package main
import (
func main() {
var re = regexp.MustCompile(`(?############ Let's catch paths without "" or '' ############################
)(?<opening>(?# First, catch the starting path, the <opening> ###################
)\b(?<montage>[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\])(?# montage = 'C:/'
)|[\/\\][\/\\](?<!http:\/\/)(?<!https:\/\/)(?>(?# check not 'http[s]:' prefix
)[?.][\/\\](?:[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r ]+[\/\\])?(?# '//[?or.]/xxxxx' or '//[?or.]/server/'
)(?&montage)?(?# '//[?or.]/c:/' or '//[?or.]/server/c:/'
)|(?!(?&montage)))(?# '//[addressIP/ or serverName/ but not C:/]'
)|%\w+%[\/\\]?(?# '%EnvVariable%[/]'
))(?# So, <opening> catch :
'C:/' or
'//[?or.]/[UNC/]C:/' or
'//[?or.]/[UNC/]' or
'//[next characters must be something other than C:/]' or
)(?:(?# now, we catch each directory name wich is between [/] ########################
)[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r ,'](?# the first character should not be [ ,']
)[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r]*(?# Any pathFrendly character
)(?<![ ,'])(?# The last directory name's character must not be [ ,']
)[\/\\](?# End of directory name - who are between '/' -
))*(?# Catch most 'directoryName/' as possible
)(?:(?# Lets catch the End path. There is a file ? a directory ? or just a useless '/' ?
)(?=[^\/\\<>:"'|?\n\r;, ])(?#if next character is not pathFriendly or ' ' or [,'], we have reach the end of the path => we don't catch the last '/' and the the Regex end now.
You can't catch fileName who begin by [,'] because they are probably a delimiter between 2 path. but '.' is allowed
)(?:(?#If we are here, that mean there is a fileName or directoryName to catch
###### We will catch the last directoryName or the fileName without the extention ######
)(?:[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r;, .](?# catch any character pathFriendly exept ' ' or [,.]
)(?: (?=[\w\-]))?(?# If we find a ' ', we catch him if next charcter is not a delimiter. I see '-' after an ' ' not like a delimiter.
)(?:\*(?!= ))?(?# If we find a '*', we stop the catch if next character is an ' '
)(?!(?&montage))(?# If we find a string who look like 'C:/', we stop the catch
))+(?# We catch theses word delimited by ' ' as much as possible
))?(?# it's possible the fileName have no name, but just an extention
)(?:\.\w+(?# #### an extention begin by '.' and at least one none delimiter chracter
))*(?# we can add more extention until the first none '.' delimiter character. So, after the first '.' character inside a fileName, we cannot catch any ' ' character
If we don't find one extention, so the filename is a directory name, and we stop the catch.
))(?# ############# END OF PATH CATCHING WITHOUT QUOTE "" and '' #######################
)|(?:(?# ######### Catching path quoted '' ###########################
Path quoted '' is difficult because ['] is also a pathFrendly character
)'(?&opening)(?# We catch .* between quote only if string start with an <opening>
)(?=.*'\W|.*'$)(?# We catch .* between quote only if we are sure we will find end quote. End quote must be ['] and delimiter character or ['] and end string
)(?:[^\/\\<>:'"|?\n\r]+(?# We take any pathFriendly character exept quote [']
)(?:'(?=\w))?(?# we catch quote ['] if next character is not a delimiter
)[\/\\]?)*(?# Path quoted must respect this patern until end quote character [']
)')(?# end quoted '' path
)|(?# ######### Catching path quoted "" ###########################
)"(?&opening)(?# We catch .* between quote only if string start with an <opening>
)(?=.*")(?# We catch .* between quote only if we are sure we will find end quote ["]
)(?:[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r]+(?# We take any pathFriendly character
)[\/\\]?(?# pathFriendly characters can be is delimited by '\'
))*(?# Path quoted must respect this patern until end quote character
)"(?# end quoted path
to simple copy and use it, go
C:/testOk\dot.Dirname/.nameFileBeginByDot first space after a dot in file name stop the match
C:/testOk\_.._AsDirName/../file name.ext1.ext2 first space after a dot stop the match
start text don't match C:/testOk\lastDir Or FileName stop the match
C:/testOk\lastDir Or FileName dot ended. stop the match like an end sentence. So, a last name with a space after a dot is not catch
C:/testOk\LastNameIs/DirName C:/testOk\2Paths_ _separated/f.ext space after extention stop match
C:/testOK\Last_/_isNotmatched/fgfj.gjjb/uhloext/ and [ ,'] after '\' stop match
\\', 'isOkInMidDirName\butSimple',' stop match in last DirName or FileName
\\.\c:/this exotic path begining work\and\ space after '\' stop the match
\\?\c:/this exotic path begining work too\and \space before '\' stop the match too
\\testOk/this' - 'is ok in dirName/and - in lastName.ext
i:/dir/fileName with a .space before dot stop the match
\\?\server1\e:\utilities\\filecomparer\ this double \\ is interpretated as new path
@"c:\testOk\double quote character is more permissive/ '' , ; .txt, .ext2",
@"\\\c$\temp\t'est-file.txt, if end double quote is missing, we use unquote match
@"\c:\LOCALHOST\c$\ thisIsNotMatched" "temp\test-file.txt", quoted path must have a right opening to be matched
@'\\.\c:\temp\te'st-file.txt' simple quoted is ok
'c:\simpleQuoteInsideStill'Match\but' stopMatch if next is space character,
'c:\simpleQuoteInsideStill'Match\but\'stopMatch if is fisrt character after \
'c:\simpleQuoteInsideStill'Match\but''stopMatch if he is double
@"\\?\c:\te ' mp\est-file.txt",
/\serverName\mix/and\still match" double quote character stop match
\\\IfMoreThan2_\_we take only the 2 lasts.ext first space after ext stop the match
// -> this simple // or \\ is not matched, but this //isMatched !
/ -> this simple / is not matched, and this /notMatchedToo
b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Custom Data"
"b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Custom Data"
"\\b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Custom Data"
error Message test:
Tentative d'accès à C:\Users\tpgz4017\App - Data\Local\Temp\tempShapeFile_CrossWave Calibration Zones - Atoll CrossWave Model.shx après sa fin.
local url path :
urlPath :
\\LOCALHOST\c$\ temp\test-file.txt",
\\LOCALHOST\c$ \temp\test-file.txt",
\\?\UNC\ServerName\ temp\test-file.txt",
\\\c$\temp\test -file.txt"
error Message test:
Site0 / 3: - Warning . See log file 'C:\ProgramData\InfoVista\Planet 7.4\7.4\RPE\Log\Plugins\Universal_Model_masked\log_Universal_Model.txt' for details
C:/test\gvk.hv/fgfj.gjjb/uhloext : some random text
\\b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Polygon\Haguenau\Building\Haguenau hgtfhyt "C:/te-st.html" "C:/te-st.html" gd"dhbcsk "C:/te/dsst.ikpo fdsf "C:\test" "C:// test.html" gd
"//te s t/e, llo.html
b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Custom Data"
; dfsdf "\\b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Custom Data"
; dfsdf "\\
"\\b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Custom Data" : Data format of \\b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Polygon\Haguenau\Building\Haguenau Building.* C: is invalid : Data format of \\b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo NetAct Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Polygon\Haguenau\Building\Haguenau Building.TAB, is invalid : Data format of \\b-renice\sauvegardes\B-HIER\GEO\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\UR_Est\Polygon\Haguenau\Building\Haguenau Buildi*.*ng.*, is invalid
C:/test/../hjgbkl C:/test/../hjgbkl.gfgdfgrdgfdgr C:/test/../hjgbkl
C://test/ .h/hel,lo.html//test/./hello.html
ERROR 8/31/2021 - 6:45:39 PM HighResClutter .RasterFile : \\b-ren ice\sauv egardes\B-HIER\GEO%dsq%\NewJersey_NewYork\DTM\DTM\CENTRAL_JERSE..Y_New_York_2 m_Z18N_0_DTM_02_06.bil : Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.
\\b-ren ice\sauv egardes\..\B-HIER\GEO\NewJersey_NewYork\DTM\DTM\CENTRAL_JERSE..Y_New_York_2 m_Z18N_0_DTM_02_06.bil C:\b-ren ice\sauv egardes\B-HIER\GEO\NewJersey_NewYork\DTM\DTM\CENTRAL_JERSE..Y_New_York_2 m_Z18N_0_DTM_02_06.bil \\b-ren ice\sauv egardes\B-HIER\GEO\NewJersey_NewYork\DTM\DTM\CENTRAL_JER SE.Y_New_York_2 m_Z18N_0_DTM_02_06.bil.
// st/hello.html
Pour les chemins UNC de périphérique, la partie serveur/partage forme le volume. Par exemple, dans \\?\server1\e:\utilities\filecomparer\ , la partie serveur/partage est server1\utilities . Ceci est important quand
for i, match := range re.FindAllString(str, -1) {
fmt.Println(match, "found at index", i)
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Golang, please visit: