import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
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+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78358/controlling-2-kw-230v-infra-red-short-wave-heaters-using-electronic-device\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">controlling 2 kw,230v- infra red short wave heaters using electronic device</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " i want to control infra red short wave heaters 230v,2kw, with some electronic device,\n"
+ "it is an open loop system,where i want to give analog signal to heater from 0 to 100% .\n"
+ "i cant take Thermocouple ...\n"
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+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 10:06:07Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 10:06</span>\n"
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+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78355/how-to-synchronize-internal-rtc-to-computer-time-and-date\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">how to synchronize internal RTC to computer time and date</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " i am using pic18f67k22 controller.i already configure and initialize internal RTC. But i want start RTC to computer how i can synchronize pic RTC to computer.i have one computer application ...\n"
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+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 08:52:58Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 8:52</span>\n"
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+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78353/spi-interfacing-using-serial-port-or-usb\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">SPI Interfacing using Serial Port or USB</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " I have a nRF24L01+ module from Nordic Semiconductors. It has SPI interface. My laptop has USB ports and I have a Serial Port (Using a USB-to-Serial_Port adapter). What is the best possible solution to ...\n"
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+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 08:32:08Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 8:32</span>\n"
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+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78351/trouble-on-understanding-alu-2-bit-design\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">Trouble on understanding ALU 2-bit design</a></h3>\n"
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+ " I'm new to this site and I'm pretty \"noobish\" to electrical engineering coming from a software engineering background I was hoping someone could help me understand this design a bit. I've highlighted ...\n"
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+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 08:20:46Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 8:20</span>\n"
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+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78348/small-max-5x5-mm-connector-panel-mount-for-asyncronous-serial-interface\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">Small (max 5x5 mm) connector, panel mount, for asyncronous serial interface?</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " I opened a small router and hooked up 2 wires on the PCB (to catch the serial data). That works fine.\n\n"
+ "Now I'm looking for a way to make a small (tiny) connector in the enclosure, so for future use i ...\n"
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+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 07:20:56Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 7:20</span>\n"
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+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78345/what-happened-to-the-to-3-package\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">What happened to the TO-3 package?</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " TO-3 used to be a common package for power transistors, but you don't see them much anymore. It can't be just because of SMT, TO-220 is still much in use. TO-3 has a much lower thermal resistance than ...\n"
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+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 07:05:21Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 7:05</span>\n"
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+ "<div class=\"views \" title=\"431 views\">\n"
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+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78337/which-way-does-electricity-power-a-circuit\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">Which way does electricity power a circuit?</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " Working with some circuits this summer, I ran into what everyone eventually does: Current flows from + to - despite the electrons flowing (well, bumping into eachother) from - to +. I understand the ...\n"
+ " </div>\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"tags t-power-supply t-current t-analog\">\n"
+ " <a href=\"/questions/tagged/power-supply\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'power-supply'\" rel=\"tag\">power-supply</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/current\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'current'\" rel=\"tag\">current</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/analog\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'analog'\" rel=\"tag\">analog</a>\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"started fr\">\n\n\n"
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+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 04:00:29Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 4:00</span>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27243/tom\">Tom</a><br>\n"
+ " <span class=\"reputation-score\" title=\"reputation score\" dir=\"ltr\">81</span><span title=\"4 bronze badges\"><span class=\"badge3\"></span><span class=\"badgecount\">4</span></span>\n"
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+ " <strong>2</strong>answers\n"
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+ "<div class=\"views \" title=\"115 views\">\n"
+ " 115 views\n"
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+ " <div class=\"summary\">\n"
+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78336/using-relay-with-microcontroller\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">Using Relay With Microcontroller</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " I have created a boost converter which boost 12v to 60v. I want to be able to pulse this voltage under water. I would like to have only the positive lead (Vout from boost) to come off the boost ...\n"
+ " </div>\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"tags t-microcontroller t-relay\">\n"
+ " <a href=\"/questions/tagged/microcontroller\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'microcontroller'\" rel=\"tag\">microcontroller</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/relay\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'relay'\" rel=\"tag\">relay</a>\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"started fr\">\n\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"user-action-time\">\n\n\n"
+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 03:56:44Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 3:56</span>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27242/wallace\"><div class=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\"></div></a>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27242/wallace\">Wallace</a><br>\n"
+ " <span class=\"reputation-score\" title=\"reputation score\" dir=\"ltr\">58</span><span title=\"7 bronze badges\"><span class=\"badge3\"></span><span class=\"badgecount\">7</span></span>\n"
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+ " <div class=\"status answered\">\n"
+ " <strong>2</strong>answers\n"
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+ "<div class=\"views \" title=\"48 views\">\n"
+ " 48 views\n"
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+ " <div class=\"summary\">\n"
+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78329/how-to-measure-the-current-from-ac-dc-supplier\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">how to measure the current from AC-DC supplier?</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " I started to learn the AC/DC circuit some times ago. I don't have much experience. But from this semester on, I have some chances to practice it in lab by working on some project. I got a AC/DC power ...\n"
+ " </div>\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"tags t-power-supply t-dc\">\n"
+ " <a href=\"/questions/tagged/power-supply\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'power-supply'\" rel=\"tag\">power-supply</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/dc\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'dc'\" rel=\"tag\">dc</a>\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"started fr\">\n\n\n"
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+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 02:05:53Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 2:05</span>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/17060/user1285419\">user1285419</a><br>\n"
+ " <span class=\"reputation-score\" title=\"reputation score\" dir=\"ltr\">165</span><span title=\"5 bronze badges\"><span class=\"badge3\"></span><span class=\"badgecount\">5</span></span>\n"
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+ " <span class=\"vote-count-post \"><strong>0</strong></span>\n"
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+ " <div class=\"status answered\">\n"
+ " <strong>1</strong>answer\n"
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+ "<div class=\"views \" title=\"86 views\">\n"
+ " 86 views\n"
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+ " <div class=\"summary\">\n"
+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78328/reducing-capacitance-of-a-wire\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">Reducing capacitance of a wire</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " Given a wire and a piece of foil wired to a bread board, is it possible using capacitors wired in series (or some other method) to significantly reduce the capacitance of the wire/foil?\n\n"
+ " </div>\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"tags t-capacitor t-capacitance\">\n"
+ " <a href=\"/questions/tagged/capacitor\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'capacitor'\" rel=\"tag\">capacitor</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/capacitance\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'capacitance'\" rel=\"tag\">capacitance</a>\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"started fr\">\n\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"user-action-time\">\n\n\n"
+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 02:03:19Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 2:03</span>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27085/j03m\"><div class=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\"></div></a>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27085/j03m\">j03m</a><br>\n"
+ " <span class=\"reputation-score\" title=\"reputation score\" dir=\"ltr\">146</span><span title=\"4 bronze badges\"><span class=\"badge3\"></span><span class=\"badgecount\">4</span></span>\n"
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+ "<div class=\"question-summary\" id=\"question-summary-78322\">\n"
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+ " <span class=\"vote-count-post \"><strong>-2</strong></span>\n"
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+ " <div class=\"status answered-accepted\">\n"
+ " <strong>1</strong>answer\n"
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+ "<div class=\"views \" title=\"63 views\">\n"
+ " 63 views\n"
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+ " <div class=\"summary\">\n"
+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78322/ground-wire-installation\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">Ground Wire Installation [closed]</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " Currently I do not have ground in my house wiring. I am planing to install ground wiring but the floor around the main service panel is cemented and I don't think I can place a ground rod in the ...\n"
+ " </div>\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"tags t-wiring\">\n"
+ " <a href=\"/questions/tagged/wiring\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'wiring'\" rel=\"tag\">wiring</a>\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"started fr\">\n\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"user-action-time\">\n\n\n"
+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 00:38:13Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 0:38</span>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27238/khiz\"><div class=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\"></div></a>\n"
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+ " <span class=\"reputation-score\" title=\"reputation score\" dir=\"ltr\">33</span><span title=\"3 bronze badges\"><span class=\"badge3\"></span><span class=\"badgecount\">3</span></span>\n"
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+ "<div class=\"question-summary\" id=\"question-summary-78319\">\n"
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+ " <div class=\"status answered\">\n"
+ " <strong>2</strong>answers\n"
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+ "<div class=\"views \" title=\"63 views\">\n"
+ " 63 views\n"
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+ " <div class=\"summary\">\n"
+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78319/performance-of-solar-panel-vs-dc-power-supply\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">Performance of solar panel vs. DC power supply</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " I am building a solar swamp cooler for burning man (hot dry desert environment).\n\n"
+ "Purchased a 15w solar panel that outputs 0.9a at 20V in full sun (verified as true with my voltmeter). The solar panel ...\n"
+ " </div>\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"tags t-power-supply t-dc t-solar-cell\">\n"
+ " <a href=\"/questions/tagged/power-supply\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'power-supply'\" rel=\"tag\">power-supply</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/dc\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'dc'\" rel=\"tag\">dc</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/solar-cell\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'solar-cell'\" rel=\"tag\">solar-cell</a>\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"started fr\">\n\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"user-action-time\">\n\n\n"
+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-08 00:07:34Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 8 at 0:07</span>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27183/nimble\"><div class=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\"></div></a>\n"
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+ " <span class=\"reputation-score\" title=\"reputation score\" dir=\"ltr\">11</span><span title=\"1 bronze badge\"><span class=\"badge3\"></span><span class=\"badgecount\">1</span></span>\n"
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+ " <span class=\"vote-count-post \"><strong>0</strong></span>\n"
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+ " <div class=\"status unanswered\">\n"
+ " <strong>0</strong>answers\n"
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+ "<div class=\"views \" title=\"23 views\">\n"
+ " 23 views\n"
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+ " <div class=\"summary\">\n"
+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78318/altium-simulation-node-voltages\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">Altium Simulation Node Voltages</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " When simulating a circuit in Altium it generates signals based on the components and net labels placed in the circuit, eg:\n\n"
+ "<span class='tex2jax_ignore'>r1[i]\n"
+ "r1[p]\n"
+ "v1\n"
+ "v2\n"
+ "</span>\n\n"
+ "Altium also adds the ...\n"
+ " </div>\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"tags t-simulation t-circuit-analysis t-altium\">\n"
+ " <a href=\"/questions/tagged/simulation\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'simulation'\" rel=\"tag\">simulation</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/circuit-analysis\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'circuit-analysis'\" rel=\"tag\">circuit-analysis</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/altium\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'altium'\" rel=\"tag\">altium</a>\n\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"started fr\">\n\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"user-info \">\n"
+ " <div class=\"user-action-time\">\n\n\n"
+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-07 23:55:41Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 7 at 23:55</span>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27237/troy\"><div class=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\"></div></a>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27237/troy\">Troy</a><br>\n"
+ " <span class=\"reputation-score\" title=\"reputation score\" dir=\"ltr\">1</span><span title=\"1 bronze badge\"><span class=\"badge3\"></span><span class=\"badgecount\">1</span></span>\n"
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+ "<div class=\"question-summary\" id=\"question-summary-78315\">\n"
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+ " <strong>2</strong>answers\n"
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+ "<div class=\"views \" title=\"146 views\">\n"
+ " 146 views\n"
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+ " <div class=\"summary\">\n"
+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78315/why-does-the-voltage-changes-in-this-simple-circuit\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">Why does the voltage changes in this simple circuit?</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " I'm beginning to learn electronics, and there's something I just can't grasp. I was told that a high resistance in a circuit would lead to a smaller current passing through it, but the voltage would ...\n"
+ " </div>\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"tags t-power t-voltage t-current t-resistance t-ohms-law\">\n"
+ " <a href=\"/questions/tagged/power\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'power'\" rel=\"tag\">power</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/voltage\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'voltage'\" rel=\"tag\">voltage</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/current\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'current'\" rel=\"tag\">current</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/resistance\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'resistance'\" rel=\"tag\">resistance</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/ohms-law\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'ohms-law'\" rel=\"tag\">ohms-law</a>\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"started fr\">\n\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"user-action-time\">\n\n\n"
+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-07 23:08:48Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 7 at 23:08</span>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27236/wingleader\">wingleader</a><br>\n"
+ " <span class=\"reputation-score\" title=\"reputation score\" dir=\"ltr\">8</span><span title=\"2 bronze badges\"><span class=\"badge3\"></span><span class=\"badgecount\">2</span></span>\n"
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+ " <div class=\"status answered-accepted\">\n"
+ " <strong>4</strong>answers\n"
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+ "<div class=\"views \" title=\"89 views\">\n"
+ " 89 views\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ " <div class=\"summary\">\n"
+ " <h3><a href=\"/questions/78307/how-do-i-figure-out-the-correct-polarity-of-a-dc-barrel-connector\" class=\"question-hyperlink\">How do I figure out the correct polarity of a DC barrel connector</a></h3>\n"
+ " <div class=\"excerpt\">\n"
+ " I'm in the U.S. and I bought a digital wall clock from the U.K. which came with an AC adapter with input 230V/50Hz/90mA and output 9V/800mA. Now I could get a transformer to convert 120V to 230V but ...\n"
+ " </div>\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"tags t-multimeter t-polarity\">\n"
+ " <a href=\"/questions/tagged/multimeter\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'multimeter'\" rel=\"tag\">multimeter</a> <a href=\"/questions/tagged/polarity\" class=\"post-tag\" title=\"show questions tagged 'polarity'\" rel=\"tag\">polarity</a>\n\n"
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+ " <div class=\"started fr\">\n\n\n"
+ " <div class=\"user-info \">\n"
+ " <div class=\"user-action-time\">\n\n\n"
+ " asked <span title=\"2013-08-07 21:38:15Z\" class=\"relativetime\">Aug 7 at 21:38</span>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27233/eydelber\"><div class=\"\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\"></div></a>\n"
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+ " <a href=\"/users/27233/eydelber\">eydelber</a><br>\n"
+ " <span class=\"reputation-score\" title=\"reputation score\" dir=\"ltr\">101</span><span title=\"4 bronze badges\"><span class=\"badge3\"></span><span class=\"badgecount\">4</span></span>\n"
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final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println("Full match: " +;
for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
System.out.println("Group " + i + ": " +;
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Java, please visit: