \"opal flux\" ;\n"
" opal_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" ash_x:long_name = \"ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux\" ;\n"
" ash_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" time:long_name = \"Year\" ;\n"
" time:units = \"equal month years\" ;\n"
" year:long_name = \"year\" ;\n"
" lon:long_name = \"longitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lon:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" lat:long_name = \"latitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lat:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt:long_name = \"z-level mid depth\" ;\n"
" zt:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu:long_name = \"longitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" xu:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" yu:long_name = \"latitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" yu:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:long_name = \"longitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:long_name = \"latitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:long_name = \"depth of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:long_name = \"longitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:long_name = \"latitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:long_name = \"latitude of moc grid\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:long_name = \"depth of moc grid\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" A:long_name = \"ocean surface area\" ;\n"
" A:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" Vol:long_name = \"ocean volume\" ;\n"
" Vol:units = \"m3\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:long_name = \"ocean depth grid level 1=deepest\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:long_name = \"ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:long_name = \"ocean depth\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid area\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid mass\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:long_name = \"MM kinetics index lg phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:long_name = \"MM kinetics index sm phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:long_name = \"area_oc3\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:long_name = \"mass_oc3\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" temp:long_name = \"temperature\" ;\n"
" temp:units = \"K\" ;\n"
" sal:long_name = \"salinity\" ;\n"
" sal:units = \"PSU\" ;\n"
" DIC:long_name = \"dissolved inorganic carbon\" ;\n"
" DIC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" NO3:long_name = \"dissolved nitrate\" ;\n"
" NO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" PO4:long_name = \"dissolved phosphate\" ;\n"
" PO4:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Fe:long_name = \"dissolved iron\" ;\n"
" Fe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" O2:long_name = \"dissolved oxygen\" ;\n"
" O2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ALK:long_name = \"alkalinity\" ;\n"
" ALK:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" SiO2:long_name = \"aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)\" ;\n"
" SiO2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC:long_name = \"dissolved organic carbon\" ;\n"
" DOC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DON:long_name = \"dissolved organic nitrogen\" ;\n"
" DON:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOP:long_name = \"dissolved organic phosphorous\" ;\n"
" DOP:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOFe:long_name = \"dissolved organic iron\" ;\n"
" DOFe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" FeL:long_name = \"ligand-bound Fe\" ;\n"
" FeL:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Ligand:long_name = \"iron binding ligand\" ;\n"
" Ligand:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" N2:long_name = \"dissolved nitrogen\" ;\n"
" N2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CFC11:long_name = \"dissolved CFC-11\" ;\n"
" CFC11:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CFC12:long_name = \"dissolved CFC-12\" ;\n"
" CFC12:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" MM_diaz:long_name = \"M-M kinetics index diaz phyto\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:long_name = \"Si:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:long_name = \"O2:POP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:long_name = \"O2:POC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:long_name = \"O2:DOP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:long_name = \"O2:DOC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:long_name = \"DIC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:long_name = \"DOC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" H:long_name = \"H carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" H:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:long_name = \"fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:units = \"atm\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:long_name = \"CO2_aq carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CO3:long_name = \"CO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" HCO3:long_name = \"HCO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" HCO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:long_name = \"ohm_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:long_name = \"ohm_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:long_name = \"dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:long_name = \"dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" pH:long_name = \"pH\" ;\n"
" pH:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:long_name = \" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:long_name = \" cc_frac2\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" den_m2:long_name = \"oceanic denitrification (flux)\" ;\n"
" den_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:long_name = \"N-fixation (flux)\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" DOM_frac:long_name = \"DOM export fraction\" ;\n"
" res_m2:long_name = \"oceanic respiration (flux)\" ;\n"
" res_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_x:long_name = \"particulate organic carbon flux\" ;\n"
" POC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_13:long_name = \"d13C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14:long_name = \"D14C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of POC\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PON_x:long_name = \"particulate organic nitrogen flux\" ;\n"
" PON_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POP_x:long_name = \"particulate organic phosphate flux\" ;\n"
" POP_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:long_name = \"particulate organic iron flux\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = \"POM scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_x:long_name = \"calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux\" ;\n"
" CC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_13:long_name = \"d13C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14:long_name = \"d14C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of CC_\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" det_x:long_name = \"detrital (refractory) material flux\" ;\n"
" det_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:long_name = \"detrital scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" opal_x:long_name = \"opal flux\" ;\n"
" opal_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" ash_x:long_name = \"ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux\" ;\n"
" ash_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" time:long_name = \"Year\" ;\n"
" time:units = \"equal month years\" ;\n"
" year:long_name = \"year\" ;\n"
" lon:long_name = \"longitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lon:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" lat:long_name = \"latitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lat:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt:long_name = \"z-level mid depth\" ;\n"
" zt:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu:long_name = \"longitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" xu:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" yu:long_name = \"latitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" yu:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:long_name = \"longitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:long_name = \"latitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:long_name = \"depth of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:long_name = \"longitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:long_name = \"latitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:long_name = \"latitude of moc grid\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:long_name = \"depth of moc grid\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" A:long_name = \"ocean surface area\" ;\n"
" A:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" Vol:long_name = \"ocean volume\" ;\n"
" Vol:units = \"m3\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:long_name = \"ocean depth grid level 1=deepest\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:long_name = \"ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:long_name = \"ocean depth\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid area\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid mass\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:long_name = \"MM kinetics index lg phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:long_name = \"MM kinetics index sm phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:long_name = \"area_oc3\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:long_name = \"mass_oc3\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" temp:long_name = \"temperature\" ;\n"
" temp:units = \"K\" ;\n"
" sal:long_name = \"salinity\" ;\n"
" sal:units = \"PSU\" ;\n"
" DIC:long_name = \"dissolved inorganic carbon\" ;\n"
" DIC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" NO3:long_name = \"dissolved nitrate\" ;\n"
" NO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" PO4:long_name = \"dissolved phosphate\" ;\n"
" PO4:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Fe:long_name = \"dissolved iron\" ;\n"
" Fe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" O2:long_name = \"dissolved oxygen\" ;\n"
" O2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ALK:long_name = \"alkalinity\" ;\n"
" ALK:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" SiO2:long_name = \"aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)\" ;\n"
" SiO2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC:long_name = \"dissolved organic carbon\" ;\n"
" DOC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DON:long_name = \"dissolved organic nitrogen\" ;\n"
" DON:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOP:long_name = \"dissolved organic phosphorous\" ;\n"
" DOP:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOFe:long_name = \"dissolved organic iron\" ;\n"
" DOFe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" FeL:long_name = \"ligand-bound Fe\" ;\n"
" FeL:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Ligand:long_name = \"iron binding ligand\" ;\n"
" Ligand:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" N2:long_name = \"dissolved nitrogen\" ;\n"
" N2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CFC11:long_name = \"dissolved CFC-11\" ;\n"
" CFC11:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CFC12:long_name = \"dissolved CFC-12\" ;\n"
" CFC12:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" MM_diaz:long_name = \"M-M kinetics index diaz phyto\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:long_name = \"Si:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:long_name = \"O2:POP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:long_name = \"O2:POC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:long_name = \"O2:DOP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:long_name = \"O2:DOC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:long_name = \"DIC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:long_name = \"DOC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" H:long_name = \"H carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" H:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:long_name = \"fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:units = \"atm\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:long_name = \"CO2_aq carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CO3:long_name = \"CO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" HCO3:long_name = \"HCO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" HCO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:long_name = \"ohm_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:long_name = \"ohm_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:long_name = \"dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:long_name = \"dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" pH:long_name = \"pH\" ;\n"
" pH:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:long_name = \" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:long_name = \" cc_frac2\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" den_m2:long_name = \"oceanic denitrification (flux)\" ;\n"
" den_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:long_name = \"N-fixation (flux)\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" DOM_frac:long_name = \"DOM export fraction\" ;\n"
" res_m2:long_name = \"oceanic respiration (flux)\" ;\n"
" res_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_x:long_name = \"particulate organic carbon flux\" ;\n"
" POC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_13:long_name = \"d13C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14:long_name = \"D14C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of POC\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PON_x:long_name = \"particulate organic nitrogen flux\" ;\n"
" PON_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POP_x:long_name = \"particulate organic phosphate flux\" ;\n"
" POP_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:long_name = \"particulate organic iron flux\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = \"POM scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_x:long_name = \"calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux\" ;\n"
" CC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_13:long_name = \"d13C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14:long_name = \"d14C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of CC_\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" det_x:long_name = \"detrital (refractory) material flux\" ;\n"
" det_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:long_name = \"detrital scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" opal_x:long_name = \"opal flux\" ;\n"
" opal_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" ash_x:long_name = \"ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux\" ;\n"
" ash_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" time:long_name = \"Year\" ;\n"
" time:units = \"equal month years\" ;\n"
" year:long_name = \"year\" ;\n"
" lon:long_name = \"longitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lon:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" lat:long_name = \"latitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lat:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt:long_name = \"z-level mid depth\" ;\n"
" zt:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu:long_name = \"longitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" xu:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" yu:long_name = \"latitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" yu:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:long_name = \"longitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:long_name = \"latitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:long_name = \"depth of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:long_name = \"longitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:long_name = \"latitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:long_name = \"latitude of moc grid\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:long_name = \"depth of moc grid\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" A:long_name = \"ocean surface area\" ;\n"
" A:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" Vol:long_name = \"ocean volume\" ;\n"
" Vol:units = \"m3\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:long_name = \"ocean depth grid level 1=deepest\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:long_name = \"ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:long_name = \"ocean depth\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid area\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid mass\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:long_name = \"MM kinetics index lg phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:long_name = \"MM kinetics index sm phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:long_name = \"area_oc3\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:long_name = \"mass_oc3\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" temp:long_name = \"temperature\" ;\n"
" temp:units = \"K\" ;\n"
" sal:long_name = \"salinity\" ;\n"
" sal:units = \"PSU\" ;\n"
" DIC:long_name = \"dissolved inorganic carbon\" ;\n"
" DIC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" NO3:long_name = \"dissolved nitrate\" ;\n"
" NO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" PO4:long_name = \"dissolved phosphate\" ;\n"
" PO4:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Fe:long_name = \"dissolved iron\" ;\n"
" Fe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" O2:long_name = \"dissolved oxygen\" ;\n"
" O2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ALK:long_name = \"alkalinity\" ;\n"
" ALK:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" SiO2:long_name = \"aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)\" ;\n"
" SiO2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC:long_name = \"dissolved organic carbon\" ;\n"
" DOC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DON:long_name = \"dissolved organic nitrogen\" ;\n"
" DON:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOP:long_name = \"dissolved organic phosphorous\" ;\n"
" DOP:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOFe:long_name = \"dissolved organic iron\" ;\n"
" DOFe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" FeL:long_name = \"ligand-bound Fe\" ;\n"
" FeL:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Ligand:long_name = \"iron binding ligand\" ;\n"
" Ligand:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" N2:long_name = \"dissolved nitrogen\" ;\n"
" N2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" MM_diaz:long_name = \"M-M kinetics index diaz phyto\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:long_name = \"Si:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:long_name = \"O2:POP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:long_name = \"O2:POC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:long_name = \"O2:DOP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:long_name = \"O2:DOC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:long_name = \"DIC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:long_name = \"DOC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" H:long_name = \"H carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" H:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:long_name = \"fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:units = \"atm\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:long_name = \"CO2_aq carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CO3:long_name = \"CO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" HCO3:long_name = \"HCO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" HCO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:long_name = \"ohm_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:long_name = \"ohm_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:long_name = \"dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:long_name = \"dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" pH:long_name = \"pH\" ;\n"
" pH:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:long_name = \" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:long_name = \" cc_frac2\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" den_m2:long_name = \"oceanic denitrification (flux)\" ;\n"
" den_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:long_name = \"N-fixation (flux)\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" DOM_frac:long_name = \"DOM export fraction\" ;\n"
" res_m2:long_name = \"oceanic respiration (flux)\" ;\n"
" res_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_x:long_name = \"particulate organic carbon flux\" ;\n"
" POC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_13:long_name = \"d13C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14:long_name = \"D14C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of POC\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PON_x:long_name = \"particulate organic nitrogen flux\" ;\n"
" PON_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POP_x:long_name = \"particulate organic phosphate flux\" ;\n"
" POP_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:long_name = \"particulate organic iron flux\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = \"POM scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_x:long_name = \"calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux\" ;\n"
" CC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_13:long_name = \"d13C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14:long_name = \"d14C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of CC_\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" det_x:long_name = \"detrital (refractory) material flux\" ;\n"
" det_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:long_name = \"detrital scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" opal_x:long_name = \"opal flux\" ;\n"
" opal_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" ash_x:long_name = \"ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux\" ;\n"
" ash_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" time:long_name = \"Year\" ;\n"
" time:units = \"equal month years\" ;\n"
" year:long_name = \"year\" ;\n"
" lon:long_name = \"longitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lon:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" lat:long_name = \"latitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lat:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt:long_name = \"z-level mid depth\" ;\n"
" zt:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu:long_name = \"longitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" xu:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" yu:long_name = \"latitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" yu:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:long_name = \"longitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:long_name = \"latitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:long_name = \"depth of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:long_name = \"longitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:long_name = \"latitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:long_name = \"latitude of moc grid\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:long_name = \"depth of moc grid\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" A:long_name = \"ocean surface area\" ;\n"
" A:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" Vol:long_name = \"ocean volume\" ;\n"
" Vol:units = \"m3\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:long_name = \"ocean depth grid level 1=deepest\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:long_name = \"ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:long_name = \"ocean depth\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid area\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid mass\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:long_name = \"MM kinetics index lg phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:long_name = \"MM kinetics index sm phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:long_name = \"area_oc3\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:long_name = \"mass_oc3\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" temp:long_name = \"temperature\" ;\n"
" temp:units = \"K\" ;\n"
" sal:long_name = \"salinity\" ;\n"
" sal:units = \"PSU\" ;\n"
" DIC:long_name = \"dissolved inorganic carbon\" ;\n"
" DIC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" NO3:long_name = \"dissolved nitrate\" ;\n"
" NO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" PO4:long_name = \"dissolved phosphate\" ;\n"
" PO4:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Fe:long_name = \"dissolved iron\" ;\n"
" Fe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" O2:long_name = \"dissolved oxygen\" ;\n"
" O2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ALK:long_name = \"alkalinity\" ;\n"
" ALK:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" SiO2:long_name = \"aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)\" ;\n"
" SiO2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC:long_name = \"dissolved organic carbon\" ;\n"
" DOC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DON:long_name = \"dissolved organic nitrogen\" ;\n"
" DON:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOP:long_name = \"dissolved organic phosphorous\" ;\n"
" DOP:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOFe:long_name = \"dissolved organic iron\" ;\n"
" DOFe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" FeL:long_name = \"ligand-bound Fe\" ;\n"
" FeL:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Ligand:long_name = \"iron binding ligand\" ;\n"
" Ligand:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" N2:long_name = \"dissolved nitrogen\" ;\n"
" N2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CFC11:long_name = \"dissolved CFC-11\" ;\n"
" CFC11:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CFC12:long_name = \"dissolved CFC-12\" ;\n"
" CFC12:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" MM_diaz:long_name = \"M-M kinetics index diaz phyto\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:long_name = \"Si:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:long_name = \"O2:POP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:long_name = \"O2:POC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:long_name = \"O2:DOP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:long_name = \"O2:DOC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:long_name = \"DIC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:long_name = \"DOC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" H:long_name = \"H carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" H:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:long_name = \"fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:units = \"atm\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:long_name = \"CO2_aq carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CO3:long_name = \"CO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" HCO3:long_name = \"HCO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" HCO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:long_name = \"ohm_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:long_name = \"ohm_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:long_name = \"dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:long_name = \"dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" pH:long_name = \"pH\" ;\n"
" pH:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:long_name = \" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:long_name = \" cc_frac2\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" den_m2:long_name = \"oceanic denitrification (flux)\" ;\n"
" den_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:long_name = \"N-fixation (flux)\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" DOM_frac:long_name = \"DOM export fraction\" ;\n"
" res_m2:long_name = \"oceanic respiration (flux)\" ;\n"
" res_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_x:long_name = \"particulate organic carbon flux\" ;\n"
" POC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_13:long_name = \"d13C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14:long_name = \"D14C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of POC\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PON_x:long_name = \"particulate organic nitrogen flux\" ;\n"
" PON_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POP_x:long_name = \"particulate organic phosphate flux\" ;\n"
" POP_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:long_name = \"particulate organic iron flux\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = \"POM scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_x:long_name = \"calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux\" ;\n"
" CC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_13:long_name = \"d13C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14:long_name = \"d14C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of CC_\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" det_x:long_name = \"detrital (refractory) material flux\" ;\n"
" det_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:long_name = \"detrital scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" opal_x:long_name = \"opal flux\" ;\n"
" opal_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" ash_x:long_name = \"ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux\" ;\n"
" ash_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" time:long_name = \"Year\" ;\n"
" time:units = \"equal month years\" ;\n"
" year:long_name = \"year\" ;\n"
" lon:long_name = \"longitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lon:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" lat:long_name = \"latitude of the t grid\" ;\n"
" lat:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt:long_name = \"z-level mid depth\" ;\n"
" zt:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu:long_name = \"longitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" xu:units = \"degrees_east\" ;\n"
" yu:long_name = \"latitude of the u grid\" ;\n"
" yu:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:long_name = \"longitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lon_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:long_name = \"latitude of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" lat_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:long_name = \"depth of t grid edges\" ;\n"
" zt_edges:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:long_name = \"longitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" xu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:long_name = \"latitude of u grid edges\" ;\n"
" yu_edges:units = \"degrees\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:long_name = \"latitude of moc grid\" ;\n"
" lat_moc:units = \"degrees_north\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:long_name = \"depth of moc grid\" ;\n"
" zt_moc:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" A:long_name = \"ocean surface area\" ;\n"
" A:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" Vol:long_name = \"ocean volume\" ;\n"
" Vol:units = \"m3\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:long_name = \"ocean depth grid level 1=deepest\" ;\n"
" mask_lev:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:long_name = \"ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land\" ;\n"
" mask_ocn:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:long_name = \"ocean depth\" ;\n"
" topo_ocn:units = \"m\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid area\" ;\n"
" area_ocn:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:long_name = \"ocean srfc grid mass\" ;\n"
" mass_ocn:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:long_name = \"MM kinetics index lg phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_lg:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:long_name = \"MM kinetics index sm phyto\" ;\n"
" MM_sm:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:long_name = \"area_oc3\" ;\n"
" area_oc3:units = \"m2\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:long_name = \"mass_oc3\" ;\n"
" mass_oc3:units = \"kg\" ;\n"
" temp:long_name = \"temperature\" ;\n"
" temp:units = \"K\" ;\n"
" sal:long_name = \"salinity\" ;\n"
" sal:units = \"PSU\" ;\n"
" DIC:long_name = \"dissolved inorganic carbon\" ;\n"
" DIC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DIC\" ;\n"
" DIC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" NO3:long_name = \"dissolved nitrate\" ;\n"
" NO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" PO4:long_name = \"dissolved phosphate\" ;\n"
" PO4:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Fe:long_name = \"dissolved iron\" ;\n"
" Fe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" O2:long_name = \"dissolved oxygen\" ;\n"
" O2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ALK:long_name = \"alkalinity\" ;\n"
" ALK:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" SiO2:long_name = \"aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)\" ;\n"
" SiO2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC:long_name = \"dissolved organic carbon\" ;\n"
" DOC:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:long_name = \"d13C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:long_name = \"D14C of DOM_C\" ;\n"
" DOC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" DON:long_name = \"dissolved organic nitrogen\" ;\n"
" DON:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOP:long_name = \"dissolved organic phosphorous\" ;\n"
" DOP:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOFe:long_name = \"dissolved organic iron\" ;\n"
" DOFe:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" FeL:long_name = \"ligand-bound Fe\" ;\n"
" FeL:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" Ligand:long_name = \"iron binding ligand\" ;\n"
" Ligand:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" N2:long_name = \"dissolved nitrogen\" ;\n"
" N2:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" MM_diaz:long_name = \"M-M kinetics index diaz phyto\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:long_name = \"Si:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" si_to_n:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_lg\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_lg:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_sm\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_sm:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"C:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:long_name = \"C:N uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" C_to_N_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:long_name = \"N:P uptake ratio_diaz\" ;\n"
" N_to_P_diaz:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:long_name = \"O2:POP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:long_name = \"O2:POC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:long_name = \"O2:DOP remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOP:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:long_name = \"O2:DOC remin ratio\" ;\n"
" O2_to_DOC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:long_name = \"DIC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DIC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:long_name = \"DOC_14 concentration\" ;\n"
" DOC_14Q:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" H:long_name = \"H carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" H:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:long_name = \"fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" fug_CO2:units = \"atm\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:long_name = \"CO2_aq carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO2_aq:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" CO3:long_name = \"CO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" CO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" HCO3:long_name = \"HCO3 carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" HCO3:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:long_name = \"ohm_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_cal:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:long_name = \"ohm_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" ohm_arg:units = \"saturation 1=100%\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:long_name = \"dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_cal:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:long_name = \"dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry\" ;\n"
" dCO3_arg:units = \"mol kg-1\" ;\n"
" pH:long_name = \"pH\" ;\n"
" pH:units = \"1\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:long_name = \" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)\" ;\n"
" CC2POC:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:long_name = \" cc_frac2\" ;\n"
" CC_frac2:units = \"ratio\" ;\n"
" den_m2:long_name = \"oceanic denitrification (flux)\" ;\n"
" den_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:long_name = \"N-fixation (flux)\" ;\n"
" Nfix_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_lg:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_sm:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz\" ;\n"
" NPP_m2_diaz:units = \"molC m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_LG in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_lg:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_SM in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_sm:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = \"Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P\" ;\n"
" NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = \"molP m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" DOM_frac:long_name = \"DOM export fraction\" ;\n"
" res_m2:long_name = \"oceanic respiration (flux)\" ;\n"
" res_m2:units = \"molN m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_x:long_name = \"particulate organic carbon flux\" ;\n"
" POC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POC_13:long_name = \"d13C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14:long_name = \"D14C of POC flux\" ;\n"
" POC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of POC\" ;\n"
" POC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PON_x:long_name = \"particulate organic nitrogen flux\" ;\n"
" PON_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POP_x:long_name = \"particulate organic phosphate flux\" ;\n"
" POP_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:long_name = \"particulate organic iron flux\" ;\n"
" POFe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = \"POM scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" PO_sc_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_x:long_name = \"calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux\" ;\n"
" CC_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" CC_13:long_name = \"d13C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_13:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14:long_name = \"d14C of CaCO3 flux\" ;\n"
" CC_14:units = \"o/oo\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:long_name = \"14C flux of CC_\" ;\n"
" CC_14_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" det_x:long_name = \"detrital (refractory) material flux\" ;\n"
" det_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:long_name = \"detrital scavenged Fe flux\" ;\n"
" dt_Fe_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" opal_x:long_name = \"opal flux\" ;\n"
" opal_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n"
" ash_x:long_name = \"ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux\" ;\n"
" ash_x:units = \"mol m-2 yr-1\" ;\n")
subst = "${param},\"${def}\",\"${units}\""
# You can manually specify the number of replacements by changing the 4th argument
result = re.sub(regex, subst, test_str, 0, re.MULTILINE)
if result:
print (result)
# Note: for Python 2.7 compatibility, use ur"" to prefix the regex and u"" to prefix the test string and substitution.
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Python, please visit: https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html