using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Example
public static void Main()
string pattern = @"^\s*(?'param'.*):long_name = ""(?'def'.*)"" ;(\n^.*:units = ""(?'units'.*)"" ;$)?";
string substitution = @"${param},""${def}"",""${units}""";
string input = @" time:long_name = ""Year"" ;
time:units = ""equal month years"" ;
year:long_name = ""year"" ;
lon:long_name = ""longitude of the t grid"" ;
lon:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
lat:long_name = ""latitude of the t grid"" ;
lat:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt:long_name = ""z-level mid depth"" ;
zt:units = ""m"" ;
xu:long_name = ""longitude of the u grid"" ;
xu:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
yu:long_name = ""latitude of the u grid"" ;
yu:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
lon_edges:long_name = ""longitude of t grid edges"" ;
lon_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_edges:long_name = ""latitude of t grid edges"" ;
lat_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
zt_edges:long_name = ""depth of t grid edges"" ;
zt_edges:units = ""m"" ;
xu_edges:long_name = ""longitude of u grid edges"" ;
xu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
yu_edges:long_name = ""latitude of u grid edges"" ;
yu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_moc:long_name = ""latitude of moc grid"" ;
lat_moc:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt_moc:long_name = ""depth of moc grid"" ;
zt_moc:units = ""m"" ;
A:long_name = ""ocean surface area"" ;
A:units = ""m2"" ;
Vol:long_name = ""ocean volume"" ;
Vol:units = ""m3"" ;
mask_lev:long_name = ""ocean depth grid level 1=deepest"" ;
mask_lev:units = ""1"" ;
mask_ocn:long_name = ""ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land"" ;
mask_ocn:units = ""1"" ;
topo_ocn:long_name = ""ocean depth"" ;
topo_ocn:units = ""m"" ;
area_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid area"" ;
area_ocn:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid mass"" ;
mass_ocn:units = ""kg"" ;
MM_lg:long_name = ""MM kinetics index lg phyto"" ;
MM_lg:units = ""1"" ;
MM_sm:long_name = ""MM kinetics index sm phyto"" ;
MM_sm:units = ""1"" ;
area_oc3:long_name = ""area_oc3"" ;
area_oc3:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_oc3:long_name = ""mass_oc3"" ;
mass_oc3:units = ""kg"" ;
temp:long_name = ""temperature"" ;
temp:units = ""K"" ;
sal:long_name = ""salinity"" ;
sal:units = ""PSU"" ;
DIC:long_name = ""dissolved inorganic carbon"" ;
DIC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DIC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DIC"" ;
DIC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DIC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DIC"" ;
DIC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
NO3:long_name = ""dissolved nitrate"" ;
NO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
PO4:long_name = ""dissolved phosphate"" ;
PO4:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Fe:long_name = ""dissolved iron"" ;
Fe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
O2:long_name = ""dissolved oxygen"" ;
O2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ALK:long_name = ""alkalinity"" ;
ALK:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
SiO2:long_name = ""aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)"" ;
SiO2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC:long_name = ""dissolved organic carbon"" ;
DOC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DOC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DON:long_name = ""dissolved organic nitrogen"" ;
DON:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOP:long_name = ""dissolved organic phosphorous"" ;
DOP:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOFe:long_name = ""dissolved organic iron"" ;
DOFe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
FeL:long_name = ""ligand-bound Fe"" ;
FeL:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Ligand:long_name = ""iron binding ligand"" ;
Ligand:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
N2:long_name = ""dissolved nitrogen"" ;
N2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CFC11:long_name = ""dissolved CFC-11"" ;
CFC11:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CFC12:long_name = ""dissolved CFC-12"" ;
CFC12:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
MM_diaz:long_name = ""M-M kinetics index diaz phyto"" ;
si_to_n:long_name = ""Si:N uptake ratio"" ;
si_to_n:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_N:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio"" ;
N_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_lg:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_lg:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_N_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_lg:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
N_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_sm:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_sm:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_N_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_sm:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
N_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:long_name = ""O2:POP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:long_name = ""O2:POC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:long_name = ""O2:DOP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:long_name = ""O2:DOC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:units = ""ratio"" ;
DIC_14Q:long_name = ""DIC_14 concentration"" ;
DIC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_14Q:long_name = ""DOC_14 concentration"" ;
DOC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
H:long_name = ""H carbonate chemistry"" ;
H:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
fug_CO2:long_name = ""fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry"" ;
fug_CO2:units = ""atm"" ;
CO2_aq:long_name = ""CO2_aq carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO2_aq:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CO3:long_name = ""CO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
HCO3:long_name = ""HCO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
HCO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ohm_cal:long_name = ""ohm_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_cal:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
ohm_arg:long_name = ""ohm_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_arg:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
dCO3_cal:long_name = ""dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_cal:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
dCO3_arg:long_name = ""dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_arg:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
pH:long_name = ""pH"" ;
pH:units = ""1"" ;
CC2POC:long_name = "" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)"" ;
CC2POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
CC_frac2:long_name = "" cc_frac2"" ;
CC_frac2:units = ""ratio"" ;
den_m2:long_name = ""oceanic denitrification (flux)"" ;
den_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
Nfix_m2:long_name = ""N-fixation (flux)"" ;
Nfix_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity"" ;
NPP_m2:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
DOM_frac:long_name = ""DOM export fraction"" ;
res_m2:long_name = ""oceanic respiration (flux)"" ;
res_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_x:long_name = ""particulate organic carbon flux"" ;
POC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_13:long_name = ""d13C of POC flux"" ;
POC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14:long_name = ""D14C of POC flux"" ;
POC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of POC"" ;
POC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PON_x:long_name = ""particulate organic nitrogen flux"" ;
PON_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POP_x:long_name = ""particulate organic phosphate flux"" ;
POP_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POFe_x:long_name = ""particulate organic iron flux"" ;
POFe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = ""POM scavenged Fe flux"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_x:long_name = ""calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux"" ;
CC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_13:long_name = ""d13C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14:long_name = ""d14C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of CC_"" ;
CC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
det_x:long_name = ""detrital (refractory) material flux"" ;
det_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
dt_Fe_x:long_name = ""detrital scavenged Fe flux"" ;
dt_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
opal_x:long_name = ""opal flux"" ;
opal_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
ash_x:long_name = ""ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux"" ;
ash_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
time:long_name = ""Year"" ;
time:units = ""equal month years"" ;
year:long_name = ""year"" ;
lon:long_name = ""longitude of the t grid"" ;
lon:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
lat:long_name = ""latitude of the t grid"" ;
lat:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt:long_name = ""z-level mid depth"" ;
zt:units = ""m"" ;
xu:long_name = ""longitude of the u grid"" ;
xu:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
yu:long_name = ""latitude of the u grid"" ;
yu:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
lon_edges:long_name = ""longitude of t grid edges"" ;
lon_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_edges:long_name = ""latitude of t grid edges"" ;
lat_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
zt_edges:long_name = ""depth of t grid edges"" ;
zt_edges:units = ""m"" ;
xu_edges:long_name = ""longitude of u grid edges"" ;
xu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
yu_edges:long_name = ""latitude of u grid edges"" ;
yu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_moc:long_name = ""latitude of moc grid"" ;
lat_moc:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt_moc:long_name = ""depth of moc grid"" ;
zt_moc:units = ""m"" ;
A:long_name = ""ocean surface area"" ;
A:units = ""m2"" ;
Vol:long_name = ""ocean volume"" ;
Vol:units = ""m3"" ;
mask_lev:long_name = ""ocean depth grid level 1=deepest"" ;
mask_lev:units = ""1"" ;
mask_ocn:long_name = ""ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land"" ;
mask_ocn:units = ""1"" ;
topo_ocn:long_name = ""ocean depth"" ;
topo_ocn:units = ""m"" ;
area_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid area"" ;
area_ocn:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid mass"" ;
mass_ocn:units = ""kg"" ;
MM_lg:long_name = ""MM kinetics index lg phyto"" ;
MM_lg:units = ""1"" ;
MM_sm:long_name = ""MM kinetics index sm phyto"" ;
MM_sm:units = ""1"" ;
area_oc3:long_name = ""area_oc3"" ;
area_oc3:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_oc3:long_name = ""mass_oc3"" ;
mass_oc3:units = ""kg"" ;
temp:long_name = ""temperature"" ;
temp:units = ""K"" ;
sal:long_name = ""salinity"" ;
sal:units = ""PSU"" ;
DIC:long_name = ""dissolved inorganic carbon"" ;
DIC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DIC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DIC"" ;
DIC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DIC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DIC"" ;
DIC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
NO3:long_name = ""dissolved nitrate"" ;
NO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
PO4:long_name = ""dissolved phosphate"" ;
PO4:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Fe:long_name = ""dissolved iron"" ;
Fe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
O2:long_name = ""dissolved oxygen"" ;
O2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ALK:long_name = ""alkalinity"" ;
ALK:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
SiO2:long_name = ""aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)"" ;
SiO2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC:long_name = ""dissolved organic carbon"" ;
DOC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DOC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DON:long_name = ""dissolved organic nitrogen"" ;
DON:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOP:long_name = ""dissolved organic phosphorous"" ;
DOP:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOFe:long_name = ""dissolved organic iron"" ;
DOFe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
FeL:long_name = ""ligand-bound Fe"" ;
FeL:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Ligand:long_name = ""iron binding ligand"" ;
Ligand:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
N2:long_name = ""dissolved nitrogen"" ;
N2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CFC11:long_name = ""dissolved CFC-11"" ;
CFC11:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CFC12:long_name = ""dissolved CFC-12"" ;
CFC12:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
MM_diaz:long_name = ""M-M kinetics index diaz phyto"" ;
si_to_n:long_name = ""Si:N uptake ratio"" ;
si_to_n:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_N:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio"" ;
N_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_lg:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_lg:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_N_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_lg:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
N_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_sm:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_sm:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_N_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_sm:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
N_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:long_name = ""O2:POP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:long_name = ""O2:POC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:long_name = ""O2:DOP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:long_name = ""O2:DOC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:units = ""ratio"" ;
DIC_14Q:long_name = ""DIC_14 concentration"" ;
DIC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_14Q:long_name = ""DOC_14 concentration"" ;
DOC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
H:long_name = ""H carbonate chemistry"" ;
H:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
fug_CO2:long_name = ""fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry"" ;
fug_CO2:units = ""atm"" ;
CO2_aq:long_name = ""CO2_aq carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO2_aq:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CO3:long_name = ""CO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
HCO3:long_name = ""HCO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
HCO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ohm_cal:long_name = ""ohm_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_cal:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
ohm_arg:long_name = ""ohm_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_arg:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
dCO3_cal:long_name = ""dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_cal:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
dCO3_arg:long_name = ""dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_arg:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
pH:long_name = ""pH"" ;
pH:units = ""1"" ;
CC2POC:long_name = "" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)"" ;
CC2POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
CC_frac2:long_name = "" cc_frac2"" ;
CC_frac2:units = ""ratio"" ;
den_m2:long_name = ""oceanic denitrification (flux)"" ;
den_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
Nfix_m2:long_name = ""N-fixation (flux)"" ;
Nfix_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity"" ;
NPP_m2:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
DOM_frac:long_name = ""DOM export fraction"" ;
res_m2:long_name = ""oceanic respiration (flux)"" ;
res_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_x:long_name = ""particulate organic carbon flux"" ;
POC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_13:long_name = ""d13C of POC flux"" ;
POC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14:long_name = ""D14C of POC flux"" ;
POC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of POC"" ;
POC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PON_x:long_name = ""particulate organic nitrogen flux"" ;
PON_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POP_x:long_name = ""particulate organic phosphate flux"" ;
POP_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POFe_x:long_name = ""particulate organic iron flux"" ;
POFe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = ""POM scavenged Fe flux"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_x:long_name = ""calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux"" ;
CC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_13:long_name = ""d13C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14:long_name = ""d14C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of CC_"" ;
CC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
det_x:long_name = ""detrital (refractory) material flux"" ;
det_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
dt_Fe_x:long_name = ""detrital scavenged Fe flux"" ;
dt_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
opal_x:long_name = ""opal flux"" ;
opal_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
ash_x:long_name = ""ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux"" ;
ash_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
time:long_name = ""Year"" ;
time:units = ""equal month years"" ;
year:long_name = ""year"" ;
lon:long_name = ""longitude of the t grid"" ;
lon:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
lat:long_name = ""latitude of the t grid"" ;
lat:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt:long_name = ""z-level mid depth"" ;
zt:units = ""m"" ;
xu:long_name = ""longitude of the u grid"" ;
xu:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
yu:long_name = ""latitude of the u grid"" ;
yu:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
lon_edges:long_name = ""longitude of t grid edges"" ;
lon_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_edges:long_name = ""latitude of t grid edges"" ;
lat_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
zt_edges:long_name = ""depth of t grid edges"" ;
zt_edges:units = ""m"" ;
xu_edges:long_name = ""longitude of u grid edges"" ;
xu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
yu_edges:long_name = ""latitude of u grid edges"" ;
yu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_moc:long_name = ""latitude of moc grid"" ;
lat_moc:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt_moc:long_name = ""depth of moc grid"" ;
zt_moc:units = ""m"" ;
A:long_name = ""ocean surface area"" ;
A:units = ""m2"" ;
Vol:long_name = ""ocean volume"" ;
Vol:units = ""m3"" ;
mask_lev:long_name = ""ocean depth grid level 1=deepest"" ;
mask_lev:units = ""1"" ;
mask_ocn:long_name = ""ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land"" ;
mask_ocn:units = ""1"" ;
topo_ocn:long_name = ""ocean depth"" ;
topo_ocn:units = ""m"" ;
area_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid area"" ;
area_ocn:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid mass"" ;
mass_ocn:units = ""kg"" ;
MM_lg:long_name = ""MM kinetics index lg phyto"" ;
MM_lg:units = ""1"" ;
MM_sm:long_name = ""MM kinetics index sm phyto"" ;
MM_sm:units = ""1"" ;
area_oc3:long_name = ""area_oc3"" ;
area_oc3:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_oc3:long_name = ""mass_oc3"" ;
mass_oc3:units = ""kg"" ;
temp:long_name = ""temperature"" ;
temp:units = ""K"" ;
sal:long_name = ""salinity"" ;
sal:units = ""PSU"" ;
DIC:long_name = ""dissolved inorganic carbon"" ;
DIC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DIC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DIC"" ;
DIC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DIC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DIC"" ;
DIC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
NO3:long_name = ""dissolved nitrate"" ;
NO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
PO4:long_name = ""dissolved phosphate"" ;
PO4:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Fe:long_name = ""dissolved iron"" ;
Fe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
O2:long_name = ""dissolved oxygen"" ;
O2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ALK:long_name = ""alkalinity"" ;
ALK:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
SiO2:long_name = ""aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)"" ;
SiO2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC:long_name = ""dissolved organic carbon"" ;
DOC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DOC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DON:long_name = ""dissolved organic nitrogen"" ;
DON:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOP:long_name = ""dissolved organic phosphorous"" ;
DOP:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOFe:long_name = ""dissolved organic iron"" ;
DOFe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
FeL:long_name = ""ligand-bound Fe"" ;
FeL:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Ligand:long_name = ""iron binding ligand"" ;
Ligand:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
N2:long_name = ""dissolved nitrogen"" ;
N2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CFC11:long_name = ""dissolved CFC-11"" ;
CFC11:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CFC12:long_name = ""dissolved CFC-12"" ;
CFC12:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
MM_diaz:long_name = ""M-M kinetics index diaz phyto"" ;
si_to_n:long_name = ""Si:N uptake ratio"" ;
si_to_n:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_N:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio"" ;
N_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_lg:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_lg:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_N_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_lg:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
N_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_sm:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_sm:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_N_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_sm:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
N_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:long_name = ""O2:POP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:long_name = ""O2:POC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:long_name = ""O2:DOP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:long_name = ""O2:DOC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:units = ""ratio"" ;
DIC_14Q:long_name = ""DIC_14 concentration"" ;
DIC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_14Q:long_name = ""DOC_14 concentration"" ;
DOC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
H:long_name = ""H carbonate chemistry"" ;
H:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
fug_CO2:long_name = ""fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry"" ;
fug_CO2:units = ""atm"" ;
CO2_aq:long_name = ""CO2_aq carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO2_aq:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CO3:long_name = ""CO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
HCO3:long_name = ""HCO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
HCO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ohm_cal:long_name = ""ohm_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_cal:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
ohm_arg:long_name = ""ohm_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_arg:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
dCO3_cal:long_name = ""dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_cal:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
dCO3_arg:long_name = ""dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_arg:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
pH:long_name = ""pH"" ;
pH:units = ""1"" ;
CC2POC:long_name = "" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)"" ;
CC2POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
CC_frac2:long_name = "" cc_frac2"" ;
CC_frac2:units = ""ratio"" ;
den_m2:long_name = ""oceanic denitrification (flux)"" ;
den_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
Nfix_m2:long_name = ""N-fixation (flux)"" ;
Nfix_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity"" ;
NPP_m2:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
DOM_frac:long_name = ""DOM export fraction"" ;
res_m2:long_name = ""oceanic respiration (flux)"" ;
res_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_x:long_name = ""particulate organic carbon flux"" ;
POC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_13:long_name = ""d13C of POC flux"" ;
POC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14:long_name = ""D14C of POC flux"" ;
POC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of POC"" ;
POC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PON_x:long_name = ""particulate organic nitrogen flux"" ;
PON_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POP_x:long_name = ""particulate organic phosphate flux"" ;
POP_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POFe_x:long_name = ""particulate organic iron flux"" ;
POFe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = ""POM scavenged Fe flux"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_x:long_name = ""calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux"" ;
CC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_13:long_name = ""d13C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14:long_name = ""d14C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of CC_"" ;
CC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
det_x:long_name = ""detrital (refractory) material flux"" ;
det_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
dt_Fe_x:long_name = ""detrital scavenged Fe flux"" ;
dt_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
opal_x:long_name = ""opal flux"" ;
opal_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
ash_x:long_name = ""ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux"" ;
ash_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
time:long_name = ""Year"" ;
time:units = ""equal month years"" ;
year:long_name = ""year"" ;
lon:long_name = ""longitude of the t grid"" ;
lon:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
lat:long_name = ""latitude of the t grid"" ;
lat:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt:long_name = ""z-level mid depth"" ;
zt:units = ""m"" ;
xu:long_name = ""longitude of the u grid"" ;
xu:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
yu:long_name = ""latitude of the u grid"" ;
yu:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
lon_edges:long_name = ""longitude of t grid edges"" ;
lon_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_edges:long_name = ""latitude of t grid edges"" ;
lat_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
zt_edges:long_name = ""depth of t grid edges"" ;
zt_edges:units = ""m"" ;
xu_edges:long_name = ""longitude of u grid edges"" ;
xu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
yu_edges:long_name = ""latitude of u grid edges"" ;
yu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_moc:long_name = ""latitude of moc grid"" ;
lat_moc:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt_moc:long_name = ""depth of moc grid"" ;
zt_moc:units = ""m"" ;
A:long_name = ""ocean surface area"" ;
A:units = ""m2"" ;
Vol:long_name = ""ocean volume"" ;
Vol:units = ""m3"" ;
mask_lev:long_name = ""ocean depth grid level 1=deepest"" ;
mask_lev:units = ""1"" ;
mask_ocn:long_name = ""ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land"" ;
mask_ocn:units = ""1"" ;
topo_ocn:long_name = ""ocean depth"" ;
topo_ocn:units = ""m"" ;
area_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid area"" ;
area_ocn:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid mass"" ;
mass_ocn:units = ""kg"" ;
MM_lg:long_name = ""MM kinetics index lg phyto"" ;
MM_lg:units = ""1"" ;
MM_sm:long_name = ""MM kinetics index sm phyto"" ;
MM_sm:units = ""1"" ;
area_oc3:long_name = ""area_oc3"" ;
area_oc3:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_oc3:long_name = ""mass_oc3"" ;
mass_oc3:units = ""kg"" ;
temp:long_name = ""temperature"" ;
temp:units = ""K"" ;
sal:long_name = ""salinity"" ;
sal:units = ""PSU"" ;
DIC:long_name = ""dissolved inorganic carbon"" ;
DIC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DIC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DIC"" ;
DIC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DIC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DIC"" ;
DIC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
NO3:long_name = ""dissolved nitrate"" ;
NO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
PO4:long_name = ""dissolved phosphate"" ;
PO4:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Fe:long_name = ""dissolved iron"" ;
Fe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
O2:long_name = ""dissolved oxygen"" ;
O2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ALK:long_name = ""alkalinity"" ;
ALK:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
SiO2:long_name = ""aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)"" ;
SiO2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC:long_name = ""dissolved organic carbon"" ;
DOC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DOC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DON:long_name = ""dissolved organic nitrogen"" ;
DON:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOP:long_name = ""dissolved organic phosphorous"" ;
DOP:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOFe:long_name = ""dissolved organic iron"" ;
DOFe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
FeL:long_name = ""ligand-bound Fe"" ;
FeL:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Ligand:long_name = ""iron binding ligand"" ;
Ligand:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
N2:long_name = ""dissolved nitrogen"" ;
N2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
MM_diaz:long_name = ""M-M kinetics index diaz phyto"" ;
si_to_n:long_name = ""Si:N uptake ratio"" ;
si_to_n:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_N:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio"" ;
N_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_lg:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_lg:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_N_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_lg:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
N_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_sm:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_sm:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_N_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_sm:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
N_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:long_name = ""O2:POP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:long_name = ""O2:POC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:long_name = ""O2:DOP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:long_name = ""O2:DOC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:units = ""ratio"" ;
DIC_14Q:long_name = ""DIC_14 concentration"" ;
DIC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_14Q:long_name = ""DOC_14 concentration"" ;
DOC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
H:long_name = ""H carbonate chemistry"" ;
H:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
fug_CO2:long_name = ""fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry"" ;
fug_CO2:units = ""atm"" ;
CO2_aq:long_name = ""CO2_aq carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO2_aq:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CO3:long_name = ""CO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
HCO3:long_name = ""HCO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
HCO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ohm_cal:long_name = ""ohm_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_cal:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
ohm_arg:long_name = ""ohm_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_arg:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
dCO3_cal:long_name = ""dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_cal:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
dCO3_arg:long_name = ""dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_arg:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
pH:long_name = ""pH"" ;
pH:units = ""1"" ;
CC2POC:long_name = "" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)"" ;
CC2POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
CC_frac2:long_name = "" cc_frac2"" ;
CC_frac2:units = ""ratio"" ;
den_m2:long_name = ""oceanic denitrification (flux)"" ;
den_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
Nfix_m2:long_name = ""N-fixation (flux)"" ;
Nfix_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity"" ;
NPP_m2:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
DOM_frac:long_name = ""DOM export fraction"" ;
res_m2:long_name = ""oceanic respiration (flux)"" ;
res_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_x:long_name = ""particulate organic carbon flux"" ;
POC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_13:long_name = ""d13C of POC flux"" ;
POC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14:long_name = ""D14C of POC flux"" ;
POC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of POC"" ;
POC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PON_x:long_name = ""particulate organic nitrogen flux"" ;
PON_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POP_x:long_name = ""particulate organic phosphate flux"" ;
POP_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POFe_x:long_name = ""particulate organic iron flux"" ;
POFe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = ""POM scavenged Fe flux"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_x:long_name = ""calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux"" ;
CC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_13:long_name = ""d13C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14:long_name = ""d14C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of CC_"" ;
CC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
det_x:long_name = ""detrital (refractory) material flux"" ;
det_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
dt_Fe_x:long_name = ""detrital scavenged Fe flux"" ;
dt_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
opal_x:long_name = ""opal flux"" ;
opal_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
ash_x:long_name = ""ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux"" ;
ash_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
time:long_name = ""Year"" ;
time:units = ""equal month years"" ;
year:long_name = ""year"" ;
lon:long_name = ""longitude of the t grid"" ;
lon:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
lat:long_name = ""latitude of the t grid"" ;
lat:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt:long_name = ""z-level mid depth"" ;
zt:units = ""m"" ;
xu:long_name = ""longitude of the u grid"" ;
xu:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
yu:long_name = ""latitude of the u grid"" ;
yu:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
lon_edges:long_name = ""longitude of t grid edges"" ;
lon_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_edges:long_name = ""latitude of t grid edges"" ;
lat_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
zt_edges:long_name = ""depth of t grid edges"" ;
zt_edges:units = ""m"" ;
xu_edges:long_name = ""longitude of u grid edges"" ;
xu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
yu_edges:long_name = ""latitude of u grid edges"" ;
yu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_moc:long_name = ""latitude of moc grid"" ;
lat_moc:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt_moc:long_name = ""depth of moc grid"" ;
zt_moc:units = ""m"" ;
A:long_name = ""ocean surface area"" ;
A:units = ""m2"" ;
Vol:long_name = ""ocean volume"" ;
Vol:units = ""m3"" ;
mask_lev:long_name = ""ocean depth grid level 1=deepest"" ;
mask_lev:units = ""1"" ;
mask_ocn:long_name = ""ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land"" ;
mask_ocn:units = ""1"" ;
topo_ocn:long_name = ""ocean depth"" ;
topo_ocn:units = ""m"" ;
area_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid area"" ;
area_ocn:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid mass"" ;
mass_ocn:units = ""kg"" ;
MM_lg:long_name = ""MM kinetics index lg phyto"" ;
MM_lg:units = ""1"" ;
MM_sm:long_name = ""MM kinetics index sm phyto"" ;
MM_sm:units = ""1"" ;
area_oc3:long_name = ""area_oc3"" ;
area_oc3:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_oc3:long_name = ""mass_oc3"" ;
mass_oc3:units = ""kg"" ;
temp:long_name = ""temperature"" ;
temp:units = ""K"" ;
sal:long_name = ""salinity"" ;
sal:units = ""PSU"" ;
DIC:long_name = ""dissolved inorganic carbon"" ;
DIC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DIC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DIC"" ;
DIC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DIC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DIC"" ;
DIC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
NO3:long_name = ""dissolved nitrate"" ;
NO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
PO4:long_name = ""dissolved phosphate"" ;
PO4:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Fe:long_name = ""dissolved iron"" ;
Fe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
O2:long_name = ""dissolved oxygen"" ;
O2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ALK:long_name = ""alkalinity"" ;
ALK:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
SiO2:long_name = ""aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)"" ;
SiO2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC:long_name = ""dissolved organic carbon"" ;
DOC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DOC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DON:long_name = ""dissolved organic nitrogen"" ;
DON:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOP:long_name = ""dissolved organic phosphorous"" ;
DOP:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOFe:long_name = ""dissolved organic iron"" ;
DOFe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
FeL:long_name = ""ligand-bound Fe"" ;
FeL:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Ligand:long_name = ""iron binding ligand"" ;
Ligand:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
N2:long_name = ""dissolved nitrogen"" ;
N2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CFC11:long_name = ""dissolved CFC-11"" ;
CFC11:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CFC12:long_name = ""dissolved CFC-12"" ;
CFC12:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
MM_diaz:long_name = ""M-M kinetics index diaz phyto"" ;
si_to_n:long_name = ""Si:N uptake ratio"" ;
si_to_n:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_N:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio"" ;
N_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_lg:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_lg:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_N_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_lg:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
N_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_sm:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_sm:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_N_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_sm:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
N_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:long_name = ""O2:POP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:long_name = ""O2:POC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:long_name = ""O2:DOP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:long_name = ""O2:DOC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:units = ""ratio"" ;
DIC_14Q:long_name = ""DIC_14 concentration"" ;
DIC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_14Q:long_name = ""DOC_14 concentration"" ;
DOC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
H:long_name = ""H carbonate chemistry"" ;
H:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
fug_CO2:long_name = ""fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry"" ;
fug_CO2:units = ""atm"" ;
CO2_aq:long_name = ""CO2_aq carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO2_aq:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CO3:long_name = ""CO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
HCO3:long_name = ""HCO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
HCO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ohm_cal:long_name = ""ohm_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_cal:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
ohm_arg:long_name = ""ohm_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_arg:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
dCO3_cal:long_name = ""dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_cal:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
dCO3_arg:long_name = ""dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_arg:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
pH:long_name = ""pH"" ;
pH:units = ""1"" ;
CC2POC:long_name = "" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)"" ;
CC2POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
CC_frac2:long_name = "" cc_frac2"" ;
CC_frac2:units = ""ratio"" ;
den_m2:long_name = ""oceanic denitrification (flux)"" ;
den_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
Nfix_m2:long_name = ""N-fixation (flux)"" ;
Nfix_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity"" ;
NPP_m2:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
DOM_frac:long_name = ""DOM export fraction"" ;
res_m2:long_name = ""oceanic respiration (flux)"" ;
res_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_x:long_name = ""particulate organic carbon flux"" ;
POC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_13:long_name = ""d13C of POC flux"" ;
POC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14:long_name = ""D14C of POC flux"" ;
POC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of POC"" ;
POC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PON_x:long_name = ""particulate organic nitrogen flux"" ;
PON_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POP_x:long_name = ""particulate organic phosphate flux"" ;
POP_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POFe_x:long_name = ""particulate organic iron flux"" ;
POFe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = ""POM scavenged Fe flux"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_x:long_name = ""calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux"" ;
CC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_13:long_name = ""d13C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14:long_name = ""d14C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of CC_"" ;
CC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
det_x:long_name = ""detrital (refractory) material flux"" ;
det_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
dt_Fe_x:long_name = ""detrital scavenged Fe flux"" ;
dt_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
opal_x:long_name = ""opal flux"" ;
opal_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
ash_x:long_name = ""ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux"" ;
ash_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
time:long_name = ""Year"" ;
time:units = ""equal month years"" ;
year:long_name = ""year"" ;
lon:long_name = ""longitude of the t grid"" ;
lon:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
lat:long_name = ""latitude of the t grid"" ;
lat:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt:long_name = ""z-level mid depth"" ;
zt:units = ""m"" ;
xu:long_name = ""longitude of the u grid"" ;
xu:units = ""degrees_east"" ;
yu:long_name = ""latitude of the u grid"" ;
yu:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
lon_edges:long_name = ""longitude of t grid edges"" ;
lon_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_edges:long_name = ""latitude of t grid edges"" ;
lat_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
zt_edges:long_name = ""depth of t grid edges"" ;
zt_edges:units = ""m"" ;
xu_edges:long_name = ""longitude of u grid edges"" ;
xu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
yu_edges:long_name = ""latitude of u grid edges"" ;
yu_edges:units = ""degrees"" ;
lat_moc:long_name = ""latitude of moc grid"" ;
lat_moc:units = ""degrees_north"" ;
zt_moc:long_name = ""depth of moc grid"" ;
zt_moc:units = ""m"" ;
A:long_name = ""ocean surface area"" ;
A:units = ""m2"" ;
Vol:long_name = ""ocean volume"" ;
Vol:units = ""m3"" ;
mask_lev:long_name = ""ocean depth grid level 1=deepest"" ;
mask_lev:units = ""1"" ;
mask_ocn:long_name = ""ocean mask 1=ocean, 0=land"" ;
mask_ocn:units = ""1"" ;
topo_ocn:long_name = ""ocean depth"" ;
topo_ocn:units = ""m"" ;
area_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid area"" ;
area_ocn:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_ocn:long_name = ""ocean srfc grid mass"" ;
mass_ocn:units = ""kg"" ;
MM_lg:long_name = ""MM kinetics index lg phyto"" ;
MM_lg:units = ""1"" ;
MM_sm:long_name = ""MM kinetics index sm phyto"" ;
MM_sm:units = ""1"" ;
area_oc3:long_name = ""area_oc3"" ;
area_oc3:units = ""m2"" ;
mass_oc3:long_name = ""mass_oc3"" ;
mass_oc3:units = ""kg"" ;
temp:long_name = ""temperature"" ;
temp:units = ""K"" ;
sal:long_name = ""salinity"" ;
sal:units = ""PSU"" ;
DIC:long_name = ""dissolved inorganic carbon"" ;
DIC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DIC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DIC"" ;
DIC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DIC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DIC"" ;
DIC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
NO3:long_name = ""dissolved nitrate"" ;
NO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
PO4:long_name = ""dissolved phosphate"" ;
PO4:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Fe:long_name = ""dissolved iron"" ;
Fe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
O2:long_name = ""dissolved oxygen"" ;
O2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ALK:long_name = ""alkalinity"" ;
ALK:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
SiO2:long_name = ""aqueous silicic acid (H4SiO4)"" ;
SiO2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC:long_name = ""dissolved organic carbon"" ;
DOC:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_13:long_name = ""d13C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DOC_14:long_name = ""D14C of DOM_C"" ;
DOC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
DON:long_name = ""dissolved organic nitrogen"" ;
DON:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOP:long_name = ""dissolved organic phosphorous"" ;
DOP:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOFe:long_name = ""dissolved organic iron"" ;
DOFe:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
FeL:long_name = ""ligand-bound Fe"" ;
FeL:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
Ligand:long_name = ""iron binding ligand"" ;
Ligand:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
N2:long_name = ""dissolved nitrogen"" ;
N2:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
MM_diaz:long_name = ""M-M kinetics index diaz phyto"" ;
si_to_n:long_name = ""Si:N uptake ratio"" ;
si_to_n:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio"" ;
C_to_N:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio"" ;
N_to_P:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_lg:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_lg:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_lg"" ;
C_to_N_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_lg:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_lg"" ;
N_to_P_lg:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_sm:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_sm:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_sm"" ;
C_to_N_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_sm:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_sm"" ;
N_to_P_sm:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""C:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:long_name = ""C:N uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
C_to_N_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:long_name = ""N:P uptake ratio_diaz"" ;
N_to_P_diaz:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:long_name = ""O2:POP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:long_name = ""O2:POC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:long_name = ""O2:DOP remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOP:units = ""ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:long_name = ""O2:DOC remin ratio"" ;
O2_to_DOC:units = ""ratio"" ;
DIC_14Q:long_name = ""DIC_14 concentration"" ;
DIC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
DOC_14Q:long_name = ""DOC_14 concentration"" ;
DOC_14Q:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
H:long_name = ""H carbonate chemistry"" ;
H:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
fug_CO2:long_name = ""fug_CO2 carbonate chemistry"" ;
fug_CO2:units = ""atm"" ;
CO2_aq:long_name = ""CO2_aq carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO2_aq:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
CO3:long_name = ""CO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
CO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
HCO3:long_name = ""HCO3 carbonate chemistry"" ;
HCO3:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
ohm_cal:long_name = ""ohm_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_cal:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
ohm_arg:long_name = ""ohm_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
ohm_arg:units = ""saturation 1=100%"" ;
dCO3_cal:long_name = ""dCO3_cal carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_cal:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
dCO3_arg:long_name = ""dCO3_arg carbonate chemistry"" ;
dCO3_arg:units = ""mol kg-1"" ;
pH:long_name = ""pH"" ;
pH:units = ""1"" ;
CC2POC:long_name = "" rain ratio (CaCO3 to POC)"" ;
CC2POC:units = ""ratio"" ;
CC_frac2:long_name = "" cc_frac2"" ;
CC_frac2:units = ""ratio"" ;
den_m2:long_name = ""oceanic denitrification (flux)"" ;
den_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
Nfix_m2:long_name = ""N-fixation (flux)"" ;
Nfix_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity"" ;
NPP_m2:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG"" ;
NPP_m2_lg:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM"" ;
NPP_m2_sm:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz"" ;
NPP_m2_diaz:units = ""molC m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_LG in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_lg:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_SM in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_sm:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:long_name = ""Net Primary Productivity_Diaz in P"" ;
NPP_P_m2_diaz:units = ""molP m-2 yr-1"" ;
DOM_frac:long_name = ""DOM export fraction"" ;
res_m2:long_name = ""oceanic respiration (flux)"" ;
res_m2:units = ""molN m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_x:long_name = ""particulate organic carbon flux"" ;
POC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POC_13:long_name = ""d13C of POC flux"" ;
POC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14:long_name = ""D14C of POC flux"" ;
POC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
POC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of POC"" ;
POC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PON_x:long_name = ""particulate organic nitrogen flux"" ;
PON_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POP_x:long_name = ""particulate organic phosphate flux"" ;
POP_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
POFe_x:long_name = ""particulate organic iron flux"" ;
POFe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:long_name = ""POM scavenged Fe flux"" ;
PO_sc_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_x:long_name = ""calcium carbonate (CaCO3=CC) flux"" ;
CC_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
CC_13:long_name = ""d13C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_13:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14:long_name = ""d14C of CaCO3 flux"" ;
CC_14:units = ""o/oo"" ;
CC_14_x:long_name = ""14C flux of CC_"" ;
CC_14_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
det_x:long_name = ""detrital (refractory) material flux"" ;
det_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
dt_Fe_x:long_name = ""detrital scavenged Fe flux"" ;
dt_Fe_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
opal_x:long_name = ""opal flux"" ;
opal_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
ash_x:long_name = ""ash (tracer for sediment bioturbation) flux"" ;
ash_x:units = ""mol m-2 yr-1"" ;
RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.Multiline;
Regex regex = new Regex(pattern, options);
string result = regex.Replace(input, substitution);
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for C#, please visit: