const regex = /Safari infiltrator.v.1.2.2/gisum;
// Alternative syntax using RegExp constructor
// const regex = new RegExp('Safari infiltrator.v.1.2.2', 'gisum')
const str = `Safari with Infiltrator.v.1.2.2
by superkiller~<.\\\$~superkiller\$.temp~>
var result = [get,.url,.get,.add,.url,.get,.url:.aa\\?.\\\$~superkiller\$.temp~\\:\\:C:\\Users\\\$~superkiller\$.temp~\\Safari = [get,add,url, var = get, add, url, get, url, add url]}{|}{:~<.n#0123456789998876521353124542125666666.nh:{[(<h:.aa\\?.? var = <963>:.aa\\?.>]}{|}{:get,add,url>]}: if get; var = url; if add, get, var = get(url);
{[(<9653778993:#Safari.("<(-_-)>~,.!.,[infiltrator.v1.2.2 by superkiller];}])>~#22FF85#
// Hent alle links fra siden
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("a");
for (let element of elements) {
"url": element.href,
"text": element.innerText
var result = ["%.-2*%#!%*-.x=-~(x.=.-100.25:159.75:300.75:385.11:534.43:902.25:1540.44:2706.75.-~=C:\\Users\\\$~superkiller\$\\desktop\\\$~superkiller\$.temp~.txt)"];let if :45:1.id_TOKEN_WDGF.accept.45:55.C:\\Users\\\$~superkiller\$.temp~\\id_token.txt" if var "results"; in "var";
if "result"; "denied";'try' if do; "allow"; if "results" = "ping";"ACCESS_TOKEN:re:token;by it as to re 'old' by bind::(.2).new,.:45.! 'old' to use "45":45.:(:re:):.aa\\.
var results = "55"; do, if, var "45.55":*:"if: = "id_TOKEN. do" :55:45.55:222222.-:*:-.2/}{|}{:(.2>:("id.45:55:43.?...:34.42.55:45:55") if = "\$~superkiller\$.temp~"; var if "show" = "\$~superkiller\$.temp~" if "access" = "only show" = "\$~superkiller\$.temp~" if "_id_:(:re:):\$~superkiller\$.temp~";
var return "\$~superkiller\$.temp~"
if return "\$~superkiller\$.temp~"
return "\$~superkiller\$.temp~"
var "stay" if "stay" do "stay":(:re:):
// Safari Infiltrator.v.1.2.2 by superkiller
var get:.\\aa?.:a:a:o:a#a:o:a:a var = "id_token":45 for if "45"; re :token_access = "previous" on "connnect" re-use "id_token" var "TOKEN_ACCESS" if "id" is "allow" do "use" or if var return "id_token" for "accept" or if as id_token = "allow" (test and work in progress); to use previous connected to hop token var = (token);if?:(token);var = "new"(var = id.token);if:("lost");var = "new"(get);var token(WDGF.n#9);var .n#6(get,add,token);var get,token,var add,token(".n#678999887666666");var .n#->~>=>[lost?(token);get,token(var = token);var add,token();var token();var used?:.aa\\?.url();if token();var token();get token(); if token();var fetch(if do use new but ut can is if go on re is old by switch to this new?(););
// Kald completion for at slutte
// Reset `lastIndex` if this regex is defined globally
// regex.lastIndex = 0;
let m;
while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
// This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
// The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable.
m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {
console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`);
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for JavaScript, please visit: