Regular Expressions 101

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  • PCRE2 (PHP >=7.3)
  • PCRE (PHP <7.3)
  • ECMAScript (JavaScript)
  • Python
  • Golang
  • Java 8
  • .NET 7.0 (C#)
  • Rust
  • Regex Flavor Guide


  • Match
  • Substitution
  • List
  • Unit Tests


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  • All Tokens
  • Common Tokens
  • General Tokens
  • Anchors
  • Meta Sequences
  • Quantifiers
  • Group Constructs
  • Character Classes
  • Flags/Modifiers
  • Substitution
  • A single character of: a, b or c
  • A character except: a, b or c
  • A character in the range: a-z
  • A character not in the range: a-z
  • A character in the range: a-z or A-Z
  • Any single character
  • Alternate - match either a or b
  • Any whitespace character
  • Any non-whitespace character
  • Any digit
  • Any non-digit
  • Any word character
  • Any non-word character
  • Match everything enclosed
  • Capture everything enclosed
  • Zero or one of a
  • Zero or more of a
  • One or more of a
  • Exactly 3 of a
  • 3 or more of a
  • Between 3 and 6 of a
  • Start of string
  • End of string
  • A word boundary
  • Non-word boundary

Regular Expression


Test String

Code Generator

Generated Code

re = /(?############ Let's catch paths without "" or '' ############################ )(?<opening>(?# First, catch the starting path, the <opening> ################### )\b(?<montage>[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\])(?# montage = 'C:\/' )|[\/\\][\/\\](?<!http:\/\/)(?<!https:\/\/)(?>(?# check not 'http[s]:' prefix )[?.][\/\\](?:[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r ]+[\/\\])?(?# '\/\/[?or.]\/xxxxx' or '\/\/[?or.]\/server\/' )(?&montage)?(?# '\/\/[?or.]\/c:\/' or '\/\/[?or.]\/server\/c:\/' )|(?!(?&montage)))(?# '\/\/[addressIP\/ or serverName\/ but not C:\/]' )|%\w+%[\/\\]?(?# '%EnvVariable%[\/]' ))(?# So, <opening> catch : 'C:\/' or '\/\/[?or.]\/[UNC\/]C:\/' or '\/\/[?or.]\/[UNC\/]' or '\/\/[next characters must be something other than C:\/]' or '%EnvironementVariable%[\/]' )(?:(?# now, we catch each directory name wich is between [\/] ######################## )[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r ,'](?# the first character should not be [ ,'] )[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r]*(?# Any pathFrendly character )(?<![ ,'])(?# The last directory name's character must not be [ ,'] )[\/\\](?# End of directory name - who are between '\/' - ))*(?# Catch most 'directoryName\/' as possible )(?:(?# Lets catch the End path. There is a file ? a directory ? or just a useless '\/' ? )(?=[^\/\\<>:"'|?\n\r;, ])(?#if next character is not pathFriendly or ' ' or [,'], we have reach the end of the path => we don't catch the last '\/' and the the Regex end now. You can't catch fileName who begin by [,'] because they are probably a delimiter between 2 path. but '.' is allowed )(?:(?#If we are here, that mean there is a fileName or directoryName to catch ###### We will catch the last directoryName or the fileName without the extention ###### )(?:[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r;, .](?# catch any character pathFriendly exept ' ' or [,.] )(?: (?=[\w\-]))?(?# If we find a ' ', we catch him if next charcter is not a delimiter. I see '-' after an ' ' not like a delimiter. )(?:\*(?!= ))?(?# If we find a '*', we stop the catch if next character is an ' ' )(?!(?&montage))(?# If we find a string who look like 'C:\/', we stop the catch ))+(?# We catch theses word delimited by ' ' as much as possible ))?(?# it's possible the fileName have no name, but just an extention )(?:\.\w+(?# #### an extention begin by '.' and at least one none delimiter chracter ))*(?# we can add more extention until the first none '.' delimiter character. So, after the first '.' character inside a fileName, we cannot catch any ' ' character If we don't find one extention, so the filename is a directory name, and we stop the catch. ))(?# ############# END OF PATH CATCHING WITHOUT QUOTE "" and '' ####################### )|(?:(?# ######### Catching path quoted '' ########################### Path quoted '' is difficult because ['] is also a pathFrendly character )'(?&opening)(?# We catch .* between quote only if string start with an <opening> )(?=.*'\W|.*'$)(?# We catch .* between quote only if we are sure we will find end quote. End quote must be ['] and delimiter character or ['] and end string )(?:[^\/\\<>:'"|?\n\r]+(?# We take any pathFriendly character exept quote ['] )(?:'(?=\w))?(?# we catch quote ['] if next character is not a delimiter )[\/\\]?)*(?# Path quoted must respect this patern until end quote character ['] )')(?# end quoted '' path )|(?# ######### Catching path quoted "" ########################### )"(?&opening)(?# We catch .* between quote only if string start with an <opening> )(?=.*")(?# We catch .* between quote only if we are sure we will find end quote ["] )(?:[^\/\\<>:"|?\n\r]+(?# We take any pathFriendly character )[\/\\]?(?# pathFriendly characters can be is delimited by '\' ))*(?# Path quoted must respect this patern until end quote character )"(?# end quoted path )/ str = 'THIS IS COMMENTED VERSION ! to simple copy and use it, go C:/testOk\\dot.Dirname/.nameFileBeginByDot first space after a dot in file name stop the match C:/testOk\\_.._AsDirName/../file name.ext1.ext2 first space after a dot stop the match start text don\'t match C:/testOk\\lastDir Or FileName stop the match C:/testOk\\lastDir Or FileName dot ended. stop the match like an end sentence. So, a last name with a space after a dot is not catch C:/testOk\\LastNameIs/DirName C:/testOk\\2Paths_ _separated/f.ext space after extention stop match C:/testOK\\Last_/_isNotmatched/fgfj.gjjb/uhloext/ and [ ,\'] after \'\\\' stop match \\\\\', \'isOkInMidDirName\\butSimple\',\' stop match in last DirName or FileName \\\\.\\c:/this exotic path begining work\\and\\ space after \'\\\' stop the match \\\\?\\c:/this exotic path begining work too\\and \\space before \'\\\' stop the match too \\\\testOk/this\' - \'is ok in dirName/and - in lastName.ext i:/dir/fileName with a .space before dot stop the match \\\\?\\server1\\e:\\utilities\\\\filecomparer\\ this double \\\\ is interpretated as new path @"c:\\testOk\\double quote character is more permissive/ \'\' , ; .txt, .ext2", @"\\\\\\c$\\temp\\t\'est-file.txt, if end double quote is missing, we use unquote match @"\\c:\\LOCALHOST\\c$\\ thisIsNotMatched" "temp\\test-file.txt", quoted path must have a right opening to be matched @\'\\\\.\\c:\\temp\\te\'st-file.txt\' simple quoted is ok \'c:\\simpleQuoteInsideStill\'Match\\but\' stopMatch if next is space character, \'c:\\simpleQuoteInsideStill\'Match\\but\\\'stopMatch if is fisrt character after \\ \'c:\\simpleQuoteInsideStill\'Match\\but\'\'stopMatch if he is double @"\\\\?\\c:\\te \' mp\\est-file.txt", @"\\\\.\\UNC\\LOCALHOST\\c$\\temp\\test-file.txt", @"\\\\\\c$\\temp\\test-file.txt" /\\serverName\\mix/and\\still match" double quote character stop match \\\\\\IfMoreThan2_\\_we take only the 2 lasts.ext first space after ext stop the match /testNotMatch/html /testNotMatch.html testNotMatch.html // -> this simple // or \\\\ is not matched, but this //isMatched ! / -> this simple / is not matched, and this /notMatchedToo b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Custom Data" "b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Custom Data" "\\\\b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Custom Data" error Message test: --------------------------- Tentative d\'accès à C:\\Users\\tpgz4017\\App - Data\\Local\\Temp\\tempShapeFile_CrossWave Calibration Zones - Atoll CrossWave Model.shx après sa fin. --------------------------- local url path : file://C:/Users/Downloads/20220516_32289275_1049383.pdf urlPath : file://$/599/livraison/20220516_32289275_1049383.pdf c:\\temp\\test-file.txt", \\\\\\c$\\temp\\test-file.txt", \\\\LOCALHOST\\c$\\ temp\\test-file.txt", \\\\LOCALHOST\\c$ \\temp\\test-file.txt", \\\\.\\c:\\temp\\t\\est-file.txt", \\\\?\\c:\\temp\\test-file.txt", \\\\.\\UNC\\LOCALHOST\\c$\\temp\\test-file.txt", \\\\?\\UNC\\ServerName\\ temp\\test-file.txt", \\\\\\c$\\temp\\test -file.txt" error Message test: Site0 / 3: - Warning . See log file \'C:\\ProgramData\\InfoVista\\Planet 7.4\\7.4\\RPE\\Log\\Plugins\\Universal_Model_masked\\log_Universal_Model.txt\' for details C:/test\\gvk.hv/fgfj.gjjb/uhloext : some random text \\\\b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Polygon\\Haguenau\\Building\\Haguenau hgtfhyt "C:/te-st.html" "C:/te-st.html" gd"dhbcsk "C:/te/dsst.ikpo fdsf "C:\\test" "C:// test.html" gd "//te s t/e, llo.html C:/test\\f/uhlo/. C://te?st.html b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Custom Data" ; dfsdf "\\\\b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Custom Data" ; dfsdf "\\\\ "\\\\b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Custom Data" : Data format of \\\\b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Polygon\\Haguenau\\Building\\Haguenau Building.* C: is invalid : Data format of \\\\b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo NetAct Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Polygon\\Haguenau\\Building\\Haguenau Building.TAB, is invalid : Data format of \\\\b-renice\\sauvegardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\Geo_NetAct_Atoll_Planet\\UR_Est\\Polygon\\Haguenau\\Building\\Haguenau Buildi*.*ng.*, is invalid C:/test/../hjgbkl C:/test/../hjgbkl.gfgdfgrdgfdgr C:/test/../hjgbkl C:/test.html C://test/ .h/hel,lo.html//test/./hello.html C:/test//hello.html //test //hello.html /test "%tmp%/fsdfs" %tmp%/fsdfs ERROR 8/31/2021 - 6:45:39 PM HighResClutter .RasterFile : \\\\b-ren ice\\sauv egardes\\B-HIER\\GEO%dsq%\\NewJersey_NewYork\\DTM\\DTM\\CENTRAL_JERSE..Y_New_York_2 m_Z18N_0_DTM_02_06.bil : Le fichier spécifié est introuvable. \\\\b-ren ice\\sauv egardes\\..\\B-HIER\\GEO\\NewJersey_NewYork\\DTM\\DTM\\CENTRAL_JERSE..Y_New_York_2 m_Z18N_0_DTM_02_06.bil C:\\b-ren ice\\sauv egardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\NewJersey_NewYork\\DTM\\DTM\\CENTRAL_JERSE..Y_New_York_2 m_Z18N_0_DTM_02_06.bil \\\\b-ren ice\\sauv egardes\\B-HIER\\GEO\\NewJersey_NewYork\\DTM\\DTM\\CENTRAL_JER SE.Y_New_York_2 m_Z18N_0_DTM_02_06.bil. //test.html \\\\ // // st/hello.html // //test/hello.txt //test/hello.txt. \\\\.\\UNC\\Server\\Share\\Test\\Foo.txt \\\\?\\UNC\\Server\\Share\\Test\\Foo.txt Pour les chemins UNC de périphérique, la partie serveur/partage forme le volume. Par exemple, dans \\\\?\\server1\\e:\\utilities\\filecomparer\\ , la partie serveur/partage est server1\\utilities . Ceci est important quand \'\\\\\\c$\\temp\\test-fi\'le.txt\'' # Print the match result str.scan(re) do |match| puts match.to_s end

Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Ruby, please visit: