import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String regex = "(?(DEFINE)\n"
+ "(?<add> \\s*\\+\\s* )\n"
+ "(?<eq> \\s*=\\s* )\n"
+ "# Remove all zeroes except the last one if the number is 0\n"
+ "(?<zero> (?:0(?=\\d))*+ )\n"
+ "# cl: last digit of left operand being 1, cr: last digit of right operand being 1, \\d(?:0|\\b) check if last digit from result is 0\n"
+ "# there will be carry if cl and cr are set, or cl or cr are set and the last digit from result is 0\n"
+ "(?<carry> (?(cl)(?(cr)|\\d(?:0|\\b))|(?(cr)\\d(?:0|\\b)|(*F))) )\n"
+ "# add carry with l1 (current digit of left operand being 1) and r1 (current digit of right operand being 1)\n"
+ "# i.e. returns result of carry + l1 + r1 in Z/2Z\n"
+ "(?<digitadd> (?(?= (?(?=(?(l1)(?(r1)|(*F))|(?(r1)(*F))))(?&carry)|(?!(?&carry))) )1|0) )\n"
+ "# check for a single digit at the current offset whether the result is correct\n"
+ "# ro: right operand out of bounds (i.e. the current digit is at a higher offset than the size of the left operand)\n"
+ "# if we're out of bounds of the right operand, cr is just not set (i.e. handled as if there were leading zeroes)\n"
+ "(?<recursedigit>\n"
+ "# now, with the r and f, we can figure out r1 and cr at the current offset and also perform binary carry addition at that offset in the result\n"
+ " (?&add) (?&zero) (?:\\d*(?:0|1(?<r1>)))? (?(ro)|(?=(?<cr>1)?))\\k<r> (?&eq) \\d*(?&digitadd)\\k<f>\\b\n"
+ "# iterate through the whole left operand to find the sequences (for right operand and result) of the same length as the offset of the current digit\n"
+ "| (?=\\d* (?&add) (?&zero) (?:\\k<r>(?<ro>)|\\d*(?<r>\\d\\k<r>)) (?&eq) \\d*(?<f>\\d\\k<f>)\\b) \\d(?&recursedigit)\n"
+ ")\n"
+ "# run the check, sets l1 and cl accordingly and initializes the r (right operand) and f (final result) groups to be empty\n"
+ "(?<checkdigit> (?:0|1(?<l1>)) (?=(?<cl>1)?) (?<r>) (?<f>) (?&recursedigit) )\n"
+ "# \"trivial\" increment of a binary number, i.e. a +1 is applied to the part of the right operand which exceeds the length of the left operand\n"
+ "(?<carryoverflow>\n"
+ "# number contains a zero, just update the part after the last zero\n"
+ " (?<x>\\d+) 0 (?<y> \\k<r> (?&eq) 0*\\k<x>1 | 1(?&y)0 )\n"
+ "# number contains only ones, add a leading 1 and replace all the ones by zeroes\n"
+ "| (?<z> 1\\k<r> (?&eq) 0*10 | 1(?&z)0 )\n"
+ ")\n"
+ "# ensure correct lengths of the final operand and handle right operands being longer than the left operand\n"
+ "(?<recurseoverflow>\n"
+ "# the left operand is longer than or as long as the right one. In the latter case, the final result will always be exactly one digit longer than the operands\n"
+ "# in the former case, if the first non-leading zero (from the left) of the left operand is at a higher or equal offset to the length of the right operand, the final result will be one digit longer than the left operand\n"
+ " (?&add) 0*+ (?(rlast) \\k<r> (?&eq) 0*(?(ro)(?(addone)1)|1)\\k<f>\\b\n"
+ "# the right operand has a zero at the offset equal to the length of the left operand. Then just copy the leading digits to the final result\n"
+ " | (?:(?<remaining>\\d+)(?=0\\d* (?&eq) \\d*(?=1)\\k<f>\\b)\\k<r> (?&eq) (*PRUNE) 0*\\k<remaining>\\k<f>\\b\n"
+ "# otherwise there will be some carry which needs to be applied before copying the leading digits to the final result\n"
+ " | (?&carryoverflow)\\k<f>\\b))\n"
+ "# iterate through the whole left operand to find the sequences (for right operand and result) of the same length as the left operand\n"
+ "| (?=\\d* (?&add) 0*+ (?:\\k<r>(?<ro>)|(?=(?:\\d\\k<r>(?&eq)(?<rlast>))?)\\d*(?<r>\\d\\k<r>)) (?&eq) \\d*(?<f>\\d\\k<f>)\\b)\n"
+ "# check - only at the first non-leading zero - whether the right operand is longer than the current offset of the iteration, or just as long and having a carry (i.e. the digit at that offset in the final result is 0)\n"
+ " (?(nullchecked)|(?=(?<addone>(?=0)(?=(?:\\d(?=\\d*(?&add)\\d*(?&eq)\\d*(?<c>\\d\\k<c>)\\b))+(?&add))(?<longer>(?&add)0*|\\d(?&longer)\\d)(\\d+(?&eq)|(?&eq)\\d*(?=0)\\k<c>))?)(?=(?<nullchecked>0)?))\n"
+ " \\d(?&recurseoverflow)\n"
+ ")\n"
+ "(?<s>\n"
+ " (?=\\d) 0*? (?<arg>[01]+)? (?&add) (?=\\d) 0*? (?<arg>(?(arg)(*F))[01]+)? (?&eq) (*PRUNE) \\k<arg>\n"
+ "| (?&zero)\n"
+ "# traverse the digits one by one and verify the correctness of each offset individually\n"
+ " (?=(?<iteratedigits> (?=(?&checkdigit))\\d (?:\\b|(?&iteratedigits)) ))\n"
+ "# assert exact format here\n"
+ " (?=[01]+ (?&add) [01]+ (?&eq) [01]+ \\b)\n"
+ "# remove leading zeroes and force an additional digit on the final result in case the left operand is only ones and the right operand not longer than the left\n"
+ " 0*? (?<r>) (?<f>) (?<c>) (?=(?<addone>1+(?&add))?) (?&recurseoverflow)\n"
+ "# Handle 0 + x or x + 0 separately to avoid messing around in the big subpatterns\n"
+ ")\n"
+ ")\n"
+ "\\b(?&s)\\b";
final String string = "- 1 + 1 = 0\n"
+ "- 1 + 1 = 1\n"
+ "- 0 + 1 = 11\n"
+ "+ 1 + 1 = 10\n"
+ "- 1 + 10 = 101\n"
+ "- 0 + 11 = 101\n"
+ "+ 0 + 1 = 1\n"
+ "- 0 + 0 = 10\n"
+ "+ 1 + 0 = 1\n"
+ "- 1 + 101 = 1010\n"
+ "+ 10 + 0 = 10\n"
+ "+ 10 + 1 = 11\n"
+ "+ 11 + 1 = 100\n"
+ "+ 100 + 1 = 101\n"
+ "+ 01 + 10 = 11\n"
+ "+ 10 + 10 = 100\n"
+ "+ 010 + 010 = 100\n"
+ "+ 101 + 11 = 1000\n"
+ "- 101 + 10 = 1111\n"
+ "- 100 + 10 = 111\n"
+ "- 101 + 10 = 101\n"
+ "+ 101 + 10 = 111\n"
+ "+ 11 + 101 = 1000\n"
+ "+ 11 + 1011 = 1110\n"
+ "+ 11 + 10101 = 11000\n"
+ "+ 1 + 1111 = 10000\n"
+ "+ 111 + 11 = 1010\n"
+ "+ 1110 + 100 = 10010\n"
+ "+ 11 + 11 = 110\n"
+ "+ 1111 + 11 = 10010\n"
+ "- 010 + 010 = 000\n"
+ "- 100 + 100 = 1100\n"
+ "+ 100 + 100 = 1000\n"
+ "+ 1000 + 100 = 1100\n"
+ "+ 1 + 1000 = 1001\n"
+ "+ 1000 + 1 = 1001\n"
+ "+ 110 + 1100 = 10010\n"
+ "- 110 + 1010 = 1000\n"
+ "- 10 + 1 = 11111001";
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.COMMENTS);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println("Full match: " +;
for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
System.out.println("Group " + i + ": " +;
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Java, please visit: