# coding=utf8
# the above tag defines encoding for this document and is for Python 2.x compatibility
import re
regex = r"\\\[(.*?)\\\]"
test_str = ("# Equivalency Lookups: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications \n\n"
"Equivalency lookups are a common computational task where you determine whether two or more entities are equivalent based on certain criteria. This concept underpins a wide range of problems, from database joins to synonym matching, hash-based comparisons, and distributed system consistency checks. \n\n"
"## 1. **What Are Equivalency Lookups?** \n\n"
"### Definition \n"
"An **equivalency lookup** is the process of identifying if two elements belong to the same equivalence class based on a defined equivalence relation $( R )$. \n\n"
"### Properties of Equivalence Relations \n"
"An equivalence relation $( R )$ satisfies three properties:\n"
"1. **Reflexivity**: $( a R a )$ (an element is equivalent to itself). \n"
"2. **Symmetry**: $( a R b \\implies b R a )$ (if $( a )$ is equivalent to $( b )$, then $( b )$ is equivalent to $( a )$). \n"
"3. **Transitivity**: $( a R b )$ and $( b R c \\implies a R c )$ (if $( a )$ is equivalent to $( b )$, and $( b )$ is equivalent to $( c )$, then $( a )$ is equivalent to $( c )$). \n\n"
"### Real-World Examples \n"
"- **Dictionary Synonyms**: Checking if two words (e.g., \"fast\" and \"quick\") are synonyms. \n"
"- **User Identity Matching**: Verifying if two user accounts refer to the same individual. \n"
"- **Canonical Representation**: Mapping equivalent objects to a single representative for efficiency (e.g., hash-based deduplication). \n\n"
"## 2. **Techniques for Equivalency Lookups** \n\n"
"### 2.1 Hashing \n"
"- Use **hash functions** to map equivalent objects to the same hash value. \n"
"- Efficient for exact matches (e.g., strings, integers). \n"
"- Example: Checking file equivalency via MD5 or SHA-256 hash comparison. \n\n"
"#### Example: Hash-Based Lookup \n"
"# Equivalency check for strings using hashes\n"
"import hashlib\n\n"
"def get_hash(value):\n"
" return hashlib.md5(value.encode()).hexdigest()\n\n"
"a = \"hello\"\n"
"b = \"hello\"\n\n"
"print(get_hash(a) == get_hash(b)) # Output: True\n"
"### 2.2 Union-Find (Disjoint Set) \n"
"- Efficient data structure for handling equivalency relations in dynamic systems. \n"
"- Operations:\n"
" - **Find**: Determine the equivalence class of an element. \n"
" - **Union**: Merge two equivalence classes. \n"
"- Applications: Network connectivity, Kruskal’s algorithm for MST, and clustering. \n\n"
"#### Example: Union-Find Implementation \n"
"class UnionFind:\n"
" def __init__(self, size):\n"
" self.parent = list(range(size))\n"
" \n"
" def find(self, x):\n"
" if self.parent[x] != x:\n"
" self.parent[x] = self.find(self.parent[x]) # Path compression\n"
" return self.parent[x]\n"
" \n"
" def union(self, x, y):\n"
" rootX = self.find(x)\n"
" rootY = self.find(y)\n"
" if rootX != rootY:\n"
" self.parent[rootX] = rootY\n\n"
"# Usage\n"
"uf = UnionFind(10)\n"
"uf.union(1, 2)\n"
"uf.union(2, 3)\n"
"print(uf.find(1) == uf.find(3)) # Output: True\n"
"### 2.3 Canonicalization \n"
"- Transform each object into a canonical form such that equivalent objects are identical. \n"
"- Examples:\n"
" - Sorting strings for anagrams (e.g., \"cat\" and \"tac\" → \"act\"). \n"
" - Reducing fractions to lowest terms. \n\n"
"#### Example: Canonicalizing Anagrams \n"
"def canonical_form(word):\n"
" return ''.join(sorted(word))\n\n"
"print(canonical_form(\"listen\") == canonical_form(\"silent\")) # Output: True\n"
"### 2.4 Database Indexes \n"
"- Use indexes for equivalency lookups in structured data. \n"
"- Example: SQL query to find all users with the same email address. \n\n"
"#### Example: SQL Query \n"
"SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE email = 'example@example.com';\n"
"## 3. **Applications of Equivalency Lookups** \n\n"
"### 3.1 Data Deduplication \n"
"- Identifying and removing duplicate records or files. \n"
"- Technique: Hash-based deduplication or clustering similar records. \n\n"
"### 3.2 Graph Connectivity \n"
"- Check if two nodes are in the same connected component. \n"
"- Technique: Union-Find or BFS/DFS. \n\n"
"### 3.3 Synonym Matching \n"
"- Resolve different words or phrases that refer to the same concept. \n"
"- Technique: Canonicalization or synonym dictionaries. \n\n"
"### 3.4 Distributed Systems \n"
"- Ensure consistency by checking if replicas are equivalent. \n"
"- Technique: Compare hash values of data on different servers. \n\n"
"## 4. **Optimizations for Large-Scale Lookups** \n\n"
"### 4.1 Bloom Filters \n"
"- Space-efficient data structure for approximate membership testing. \n"
"- Useful for checking if an element might be equivalent to others in a large dataset. \n\n"
"#### Example: Using Bloom Filter \n"
"from pybloom_live import BloomFilter\n\n"
"bloom = BloomFilter(capacity=1000, error_rate=0.01)\n"
"print(\"hello\" in bloom) # Output: True\n"
"### 4.2 Caching \n"
"- Store results of equivalency checks to avoid recomputation. \n"
"- Use LRU (Least Recently Used) or LFU (Least Frequently Used) caches. \n\n"
"#### Example: Caching Results with `functools.lru_cache` \n"
"from functools import lru_cache\n\n"
"def is_equivalent(a, b):\n"
" return sorted(a) == sorted(b)\n\n"
"print(is_equivalent(\"listen\", \"silent\")) # Output: True\n"
"## 5. **Challenges in Equivalency Lookups** \n\n"
"1. **Scalability**: \n"
" - Large datasets require efficient data structures and algorithms. \n"
" - Use distributed systems or approximate methods for very large inputs. \n\n"
"2. **Precision vs. Performance**: \n"
" - Approximate methods (e.g., Bloom filters) trade off precision for speed. \n\n"
"3. **Ambiguity**: \n"
" - Defining equivalence relations can be complex for real-world data (e.g., synonym matching may depend on context). \n\n"
"4. **Data Quality**: \n"
" - Inconsistent or noisy data can lead to false equivalences. \n\n"
"## 6. **Summary** \n"
"Equivalency lookups are essential across fields like data processing, graph theory, and distributed systems. Techniques like hashing, union-find, canonicalization, and Bloom filters provide robust solutions depending on the use case. By balancing accuracy and performance, equivalency lookups can be optimized for scalability and reliability in real-world applications. ")
subst = "$$\\1$$"
# You can manually specify the number of replacements by changing the 4th argument
result = re.sub(regex, subst, test_str, 0, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
if result:
print (result)
# Note: for Python 2.7 compatibility, use ur"" to prefix the regex and u"" to prefix the test string and substitution.
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Python, please visit: https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html