$re = '/^.*?]\s(?<severity>\w+)\s+(?<group>[^\[]+)\[(?<action>\w+)\,\s+.*?name=(?<login>\w+)\,\s+usid=(?<recipient>\w+)\,\s+addr=(?<sip>.*?)\,\s+prot=(?<session>.*?)\]\,\s+db=(?<status>.*?)\]$/m';
$str = '10 23 2018 09:23:59 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 23 09:24:00 2018-10-23 09:24:00,076 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- UserSessNotification[STOP_TRANS, user=[name=admin, usid=72422, addr=, prot=1], db=DB_RUNNING]
10 22 2018 17:07:48 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 22 17:08:00 2018-10-23 03: 08:00,393 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- AuditNotification[logno=103, user=admin, usid=0, msg="Logged in over ssh using externalauth, member of groups: admin,auditor,manage-appliance,manage-pki,manage-policy"]
10 19 2018 12:36:18 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 19 12:36:19 2018-10-19 12: 36:19,112 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- UserSessNotification[STOP, user=[name=admin, usid=27572, addr=, prot=1], db=DB_NONE]
10 22 2018 09:36:11 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 22 09:36:22 2018-10-22 19: 36:22,691 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- AuditNotification[logno=107, user=admin, usid=32891, msg="Logged out from maapi ctx=webui (closed)"]
10 24 2018 09:31:54 <LOC2:ALRT> Oct 24 09:31:55 SSLCDMX Health monitoring: PROBLEM - SSLCDMX Metric: Load Utilization WARNING: Memory load is at 67.46%. - Capacity util=30.31%
10 22 2018 19:30:13 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 22 17:31:38 2018-10-22 17: 31:38,947 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- AuditNotification[logno=105, user=admin, usid=73051, msg="assigned to groups: manage-policy,manage-pki,manage-appliance,auditor,admin"]
10 23 2018 22:46:23 <LOC2:ALRT> Oct 24 01:45:01 SSLREYNOSA root: Health Monitoring (cron): Trimmed event history to 30 days.
10 23 2018 10:04:05 <LOC2:WARN> Oct 23 10:04:06 2018-10-23 10: 04:06,531 [Thread-0] WARN EventLHost1d- AuditNotification[logno=105, user=Host2ez, usid=72793, msg="assigned to groups: manage-pki"]';
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
// Print the entire match result
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for PHP, please visit: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pcre.php