import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String regex = ">sp6438(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){4}\\s*([^>]*?)\\s*(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){4}\\s*[^>]*?\\s*(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){4}\\s*[^>]*?<[^>]*?>[^>]*?\\s*(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){7}\\s*Hostname\\s*(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){2}\\s*Keyword\\s*(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){2}\\s*Current Status\\s*(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){2}\\s*Last Review\\s*(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){2}\\s*Last\\s*Response\\s*<\\/th>\\s*<\\/tr>\\s*(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){3}\\s*([^>]*?)\\s*(?:<[^>]*?>\\s*){4}\\s*([^>]*?)\\s*<";
final String string = "<HTML>\n"
+ "<BODY text=black>\n"
+ "<!-- Make table cells that are empty visible -->\n"
+ "<style type=\"text/css\"> table { empty-cells:show; } </style>\n"
+ "<!-- If Javascript is not available redirect the user to a noscript page -->\n"
+ "<noscript>\n"
+ " <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=noscript.php\">\n"
+ "</noscript>\n\n\n"
+ "<script>\n"
+ "// function to toggle div visibility\n"
+ "function toggleDiv(divid)\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " if(document.getElementById(divid).style.display == 'none')\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'block';\n"
+ " } else\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'none';\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "// This javascript function will update the New response textarea and comment\n"
+ "function automate_resp_detail(formid,detailid,detail_note_id)\n"
+ "{\n"
+ " // get the element id's of the parts of the form\n"
+ " var myselid=document.getElementById(formid);\n"
+ " var mydetid=document.getElementById(detailid);\n"
+ " var mynoteid=document.getElementById(detail_note_id);\n\n"
+ " // if we can't get any of the element id's bail\n"
+ " if (!mydetid) {return;}\n"
+ " if (!myselid) {return;}\n"
+ " if (!mynoteid) {return;}\n\n"
+ " // get the details text from the title tag of the option\n"
+ " var details=myselid.options[myselid.selectedIndex].title;\n\n"
+ " // get the lock status info from the lanf tag.\n"
+ " // x- designates experimental languages, but is not used\n"
+ " // as a language here.\n"
+ " var lockit=myselid.options[myselid.selectedIndex].lang;\n\n"
+ " // if we have text to work with in details\n"
+ " if (details)\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " // prepopulate the textarea on locked items\n"
+ " if (lockit.toLowerCase() == 'x-lock-y')\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " // put details into form\n"
+ " mydetid.innerHTML=details;\n"
+ " // make form uneditable\n"
+ " mydetid.readOnly=true;\n"
+ " // make the background light grey\n"
+ "'lightgrey';\n"
+ " // clear and hide the div above the input area with the note\n"
+ " mynoteid.innerHTML=\"\";\n"
+ " 'none';\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " else if (lockit.toLowerCase() == 'x-lock-a')\n"
+ " { // prepopulated admin options\n"
+ " // put details into form\n"
+ " mydetid.innerHTML=details;\n"
+ " // clear the div above the input area with the note\n"
+ " mynoteid.innerHTML=\"\";\n"
+ " 'none';\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " else\n"
+ " { // unlocked items with detail\n"
+ " // clear the textarea, and remove read only\n"
+ " mydetid.innerHTML=\"\";\n"
+ " mydetid.readOnly=false;\n"
+ " //\n"
+ " //at1273\n"
+ " // set the color to orange\n"
+ "'#FE8705';\n"
+ " // set the color back to white\n"
+ " //'white';\n"
+ " //\n"
+ " //at1273\n"
+ " // set width and height \n"
+ "'90';\n"
+ "'20';\n"
+ " // populate the div above the input area with the note\n"
+ " mynoteid.innerHTML=details;\n"
+ " // make the div visible\n"
+ " 'block';\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " else\n"
+ " { // items with no detail clear the textarea\n"
+ " mydetid.innerHTML=\"\";\n"
+ " // remove read only\n"
+ " mydetid.readOnly=false;\n"
+ " // set the color back to white\n"
+ "'white';\n"
+ " // clear and hide the div above the input area with the note\n"
+ " mynoteid.innerHTML=\"\";\n"
+ " 'none';\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "//\n"
+ "//Used to generate xls view\n"
+ "function exporttoxls(x) {\n"
+ " var old_action = x.action;\n\n"
+ " //\n"
+ " //at1273\n"
+ " //x.action = \"\"\n"
+ " x.action = \"\"\n"
+ " //x.action = \"\"\n"
+ " x.submit();\n"
+ " x.action = old_action;\n\n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "//try to see the previous page report\n"
+ "function prePage(cp, tform) {\n"
+ " if (cp == 1) {\n"
+ " alert(\"You are on the first page\");\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n\n"
+ " document.getElementById(\"current_page2\").value = cp-1;\n"
+ " tform.submit();\n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "//try to see the next page report\n"
+ "function nextPage(cp, maxp, tform) {\n"
+ " if (cp == maxp) {\n"
+ " alert(\"You are on the last page\");\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n\n"
+ " document.getElementById(\"current_page2\").value = cp+1;\n"
+ " tform.submit();\n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "//try to change to a specific page\n"
+ "function manualPage(cp, newp, maxp, tform) {\n"
+ " if (isNaN(newp)) {\n"
+ " alert(\"Page must be a number\");\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " if (cp==newp) {\n"
+ " //ignore they are staying on the same page\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " if (newp < 1) {\n"
+ " alert(\"There is no page less than 1\");\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " if (newp > maxp) {\n"
+ " alert(\"That page is higher than the max\");\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " document.getElementById(\"current_page2\").value = newp;\n"
+ " tform.submit();\n"
+ " \n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "function manualPage2(event, cp, newp, maxp, tform) {\n"
+ " if (event.keyCode == 13) {\n"
+ " manualPage(cp, newp, maxp, tform);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "</script>\n\n"
+ "<br/>\n\n"
+ "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n"
+ "<HTML>\n"
+ "<HEAD>\n"
+ "<TITLE>Notification Response: SACT</TITLE>\n"
+ "<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n"
+ "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/includes/style/style2.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n"
+ "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/includes/style/attstyle.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n\n"
+ "</HEAD>\n\n"
+ "<BODY text=#000000 bottomMargin=0 bgColor=#ffffff leftMargin=0 topMargin=0 rightMargin=0 marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\">\n\n"
+ "<!--- MENU --->\n"
+ "<script>\n"
+ "var ko,currentlyVis;\n\n"
+ "function hide_select() {\n"
+ " // Hide all the select elements on the page\n"
+ " var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('select');\n"
+ " for (i=0; i<divs.length; i++) {\n"
+ " divs[i].style.visibility = \"hidden\";\n"
+ " } \n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "function show_select() {\n"
+ " // Show all the select elements on the page\n"
+ " var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('select');\n"
+ " for(i=0; i<divs.length; i++) { \n"
+ " divs[i].style.visibility = \"visible\";\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "function showMenu(smnu){\n"
+ " clearTimeout(ko);\n"
+ " if (document.getElementById) {\n"
+ " s = document.getElementById(smnu).style;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " else {\n"
+ " if (document.all)\n"
+ " s = document.all[smnu].style;\n"
+ " else\n"
+ " s = document.layers.smnu;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " if (currentlyVis) {\n"
+ " currentlyVis.visibility = 'hidden';\n"
+ " currentlyVis.display = 'none';\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " s.visibility = 'visible';\n"
+ " s.display = 'block';\n"
+ " currentlyVis = s;\n"
+ " hide_select();\n"
+ "}\n\n"
+ "function hideMenu(smnu, k){\n"
+ " if (document.getElementById) {\n"
+ " h = document.getElementById(smnu).style;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " else {\n"
+ " if (document.all)\n"
+ " h = document.all[smnu].style;\n"
+ " else\n"
+ " h = document.layers.smnu;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " if (k==1) {\n"
+ " h.visibility = 'hidden';\n"
+ " h.display = 'none';\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " else\n"
+ " ko = setTimeout(\"hideMenu('\"+smnu+\"', 1);\", 200);\n"
+ " show_select();\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "</script>\n\n"
+ "<div style=\"position:absolute; top:72px;\">\n"
+ " <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"
+ " <tr>\n"
+ " <td class=\"menu_header\" onmouseover=\"this.className='menu_header_on'; showMenu('HomeMenu');\" onmouseout=\"this.className='menu_header'; hideMenu('HomeMenu',0);\">Tech Ops Security Remediation</td>\n"
+ " \n"
+ " <td style=\"\" class=\"menu_header\" onmouseover=\"this.className='menu_header_on'; showMenu('MethodsMenu');\" onmouseout=\"this.className='menu_header'; hideMenu('MethodsMenu',0);\">Methods and Procedures</td>\n\n"
+ " <td style=\"\" class=\"menu_header\" onmouseover=\"this.className='menu_header_on'; showMenu('ContactsMenu');\" onmouseout=\"this.className='menu_header'; hideMenu('ContactsMenu',0);\">Contact Us</td>\n"
+ " <td> </td>\n"
+ " \n"
+ " </tr>\n"
+ " </table>\n"
+ "</div>\n\n"
+ "<!--- Tech Ops SECURITY HOME MENU --->\n"
+ "<div style=\"position:absolute; top:100px; width:125px; border:0px;\">\n"
+ "<span id=\"HomeMenu\" style=\"top:60px; visibility:hidden; display:none;\" >\n"
+ "<div class=\"menu_item\" style=\"width:200;\" onclick=\"location.href='/nr/'; \" onmouseover=\"window.status='/nr/'; this.className='menu_item_on'; showMenu('HomeMenu');\" onmouseout=\"window.status=''; this.className='menu_item'; hideMenu('HomeMenu', 0);\">Notification Response Instances</div>\n"
+ "</span>\n"
+ "</div>\n\n"
+ "<div style=\"position:absolute; top:100px; width:125px; border:0px; left:155px;\">\n"
+ "<span id=\"MethodsMenu\" class=\"nav\" style=\"top:60px; visibility:hidden;\" >\n"
+ " <div class=\"menu_item\" style=\"width:225px;\" onclick=\"''); \" onmouseover=\"window.status=''; this.className='menu_item_on'; showMenu('MethodsMenu');\" onmouseout=\"window.status=''; this.className='menu_item'; hideMenu('MethodsMenu', 0);\">NR-SACT WIKI (Open New Tab)</div>\n"
+ "</span>\n"
+ "</div>\n\n"
+ "<!--- CONTACTS --->\n"
+ "<div style=\"position:absolute; top:100px; width:125px; border:0px; left:311px;\">\n"
+ "<span id=\"ContactsMenu\" class=\"nav\" style=\"top:60px; visibility:hidden;\" >\n"
+ " <div class=\"menu_item\" style=\"width:235px;\" onclick=\"window.location.href=' Ops Security Remediation NR-SACT Questions&body=PLEASE ATTACH EMAIL AND ENTER INFORMATION RELATED TO THE TICKET'; \" onmouseover=\"window.status=''; this.className='menu_item_on'; showMenu('ContactsMenu');\" onmouseout=\"window.status=''; this.className='menu_item'; hideMenu('ContactsMenu', 0);\">NR-SACT Question (Open Outlook)</div>\n"
+ "</span>\n"
+ "</div>\n\n"
+ "<!--- END: MENU --->\n\n"
+ "<div class=\"header_bar\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"header_left\">\n"
+ " <div class=\"page_name\">Tech Ops Security Remediation<span > </span></div>\n"
+ " </div>\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ " \n"
+ "<!--- TITLE / APP MENU / LOGIN --->\n"
+ "<div style=\"text-align:right;background-color:#EFEFF7; letter-spacing:2px; border-bottom:1px solid #666666; padding-top:5px; padding-left:35px; padding-bottom:5px; font-size:10px; font-weight:normal; font-family:tahoma; height:16px; border-top:1px solid #666666;\">\n"
+ "<span style=\"float:left; text-align:left;font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; font-family:tahoma;height:16px;\">Notification Response: SACT</span>\n"
+ "Logged in as: Subramanian Pandian\n"
+ "</div>\n"
+ "<!--- END: TITLE / APP MENU / LOGIN--->\n"
+ " \n"
+ " \n\n\n"
+ "<!--- BODY CONTAINER--->\n"
+ "<table border=\"0\" height=\"375\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse:collapse; border-left: 1px solid #EFEFF7;\">\n"
+ " <tr>\n\n"
+ " <!--- BODY --->\n"
+ " <td width=\"100%\" valign=\"top\" style=\"padding-left:20px;\" >\n"
+ " \n"
+ " <br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left>\n"
+ "<form id=\"userid_search\" name=\"userid_search\" action=\"/NR-SACT/index.php\" method=\"POST\">\n"
+ "<p style=\"width:90%;\" align=left>\n"
+ "<strong> Client:</strong><select name=\"disp_usersup\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"User\" selected>User</option><option value=\"Supervisor\" >Supervisor</option></select><strong>By Status Type:</strong><select name=\"disp_status\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>--Choose Status--\n"
+ "<option value=\"notify\">Initial Notification\n"
+ "<option value=\"rejected\">Rejected\n"
+ "<option value=\"accepted\">Accepted\n"
+ "<option value=\"escalated\">Escalated\n"
+ "<option value=\"closed\">Closed\n"
+ "</select><strong> By Event Type:</strong><select name=\"disp_type\" >\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>--Choose Type--\n"
+ "<option value=\"sysfown\">Check 101 - system file ownership\n"
+ "<option value=\"sysfprm\">Check 102 - system file permission\n"
+ "<option value=\"locksys\">Check 103 - Sysacct not locked\n"
+ "<option value=\"validation\">Check 105 - Validation needed\n"
+ "<option value=\"employee\">Check 106 - acct validated\n"
+ "<option value=\"blankpwd\">Check 109 - passwd is blank\n"
+ "<option value=\"cnfperm\">Check 111 - config file permission\n"
+ "<option value=\"uniq_logname\">Check 112 - unique logname\n"
+ "<option value=\"uniq_uid\">Check 113 - unique UID\n"
+ "<option value=\"sulogrpt\">Check 114 - is sulog reporting\n"
+ "<option value=\"su0log\">Check 116 - check sulog for non-SA services\n"
+ "<option value=\"staticauth\">Check 117 - Static Authentication\n"
+ "<option value=\"pwdparam\">Check 118 - Password Parameters\n"
+ "<option value=\"upwdparm\">Check 119 - user passwd parameters\n"
+ "<option value=\"nfsexport\">Check 120 - NFS exported\n"
+ "<option value=\"anon_ftp\">Check 121 - anonymous ftp\n"
+ "<option value=\"ftpusers\">Check 122 - ftpusers sys acct unrestricted\n"
+ "<option value=\"no_tftp\">Check 123 - tftp is running\n"
+ "<option value=\"netsrvcs\">Check 124 - network services\n"
+ "<option value=\"dirnetaccess\">Check 129 - Direct Network Access\n"
+ "<option value=\"ident0\">Check 130 - root only UID=0\n"
+ "<option value=\"rootfirst\">Check 131 - root first in pwd\n"
+ "<option value=\"dotrhost0\">Check 132 - rhost on root\n"
+ "<option value=\"trusthost\">Check 133 - host.equiv\n"
+ "<option value=\"backups\">Check 142 - regular backups\n"
+ "<option value=\"direct0cnf\">Check 144 - sshd.conf misconfigured\n"
+ "<option value=\"pwd_perm\">Check 145 - permission of /etc/passwd\n"
+ "<option value=\"pwd_own\">Check 146 - ownership of /etc/passwd\n"
+ "<option value=\"shadperm\">Check 147 - shadow file perm\n"
+ "<option value=\"shadown\">Check 148 - shadow file owner\n"
+ "<option value=\"hostslpd\">Check 149 - hosts.lpd\n"
+ "<option value=\"rshell\">Check 157 - RSHELL enabled\n"
+ "<option value=\"rlogin\">Check 158 - RLOGIN enabled\n"
+ "<option value=\"rexec\">Check 159 - REXEC enabled\n"
+ "<option value=\"snmp_commun\">Check 162 - community used in SNMP\n"
+ "<option value=\"ftpusers_app_acct\">Check 174 - ftpusers app acct unrestricted\n"
+ "<option value=\"seclog\">Check 175 - logging to security\n"
+ "<option value=\"root1shad\">Check 182 - root first in shadow\n"
+ "<option value=\"sendmail\">Check 184 - Sendmail Not Installed or Not Latest Version\n"
+ "<option value=\"SRM\">Check 192 - SRM available\n"
+ "<option value=\"NISdomain\">Check 193 - NIS must be diff DNS\n"
+ "<option value=\"OS_patch\">Check 202 - OS version patches\n"
+ "<option value=\"attuid\">Check 203 - lognames attuid format\n"
+ "<option value=\"tcp_wrapper\">Check 205 - tcpwrappers not installed\n"
+ "<option value=\"tcp_wrap_config\">Check 206 - hosts.allow def for tcpwrapper\n"
+ "<option value=\"tcpwrap\">Check 207 - tcpwrapped processes\n"
+ "<option value=\"logowng\">Check 208 - log file owner\n"
+ "<option value=\"logperm\">Check 209 - log file permission\n"
+ "<option value=\"java\">Check 210 - Java Browser/System Java\n"
+ "<option value=\"uniqgid\">Check 211 - unique GID\n"
+ "<option value=\"syslogd_run\">Check 212 - syslogd running?\n"
+ "<option value=\"sudo_sensage\">Check 213 - sudo_sensage\n"
+ "<option value=\"cfg_sensage\">Check 214 - syslog.conf for Sensage?\n"
+ "<option value=\"NIS_maps\">Check 217 - NIS securenet needed\n"
+ "<option value=\"sulogown\">Check 226 - sulog owner\n"
+ "<option value=\"sulogprm\">Check 227 - sulog permission\n"
+ "<option value=\"dotrhost\">Check 229 - rhost on acct\n"
+ "<option value=\"chshrmv\">Check 230 - remove chsh\n"
+ "<option value=\"exports_access\">Check 231 - access flag in exports\n"
+ "<option value=\"umask\">Check 232 - set file creation mask\n"
+ "<option value=\"cronlogs\">Check 233 - cronlog permissions\n"
+ "<option value=\"MESG\">Check 234 - MESG must be NO\n"
+ "<option value=\"chfn\">Check 235 - remove chfn\n"
+ "<option value=\"uuencode\">Check 237 - remove uuencode\n"
+ "<option value=\"rootinNIS\">Check 238 - no root in NIS\n"
+ "<option value=\"valid_shells\">Check 239 - /etc/shells good\n"
+ "<option value=\"ww_programs\">Check 241 - world write on pgms\n"
+ "<option value=\"dcpasswd\">Check 242 - DC Password\n"
+ "<option value=\"worldwrit\">Check 246 - world write permission\n"
+ "<option value=\"PATH_order\">Check 249 - system bins 1st in PATH\n"
+ "<option value=\"cronperm\">Check 251 - permission of cron.allow\n"
+ "<option value=\"cronown\">Check 252 - ownership of cron.allow\n"
+ "<option value=\"sec_log_active\">Check 253 - security log starts init\n"
+ "<option value=\"ww_os_cfg\">Check 254 - world write on config file\n"
+ "<option value=\"Logins_Allowed\">Check 257 - Logins Allowed - Disconnect After Six FailedLogins\n"
+ "<option value=\"nfsnotexport\">Check 261 - no nfs export\n"
+ "<option value=\"adminNIS\">Check 262 - prohibit root NIS\n"
+ "<option value=\"rootNFS\">Check 266 - root in exports\n"
+ "<option value=\"dotfiles\">Check 267 - use of dotfiles\n"
+ "<option value=\"restrict_rootdir\">Check 269 - only root uses / home\n"
+ "<option value=\"cronallow\">Check 271 - cron.allow permission\n"
+ "<option value=\"export_sysdir\">Check 277 - sys director exported\n"
+ "<option value=\"OSpatch\">Check 280 - OS patches needed\n"
+ "<option value=\"no_permisc\">Check 281 - promiscuous mode used\n"
+ "<option value=\"ctrl_root\">Check 283 - limit of sudo use\n"
+ "<option value=\"backupdoc\">Check 286 - documented backup\n"
+ "<option value=\"homerhost\">Check 296 - home .rhost in use\n"
+ "<option value=\"no_.netrc\">Check 297 - .netrc files in HOME directory\n"
+ "<option value=\"selfNFS\">Check 301 - service in nfs export\n"
+ "<option value=\"Xstartup\">Check 305 - Xstartup no root login\n"
+ "<option value=\"patch_track\">Check 312 - patch bundles\n"
+ "<option value=\"supt_OS\">Check 334 - supported OS\n"
+ "<option value=\"ntp\">Check 353 - ntp config\n"
+ "<option value=\"who_su\">Check 412 - non SA did su\n"
+ "<option value=\"who_sudo\">Check 413 - sudo without eksh\n"
+ "<option value=\"blacklist\">Check 414 - blacklisted services\n"
+ "<option value=\"tmout\">Check 415 - auto log out setting\n"
+ "<option value=\"patrol\">Check 416 - patrol running\n"
+ "<option value=\"sudo_su_0\">Check 433 - sudo su to root\n"
+ "<option value=\"currsact\">Check 512 - sact current\n"
+ "<option value=\"cfengine\">Check 513 - cfengine running?\n"
+ "<option value=\"cfenginID\">Check 514 - need cfengine mechid\n"
+ "<option value=\"appspassword\">Check 532 - APP Account with Password\n"
+ "<option value=\"mechsauth\">Check 552 - APP/Mech ID Static Auth (Check 117)\n"
+ "<option value=\"pwd_content\">Check 572 - password length\n"
+ "<option value=\"eksh_audit\">Check 592 - eksh enabled\n"
+ "<option value=\"uam\">Check 704 - UAM not running\n"
+ "<option value=\"sudoauth\">Check 715 - unauthorized sudoers file\n"
+ "</select> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\" id=\"newsearch\" />\n"
+ " <input type=\"button\" value=\"Export Tickets to Excel\" id=\"exportdata\" onclick=\"exporttoxls(this.form);\" />\n"
+ "</form><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left><h5 style=\"background-color:#0396d7;color:#ffffff; width=90%\" align=\"left\" > Tickets for sp6438 </h5><p align=\"left\" style=\"width:90%;\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"<PREV\" onclick=\"prePage(1, document.getElementById('EditJust_attuid'));\"/>\n"
+ "Page <input type=\"text\" size=5 value=1 onkeypress=\"manualPage2(event, 1, this.value, 1,document.getElementById('EditJust_attuid'));\" onchange=\"manualPage(1, this.value, 1,document.getElementById('EditJust_attuid'));\"/>\n"
+ " of 1 <input type=\"button\" value=\"NEXT>\" onclick=\"nextPage(1,1, document.getElementById('EditJust_attuid'));\"/>\n"
+ "<hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left>\n"
+ "<form id=\"EditJust_attuid\" name=\"EditJust_attuid\" action=\"/NR-SACT/index.php\" method=\"POST\">\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[0][notif_id]\" value=\"2339866\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[0][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[0][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[0][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339866\" target=\"_blank\">2339866</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">ttd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: ttd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_0');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_0\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[0][response_type]\" id=\"resp_0\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_0','resp_detail_0','resp_detail_note_0');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_0\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[0][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_0\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[1][notif_id]\" value=\"2339865\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[1][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[1][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[1][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339865\" target=\"_blank\">2339865</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">rtmd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: rtmd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_1');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_1\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[1][response_type]\" id=\"resp_1\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_1','resp_detail_1','resp_detail_note_1');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_1\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[1][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_1\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[2][notif_id]\" value=\"2339864\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[2][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[2][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[2][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339864\" target=\"_blank\">2339864</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">rpc.rquot</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: rpc.rquot</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_2');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_2\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[2][response_type]\" id=\"resp_2\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_2','resp_detail_2','resp_detail_note_2');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_2\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[2][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_2\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[3][notif_id]\" value=\"2339863\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[3][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[3][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[3][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339863\" target=\"_blank\">2339863</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">python</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: python</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_3');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_3\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[3][response_type]\" id=\"resp_3\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_3','resp_detail_3','resp_detail_note_3');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_3\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[3][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_3\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[4][notif_id]\" value=\"2339862\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[4][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[4][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[4][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339862\" target=\"_blank\">2339862</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">perfd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: perfd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_4');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_4\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[4][response_type]\" id=\"resp_4\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_4','resp_detail_4','resp_detail_note_4');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_4\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[4][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_4\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[5][notif_id]\" value=\"2339861\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[5][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[5][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[5][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339861\" target=\"_blank\">2339861</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">ovconfd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: ovconfd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_5');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_5\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[5][response_type]\" id=\"resp_5\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_5','resp_detail_5','resp_detail_note_5');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_5\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[5][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_5\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[6][notif_id]\" value=\"2339860\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[6][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[6][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[6][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339860\" target=\"_blank\">2339860</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">ovcd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: ovcd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_6');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_6\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[6][response_type]\" id=\"resp_6\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_6','resp_detail_6','resp_detail_note_6');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_6\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[6][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_6\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[7][notif_id]\" value=\"2339859\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[7][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[7][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[7][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339859\" target=\"_blank\">2339859</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">ovbbccb</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: ovbbccb</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_7');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_7\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[7][response_type]\" id=\"resp_7\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_7','resp_detail_7','resp_detail_note_7');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_7\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[7][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_7\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[8][notif_id]\" value=\"2339858\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[8][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[8][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[8][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339858\" target=\"_blank\">2339858</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">opcmsga</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: opcmsga</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_8');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_8\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[8][response_type]\" id=\"resp_8\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_8','resp_detail_8','resp_detail_note_8');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_8\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[8][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_8\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[9][notif_id]\" value=\"2339857\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[9][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[9][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[9][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339857\" target=\"_blank\">2339857</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">opcacta</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: opcacta</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_9');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_9\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[9][response_type]\" id=\"resp_9\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_9','resp_detail_9','resp_detail_note_9');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_9\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[9][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_9\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[10][notif_id]\" value=\"2339856\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[10][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[10][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[10][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2339856\" target=\"_blank\">2339856</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br>2017-01-10 17:11:26 CST</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">coda</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2017-01-10 23:11:26 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: coda</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_10');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_10\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[10][response_type]\" id=\"resp_10\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_10','resp_detail_10','resp_detail_note_10');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_10\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[10][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_10\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[11][notif_id]\" value=\"2130488\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[11][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[11][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[11][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2130488\" target=\"_blank\">2130488</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br>2016-08-09 17:07:41 CDT</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">httpd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: httpd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_11');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_11\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[11][response_type]\" id=\"resp_11\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_11','resp_detail_11','resp_detail_note_11');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_11\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[11][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_11\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[12][notif_id]\" value=\"2130487\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[12][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[12][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[12][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2130487\" target=\"_blank\">2130487</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br>2016-08-09 17:07:41 CDT</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">httpd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: httpd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_12');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_12\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[12][response_type]\" id=\"resp_12\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_12','resp_detail_12','resp_detail_note_12');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_12\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[12][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_12\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[13][notif_id]\" value=\"2130486\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[13][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[13][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[13][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2130486\" target=\"_blank\">2130486</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br>2016-08-09 17:07:41 CDT</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">httpd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: httpd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_13');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_13\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[13][response_type]\" id=\"resp_13\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_13','resp_detail_13','resp_detail_note_13');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_13\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[13][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_13\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[14][notif_id]\" value=\"2130485\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[14][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[14][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[14][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2130485\" target=\"_blank\">2130485</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br>2016-08-09 17:07:41 CDT</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">httpd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: httpd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_14');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_14\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[14][response_type]\" id=\"resp_14\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_14','resp_detail_14','resp_detail_note_14');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_14\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[14][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_14\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[15][notif_id]\" value=\"2130484\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[15][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[15][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[15][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2130484\" target=\"_blank\">2130484</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br>2016-08-09 17:07:41 CDT</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">httpd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: httpd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_15');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_15\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[15][response_type]\" id=\"resp_15\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_15','resp_detail_15','resp_detail_note_15');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_15\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[15][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_15\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[16][notif_id]\" value=\"2130483\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[16][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[16][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[16][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2130483\" target=\"_blank\">2130483</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br>2016-08-09 17:07:41 CDT</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">httpd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: httpd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_16');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_16\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[16][response_type]\" id=\"resp_16\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_16','resp_detail_16','resp_detail_note_16');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_16\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[16][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_16\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[17][notif_id]\" value=\"2130481\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[17][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[17][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[17][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2130481\" target=\"_blank\">2130481</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br>2016-08-09 17:07:41 CDT</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">httpd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: httpd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_17');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_17\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[17][response_type]\" id=\"resp_17\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_17','resp_detail_17','resp_detail_note_17');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_17\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[17][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_17\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Ticket</th><th>User</th><th>Type</th><th>Initial Notice</th><th>Incident Date</th></tr><tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[18][notif_id]\" value=\"2130480\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[18][rec_type]\" value=\"attuid\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[18][last_state]\" value=\"notify\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp[18][warning]\" value=\"1\"/>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"><A href=\"/NR-SACT/index.php?ticket=2130480\" target=\"_blank\">2130480</a></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">sp6438</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">Check 124 - network services</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC</p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br>2016-08-09 17:07:41 CDT</p></td></tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Hostname</th><th>Keyword</th><th>Current Status</th><th>Last Review</th><th>Last Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\"></p></td>\n"
+ "<td><p align=\"center\">httpd</p></td>\n"
+ "<td>User Notified<hr>On: 2016-08-09 22:07:41 UTC<br></td>\n"
+ "<td>Not Reviewed</td>\n"
+ "<td>Never</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th>Detail</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td>Network service running as root: httpd</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\">\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\"><th align=\"left\">Previous Responses</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E9F7F9;\">\n"
+ "<td><a href=\"javascript:;\" onmousedown=\"toggleDiv('notif_prev_resp_18');\">Hide/Show Previous Responses</a><div id=\"notif_prev_resp_18\" style=\"display:none\"></div></td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<table border=0 width=\"90%\"><tr style=\"background-color:#FE8705;\"><th>New Response Type</th><th>New Response</th></tr>\n"
+ "<tr style=\"background-color:#E2E2E2;\" >\n"
+ "<td width=\"15%\"><p align=\"center\"><select name=\"resp[18][response_type]\" id=\"resp_18\" onchange=\"automate_resp_detail('resp_18','resp_detail_18','resp_detail_note_18');\">\n"
+ "<option value=\"\" selected>---Please Choose---\n"
+ "<option value=\"fix\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"I, the responsible party, affirm that changing this configuration or service will not impact the application\" >Fix Approved\n"
+ "<option value=\"ncta\" lang=\"x-lock-N\" title=\"I, the responsible party, will submit a NCTA documenting the need for this configuration or service - ENTER NCTA NUMBER ONLY (4-6 DIGITS)\" >Required/NCTA\n"
+ "<option value=\"notme\" lang=\"x-lock-Y\" title=\"While I am listed as the MOTS or Role Contact, I have no responsibility for the sponsorship or application in question\" >Not Interested Party\n"
+ "</select>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "<td width=\"85%\">\n"
+ "<p align=\"center\"><div id=\"resp_detail_note_18\" style=\"display:none\"></div><textarea style=\"width: 100%; height: 100%;\" name=\"resp[18][response_detail]\" id=\"resp_detail_18\" ></textarea></p>\n"
+ "</td>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</table>\n"
+ "<br><hr style=\"width:90%;\" align=left size=4 color=black><br>\n"
+ "<input type=\"button\" value=\"<PREV\" onclick=\"prePage(1, document.getElementById('EditJust_attuid'));\"/>\n"
+ "Page <input type=\"text\" size=5 value=1 onkeypress=\"manualPage2(event, 1, this.value, 1,document.getElementById('EditJust_attuid'));\" onchange=\"manualPage(1, this.value, 1,document.getElementById('EditJust_attuid'));\"/>\n"
+ " of 1 <input type=\"button\" value=\"NEXT>\" onclick=\"nextPage(1,1, document.getElementById('EditJust_attuid'));\"/>\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"num_rows\" value=\"19\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"resp_token\" value=\"c0d21cd9104d045ed3b8eb85be323abb\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update My Tickets\"/>\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"max_page2\" id=\"max_page2\" value=1 />\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"current_page2\" id=\"current_page2\" value=1 />\n"
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"disp_usersup\" id=\"disp_usersup\" value=User />\n"
+ "</p>\n\n\n"
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+ " </td>\n"
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+ "<!--- FOOTER ---> \n"
+ "<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=\"100%\" bgcolor=#fe8705 border=0>\n"
+ "<SCRIPT language=javascript>\n"
+ "<!-- \n"
+ "// create year.\n"
+ "var now = new Date();\n\n"
+ "function fourdigits(number) {\n"
+ " return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "year = (fourdigits(now.getYear())) ;\n"
+ "-->\n"
+ "</SCRIPT>\n\n"
+ " <TR>\n"
+ " <TD align=left > </TD>\n"
+ " <TD style=\"font-weight:normal;\" noWrap align=right>©<SCRIPT>document.write(year);</SCRIPT> AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.</TD>\n"
+ " </TR>\n"
+ "</TABLE>\n"
+ "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n"
+ "<tr><td align=\"center\">\n"
+ "<strong>--- AT&T Proprietary (Restricted) ---</strong><br>\n"
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+ "</BODY></HTML> \n"
+ " </BODY></HTML>\n";
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println("Full match: " +;
for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
System.out.println("Group " + i + ": " +;
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Java, please visit: