Regular Expressions 101

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  • PCRE2 (PHP >=7.3)
  • PCRE (PHP <7.3)
  • ECMAScript (JavaScript)
  • Python
  • Golang
  • Java 8
  • .NET 7.0 (C#)
  • Rust
  • Regex Flavor Guide


  • Match
  • Substitution
  • List
  • Unit Tests


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An explanation of your regex will be automatically generated as you type.
Detailed match information will be displayed here automatically.
  • All Tokens
  • Common Tokens
  • General Tokens
  • Anchors
  • Meta Sequences
  • Quantifiers
  • Group Constructs
  • Character Classes
  • Flags/Modifiers
  • Substitution
  • A single character of: a, b or c
  • A character except: a, b or c
  • A character in the range: a-z
  • A character not in the range: a-z
  • A character in the range: a-z or A-Z
  • Any single character
  • Alternate - match either a or b
  • Any whitespace character
  • Any non-whitespace character
  • Any digit
  • Any non-digit
  • Any word character
  • Any non-word character
  • Non-capturing group
  • Capturing group
  • Zero or one of a
  • Zero or more of a
  • One or more of a
  • Exactly 3 of a
  • 3 or more of a
  • Between 3 and 6 of a
  • Start of string
  • End of string
  • A word boundary
  • Non-word boundary

Regular Expression
No Match


Test String

Code Generator

Generated Code

# coding=utf8 # the above tag defines encoding for this document and is for Python 2.x compatibility import re regex = r"@media.*(.*\n)*?\n@med" test_str = ("@import url(;400;600;700;900&display=swap);\n\n" ".version.A0001 {\n" " text-emphasis: none;\n" "}\n\n" "article,\n" "aside,\n" "details,\n" "figcaption,\n" "figure,\n" "footer,\n" "header,\n" "hgroup,\n" "main,\n" "nav,\n" "section,\n" "summary {\n" " display: block;\n" "}\n\n" "audio,\n" "canvas,\n" "video {\n" " display: inline-block;\n" "}\n\n" "audio:not([controls]) {\n" " display: none;\n" " height: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "[hidden] {\n" " display: none;\n" "}\n\n" "html {\n" " font-family: sans-serif;\n" " -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n" " -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;\n" "}\n\n" "body {\n" " margin: 0;\n" " padding: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "a,\n" "a:focus,\n" "a:active,\n" "a:hover {\n" " outline: 0;\n" " text-decoration: none;\n" " color: inherit;\n" "}\n\n" "h1 {\n" " font-size: 2em;\n" " margin: 0.67em 0;\n" "}\n\n" "h1,\n" "h2,\n" "h3,\n" "h4 {\n" " margin-block-end: unset;\n" " margin-block-start: unset;\n" "}\n\n" "abbr[title] {\n" " border-bottom: 1px dotted;\n" "}\n\n" "b,\n" "strong {\n" " font-weight: bold;\n" "}\n\n" "dfn {\n" " font-style: italic;\n" "}\n\n" "hr {\n" " -moz-box-sizing: content-box;\n" " box-sizing: content-box;\n" " height: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "mark {\n" " background: #ff0;\n" " color: #000;\n" "}\n\n" "code,\n" "kbd,\n" "pre,\n" "samp {\n" " font-family: monospace, serif;\n" " font-size: 1em;\n" "}\n\n" "pre {\n" " white-space: pre-wrap;\n" "}\n\n" "q {\n" " quotes: \"“\" \"”\" \"‘\" \"’\";\n" "}\n\n" "small {\n" " font-size: 80%;\n" "}\n\n" "sub,\n" "sup {\n" " font-size: 75%;\n" " line-height: 0;\n" " position: relative;\n" " vertical-align: baseline;\n" "}\n\n" "sup {\n" " top: -0.5em;\n" "}\n\n" "sub {\n" " bottom: -0.25em;\n" "}\n\n" "img {\n" " border: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "figure {\n" " margin: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "fieldset {\n" " border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;\n" " margin: 0 2px;\n" " padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;\n" "}\n\n" "legend {\n" " border: 0;\n" " padding: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "button,\n" "input,\n" "select,\n" "textarea {\n" " font-family: inherit;\n" " font-size: 100%;\n" " margin: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "button,\n" "input {\n" " line-height: normal;\n" "}\n\n" "button,\n" "select {\n" " text-transform: none;\n" "}\n\n" "button,\n" "html input[type=\"button\"],\n" "input[type=\"reset\"],\n" "input[type=\"submit\"] {\n" " -webkit-appearance: button;\n" " cursor: pointer;\n" "}\n\n" "button[disabled],\n" "html input[disabled] {\n" " cursor: default;\n" "}\n\n" "input[type=\"checkbox\"],\n" "input[type=\"radio\"] {\n" " box-sizing: border-box;\n" " padding: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "input[type=\"search\"] {\n" " -webkit-appearance: textfield;\n" " -moz-box-sizing: content-box;\n" " -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;\n" " box-sizing: content-box;\n" "}\n\n" "input[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,\n" "input[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-decoration {\n" " -webkit-appearance: none;\n" "}\n\n" "button::-moz-focus-inner,\n" "input::-moz-focus-inner {\n" " border: 0;\n" " padding: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "textarea {\n" " overflow: auto;\n" " vertical-align: top;\n" "}\n\n" "table {\n" " border-collapse: collapse;\n" " border-spacing: 0;\n" "}\n\n" "ul {\n" " list-style-type: none;\n" "}\n\n" "img {\n" " image-rendering: optimizeSpeed;\n" " image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;\n" " image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges;\n" " image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;\n" " image-rendering: optimize-contrast;\n" " -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;\n" "}\n\n" "body {\n" " font-family: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif !important;\n" " font-weight: 400;\n" " overflow-x: hidden;\n" " overflow-y: auto;\n" " width: 100vw;\n" " color: #555555;\n" "}\n\n" " {\n" " background-color: #ffffff;\n" "}\n\n" "body.grey-theme {\n" " background: linear-gradient(45deg, #1b1b1b 15%, #000 85%);\n" "}\n\n" "#palette {\n" " position: relative;\n" " z-index: 44;\n" "}\n\n" ".clrset {\n" " display: flex;\n" " flex-wrap: wrap;\n" " flex-direction: row;\n" "}\n\n" ".colorm {\n" " width: 110px;\n" " height: 60px;\n" " display: flex;\n" " align-items: center;\n" " margin-top: 60px;\n" "}\n\n" ".cbg_band {\n" " background-color: #ffffffe0;\n" " padding: 5px;\n" " color: black;\n" " font-size: 0.8em;\n" " position: relative;\n" " top: -55px;\n" " text-align: center;\n" "}\n\n" "@media (max-width: 46.24em) {\n" " body,\n" " html {\n" " max-width: 100vw;\n" " position: relative;\n" " width: 100vw;\n" " -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n" " -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n" " box-sizing: border-box;\n" " }\n\n" " html {\n" " font-size: 16px;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "@media (min-width: 46.25em) and (max-width: 61.24em) {\n" " html {\n" " font-size: 18px;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" ".thumb-vertical {\n" " background-color: rgba(122, 122, 122, 0.34) !important;\n" " border-radius: 12px;\n" " width: 6px !important;\n" " left: -2px;\n" " border: solid rgba(122, 122, 122, 0.34) 1px !important;\n" " z-index: 4444 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".clear {\n" " clear: both;\n" " display: block;\n" " line-height: 0;\n" "}\n\n" ".nrmgn {\n" " margin-right: 0 !important;\n" "}\n\n" ".wrap {\n" " text-align: center;\n" " width: 100%;\n" " padding-bottom: 2.5rem;\n" " margin-top: 8.375rem;\n" " max-width: 68.75rem;\n" " margin: 0 auto;\n" " padding-top: 2.5rem;\n" "}\n\n" ".col_half {\n" " position: relative;\n" " margin-right: 2.75rem;\n" " margin-top: 1rem;\n" " float: left;\n" " width: 31.6rem;\n" "}\n\n" ".col_full {\n" " position: relative;\n" " margin-right: 2.75rem;\n" " float: left;\n" " width: 100%;\n" "}\n\n" ".col_1x4 {\n" " display: block;\n" " float: left;\n" " width: 21%;\n" " margin: 0;\n" " margin-right: 4%;\n" " padding: 0;\n" "}\n\n" ".col_1x3 {\n" " display: block;\n" " float: left;\n" " width: 19.87rem;\n" " margin: 0;\n" " margin-right: 0;\n" " padding: 0;\n" "}\n\n" ".col_2x3 {\n" " display: block;\n" " float: left;\n" " width: 47.14rem;\n" " margin: 0;\n" " margin-right: 2%;\n" " padding: 0;\n" "}\n\n" ".spacer {\n" " clear: both;\n" " padding: 3rem 0;\n" " float: none;\n" "}\n\n" ".paralaxe {\n" " background-attachment: fixed;\n" " background-position: center;\n" " background-repeat: no-repeat;\n" " background-size: cover;\n" " position: relative;\n" " z-index: -2;\n" " min-width: 100%;\n" "}\n\n" ".nopattern::before {\n" " content: none !important;\n" "}\n\n" ".button {\n" " background: #dc1e25;\n" " border-radius: 3px;\n" " box-shadow: 0 -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) inset;\n" " color: #ffffff;\n" " font-weight: 700;\n" " font-style: normal;\n" " opacity: 0.85;\n" " padding: 0.5rem 2rem;\n" " font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;\n" " font-size: 0.85rem;\n" " width: 2.2rem;\n" " left: 0.5rem;\n" " color: white;\n" " letter-spacing: 0.6px;\n" " text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);\n" " position: relative;\n" "}\n\n" ".button .ic2,\n" ".button .ic1 {\n" " width: 0.8rem;\n" " position: absolute;\n" " top: 0.5rem;\n" " filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3));\n" "}\n\n" ".button .ic1 {\n" " left: 0.625rem;\n" "}\n\n" ".button .ic2 {\n" " right: 0.625rem;\n" "}\n\n" ".button g > path {\n" " fill: currentColor;\n" "}\n\n" ".button:hover {\n" " opacity: 1;\n" " color: white;\n" "}\n\n" ".sep-shadow {\n" " background-image: url(\"\");\n" " height: 21px;\n" " background-size: 100% 21px;\n" " clear: both;\n" " width: 100%;\n" " margin: 40px 0 19px 0;\n" "}\n\n" "@media (max-width: 63.99em) {\n" " #content {\n" " margin-top: 0.275rem;\n" " font-size: 0.875rem;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "@media (min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 119.99em) {\n" " #content {\n" " font-size: 1.375rem;\n" " margin-top: 0.275rem;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "#references {\n" " background-image: url(\"\"),\n" " url(\"\");\n" " background-size: auto, cover;\n" " background-repeat: repeat, no-repeat;\n" " padding: 2rem 0 5rem 0;\n" " box-sizing: border-box;\n" "}\n\n" "#references .wrap {\n" " max-width: 68.75rem;\n" " text-align: center;\n" " margin: 0 auto;\n" "}\n\n" "#references 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margin-top: 1rem;\n" " position: relative;\n" "}\n\n" "#about #hm_r_caro #h_rel_part,\n" "#uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_rel_part {\n" " background-color: black;\n" " color: white;\n" " font-size: 1.1rem;\n" " font-weight: 300;\n" " padding: 0;\n" " letter-spacing: 0.07rem;\n" " padding-right: -0.8rem;\n" " padding: 0.13rem 0.8rem 0.13rem 0.1rem;\n" " font-weight: 400;\n" " position: absolute;\n" " left: -0.8125rem;\n" " top: 0;\n" " line-height: 1.4rem;\n" "}\n\n" "#about #hm_r_caro #h_crt_part,\n" "#uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_crt_part {\n" " font-size: 4rem;\n" " font-weight: 600;\n" " position: absolute;\n" " top: 1.3rem;\n" " left: -1.1rem;\n" " letter-spacing: -0.1rem;\n" " color: #58585b;\n" " line-height: 4rem;\n" "}\n\n" "#about #hm_r_caro #h_ids_part,\n" "#uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_ids_part {\n" " font-size: 4rem;\n" " color: #191619;\n" " position: absolute;\n" " top: 1.3rem;\n" " left: 17rem;\n" " font-weight: 800;\n" " letter-spacing: 0;\n" " line-height: 4rem;\n" "}\n\n" "#about #hm_r_caro #h_intl_part,\n" "#uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_intl_part {\n" " font-size: 4rem;\n" " color: #717173;\n" " position: absolute;\n" " top: 5.2rem;\n" " left: -1rem;\n" " letter-spacing: -0.1rem;\n" " font-weight: 800;\n" " line-height: 4rem;\n" "}\n\n" "#about #hm_r_caro #h_sol_part,\n" "#uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_sol_part {\n" " font-size: 4rem;\n" " color: red;\n" " position: absolute;\n" " top: 9.3rem;\n" " left: -1rem;\n" " letter-spacing: -0.15rem;\n" " font-weight: 400;\n" " line-height: 4rem;\n" "}\n\n" "@media (max-width: 63.99em) {\n" " #about #ab_desc,\n" " #uberuns #ab_desc {\n" " left: 0rem;\n" " }\n\n" " #about #hm_r_caro,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro {\n" " transform: scale(1);\n" " position: absolute;\n" " top: -38rem;\n" " text-shadow: 1px 1px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);\n" " left: 0rem;\n" " }\n\n" " #about #hm_r_caro #h_crt_part,\n" " #about #hm_r_caro #h_ids_part,\n" " #about #hm_r_caro #h_intl_part,\n" " #about #hm_r_caro #h_sol_part,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_crt_part,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_ids_part,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_intl_part,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_sol_part {\n" " color: white;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "@media (max-width: 46.24em) {\n" " #about .col_half,\n" " #uberuns .col_half {\n" " margin-right: 0;\n" " float: unset;\n" " width: unset;\n" " }\n\n" " #about #hm_r_caro,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro {\n" " transform: scale(0.7);\n" " top: -41.3rem;\n" " color: white;\n" " }\n\n" " #about #hm_r_caro #h_crt_part,\n" " #about #hm_r_caro #h_ids_part,\n" " #about #hm_r_caro #h_intl_part,\n" " #about #hm_r_caro #h_sol_part,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_crt_part,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_ids_part,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_intl_part,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro #h_sol_part {\n" " color: white;\n" " }\n\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro {\n" " top: -47.8rem;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "@media (min-width: 46.25em) and (max-width: 63.99em) {\n" " #about #ab_desc,\n" " #uberuns #ab_desc {\n" " transform: scale(1.1);\n" " }\n\n" " #about #hm_r_caro,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro {\n" " top: -43rem;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "@media (min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 119.99em) {\n" " #about .wrap,\n" " #uberuns .wrap {\n" " max-width: 70.75rem;\n" " }\n\n" " #about #hm_r_caro,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro {\n" " transform: scale(1.3);\n" " transform-origin: left top;\n" " left: 4rem;\n" " top: 3.1rem;\n" " }\n\n" " #about #ab_desc,\n" " #uberuns #ab_desc {\n" " padding: 2rem 0;\n" " width: 33.3rem;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "@media (max-width: 20em) {\n" " #about #hm_r_caro,\n" " #uberuns #hm_r_caro {\n" " transform: scale(0.6);\n" " left: 0rem;\n" " }\n\n" " #about #ab_desc,\n" " #uberuns #ab_desc {\n" " transform: scale(0.9);\n" " left: 0rem;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "#philosophy,\n" "#philosophie {\n" " background-image: url(\"\");\n" "}\n\n" "#philosophy p,\n" "#philosophie p {\n" " line-height: 180%;\n" "}\n\n" "#philosophy #philo-titr,\n" "#philosophie #philo-titr {\n" " text-align: left;\n" "}\n\n" "#philosophy #philo-titr #evrything,\n" "#philosophie #philo-titr #evrything {\n" " background-color: #ca1a13;\n" " color: white;\n" " text-transform: uppercase;\n" " opacity: 1;\n" " font-size: 1rem;\n" " margin-left: 0;\n" " margin-top: 13px;\n" " padding: 0 0.1rem 0 0.3rem;\n" " line-height: 1.3rem;\n" " letter-spacing: 0.5px;\n" " display: inline-block;\n" " pointer-events: none;\n" " text-align: left;\n" " white-space: nowrap;\n" "}\n\n" "#philosophy #philo-titr #we-are-a,\n" "#philosophie #philo-titr #we-are-a {\n" " text-transform: uppercase;\n" " font-size: 2.3rem;\n" " margin: -1.625rem 0 0 0;\n" " letter-spacing: -0.14375rem;\n" " pointer-events: none;\n" " width: 100vw;\n" " text-align: left;\n" "}\n\n" "#philosophy #philo-titr #we-are-a .word.creative,\n" "#philosophie #philo-titr #we-are-a .word.creative {\n" " font-weight: 700;\n" " pointer-events: none;\n" "}\n\n" "#philosophy #philo-titr #we-are-a,\n" "#philosophy #philo-titr #we-are-a .word.modern,\n" "#philosophie #philo-titr #we-are-a,\n" "#philosophie #philo-titr #we-are-a 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font-weight: 300;\n" " }\n\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr .word.modern,\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr,\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr,\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr .word.with,\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr .word.fresh,\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr,\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr .word.word.ideas,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr .word.modern,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr .word.with,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr .word.fresh,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr .word.word.ideas {\n" " position: relative;\n" " }\n\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr .word.modern,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr .word.modern {\n" " left: -20rem;\n" " top: 2rem;\n" " }\n\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr {\n" " left: -20rem;\n" " top: 2rem;\n" " }\n\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr,\n" " #philosophie #philo-titr {\n" " left: -38.1rem;\n" " top: 4.2rem;\n" " }\n\n" " #philosophy #philo-titr .word.with,\n" " 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65.33%;\n" " float: left;\n" " left: 12%;\n" " top: auto;\n" "}\n\n" "@media (max-width: 46.24em) {\n" " section#content.imprint {\n" " width: 90%;\n" " padding-top: 3rem;\n" " margin-left: 1rem;\n" " }\n\n" " section#content.imprint h1 {\n" " margin: 1rem 0 0 1rem;\n" " text-align: center;\n" " }\n\n" " section#content.imprint .im_left {\n" " left: 0%;\n" " width: 90%;\n" " margin-left: 1rem;\n" " }\n\n" " section#content.imprint .im_right {\n" " width: 90%;\n" " position: relative;\n" " margin-left: 1rem;\n" " padding-bottom: 2rem;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "@media (min-width: 46.25em) and (max-width: 63.99em) {\n" " section#content.imprint {\n" " padding-top: 3rem;\n" " font-size: 0.875rem;\n" " line-height: 1.9rem;\n" " max-width: 100%;\n" " }\n\n" " section#content.imprint h1 {\n" " text-align: center;\n" " padding-top: 0;\n" " margin-top: 0;\n" " font-size: 1.7rem;\n" " }\n\n" " section#content.imprint .im_left {\n" " text-align: justify;\n" " width: 85.33%;\n" " float: none;\n" " left: 7%;\n" " position: relative;\n" " }\n\n" " section#content.imprint .im_right {\n" " float: none;\n" " position: relative;\n" " padding-bottom: 4rem;\n" " width: 100%;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" "@media (min-width: 64em) and (max-width: 119.99em) {\n" " section#content.imprint {\n" " padding-top: 7rem;\n" " font-size: 1.575rem;\n" " line-height: 2.6rem;\n" " max-width: 100%;\n" " min-height: calc(100vh - 11rem);\n" " }\n\n" " section#content.imprint h1 {\n" " text-align: center;\n" " padding-top: 0;\n" " margin-top: 0;\n" " }\n\n" " section#content.imprint .im_left {\n" " text-align: justify;\n" " width: 49.33%;\n" " float: left;\n" " left: 8%;\n" " position: relative;\n" " }\n\n" " section#content.imprint .im_right {\n" " position: relative;\n" " margin-left: 15%;\n" " padding-bottom: 2rem;\n" " width: 28%;\n" " }\n" "}\n\n" ".p404 {\n" " display: flex;\n" " align-items: center;\n" " justify-content: center;\n" " flex-direction: column;\n" " width: 100vw;\n" " height: 100vh;\n" " font-size: 4rem;\n" " font-weight: 900;\n" " line-height: 5rem;\n" " text-align: center;\n" "}\n\n" ".p404 .i-exc {\n" " font-size: 10rem;\n" " color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);\n" "}\n\n" ".p404 a {\n" " font-size: 1.7rem;\n" " font-weight: 400;\n" " line-height: 2.7rem;\n" " text-decoration: none;\n" " color: #6866a9;\n" " border-bottom: dashed 2px #6866a9;\n" " padding-bottom: 0.3rem;\n" " margin-bottom: 1.8rem;\n" "}\n") matches = re.finditer(regex, test_str) for matchNum, match in enumerate(matches, start=1): print ("Match {matchNum} was found at {start}-{end}: {match}".format(matchNum = matchNum, start = match.start(), end = match.end(), match = for groupNum in range(0, len(match.groups())): groupNum = groupNum + 1 print ("Group {groupNum} found at {start}-{end}: {group}".format(groupNum = groupNum, start = match.start(groupNum), end = match.end(groupNum), group = # Note: for Python 2.7 compatibility, use ur"" to prefix the regex and u"" to prefix the test string and substitution.

Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Python, please visit: