// include the latest version of the regex crate in your Cargo.toml
extern crate regex;
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
let regex = Regex::new(r"(?m)(?:\d{1,3})\s+(?:Platform Alarm\(\d+\))\s+\d+\s+(\d+).+(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}).+nodeBId:(\d+).+Office Name\(Site\)=([\w_]+)").unwrap();
let string = "277 Platform Alarm(20420) 1337 198092557 User-defined dry contact alarm 8 Minor SubNetwork=75,MEID=5721,Equipment=1,Rack=1,SubRack=1,Slot=13 2021-06-21 04:27:39 U RNCId: 75; Dry contact ID: 6; Board serial number: 274808900275; U nodeBId:5721 Office ID(Site)=5721/Office Name(Site)=San_Telmo/Alarm Object Type=SDR/Alarm Object ID=5721/Alarm Object Name=San_Telmo/Board Type=SA 75-5721-1_1_13_1_198092557_6
12 Radio Controller(1701) 100001 41591 1615258887314 Processing Alarm 83886256 NodeB is out of service Critical SubNet(75)/ManagedElement(75)/Rack No.(1)/Shelf No.(1)/Board No.(8)/CPU No.(1) 2021-03-29 20:08:33 Alarm Object:NODEB; \\nNodeB ID:5433; \\nAlarm sub code:2; \\nIub Transport bearer type:IP V4 Bearer Type; \\nLink Number:1; \\nLink ID list:1126;\\nLogic Position:System No.:0,Module No.:7,Index:0; RNCSCB04 83886768 NCP link failure Office ID(Site)=5433/Office Name(Site)=Tariba/Alarm Object Type=NODEB/Alarm Object ID=5433/Alarm Object Name=Tariba/Board Type=CDR/APP Type=product:wcdma,wcdma/Object MOC=UIUBLINK/Object DN=SubNetwork=75,MEID=75,URncFunction=75,UIubLink=5433
// result will be an iterator over tuples containing the start and end indices for each match in the string
let result = regex.captures_iter(string);
for mat in result {
println!("{:?}", mat);
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Rust, please visit: https://docs.rs/regex/latest/regex/