// include the latest version of the regex crate in your Cargo.toml
extern crate regex;
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
let regex = Regex::new(r"(?m)^.*?]\s(?<severity>\w+)\s+(?<group>[^\[]+)\[(?<action>\w+)\,\s+.*?name=(?<login>\w+)\,\s+usid=(?<recipient>\w+)\,\s+addr=(?<sip>.*?)\,\s+prot=(?<session>.*?)\]\,\s+db=(?<status>.*?)\]$").unwrap();
let string = "10 23 2018 09:23:59 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 23 09:24:00 2018-10-23 09:24:00,076 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- UserSessNotification[STOP_TRANS, user=[name=admin, usid=72422, addr=, prot=1], db=DB_RUNNING]
10 22 2018 17:07:48 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 22 17:08:00 2018-10-23 03: 08:00,393 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- AuditNotification[logno=103, user=admin, usid=0, msg=\"Logged in over ssh using externalauth, member of groups: admin,auditor,manage-appliance,manage-pki,manage-policy\"]
10 19 2018 12:36:18 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 19 12:36:19 2018-10-19 12: 36:19,112 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- UserSessNotification[STOP, user=[name=admin, usid=27572, addr=, prot=1], db=DB_NONE]
10 22 2018 09:36:11 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 22 09:36:22 2018-10-22 19: 36:22,691 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- AuditNotification[logno=107, user=admin, usid=32891, msg=\"Logged out from maapi ctx=webui (closed)\"]
10 24 2018 09:31:54 <LOC2:ALRT> Oct 24 09:31:55 SSLCDMX Health monitoring: PROBLEM - SSLCDMX Metric: Load Utilization WARNING: Memory load is at 67.46%. - Capacity util=30.31%
10 22 2018 19:30:13 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 22 17:31:38 2018-10-22 17: 31:38,947 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- AuditNotification[logno=105, user=admin, usid=73051, msg=\"assigned to groups: manage-policy,manage-pki,manage-appliance,auditor,admin\"]
10 23 2018 22:46:23 <LOC2:ALRT> Oct 24 01:45:01 SSLREYNOSA root: Health Monitoring (cron): Trimmed event history to 30 days.
10 23 2018 10:04:05 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 23 10:04:06 2018-10-23 10: 04:06,531 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- AuditNotification[logno=105, user=Host2ez, usid=72793, msg=\"assigned to groups: manage-pki\"]";
// result will be an iterator over tuples containing the start and end indices for each match in the string
let result = regex.captures_iter(string);
for mat in result {
println!("{:?}", mat);
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Rust, please visit: https://docs.rs/regex/latest/regex/