re = /^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+\s\S+)\s(\S+\s\S+).*$/m
str = '1 100 1 REAL_REWARD ANNOUNCEMENT,NEED_CONTACT 80013:1 50001:90 2020-09-28 10:00:00 2020-09-29 03:59:59 胸针 80002 640 栗雄坐姿玩偶 0
2 100 1 REAL_REWARD ANNOUNCEMENT,NEED_CONTACT 80006:1 50001:460 2020-09-28 10:00:00 2020-09-29 03:59:59 毛毯披肩 80003 640 紫咪小鹰坐姿玩偶 0
3 100 1 REAL_REWARD ANNOUNCEMENT,NEED_CONTACT 80005:1 50001:640 2020-09-28 10:00:00 2020-09-29 03:59:59 嘟嘟河马坐姿玩偶 80004 640 爱逗蛙坐姿玩偶 0 '
subst = ' <packageMeta packageId="\\1" remark=""> <sum>\\2</sum> <limit>1</limit> <discount>1</discount> <type>REAL_REWARD</type> <showTypes class="java.util.ArrayList"> <showType>ANNOUNCEMENT</showType> <showType>NEED_CONTACT</showType> </showTypes> <items>\\3</items> <cost>\\4</cost> <startTime>\\5</startTime> <endTime>\\6</endTime> <usingPlatform class="java.util.ArrayList"> <string/> </usingPlatform> <excludePlatform class="java.util.ArrayList"> <string/> </excludePlatform> <extra/> </packageMeta> '
result = str.gsub(re, subst)
# Print the result of the substitution
puts result
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