re = /(\$[^\n$]*[^\s$])(-|=|\+)([^\s$][^\n$]*\$)/
str = '\\end{theorem}
A $k$-periodic sequence has the property that $s_i = s_{i + k}$ for all $i = 0,1,\\dots$.
Thus a $k$-periodic sequence $(s_i)_{i = 0}^\\infty$ may be represented by any finite sequence $(s_i)_{i=a}^{a+k - 1}$, where $a$ is usually chosen to be $0$.
Sadly our Fibonacci sequence examples are not defined over a finite field but over the naturals and thus are not necessarily periodic.
Examples such as these may be interpreted to have a period of $\\infty$.
The period and related stability of linear recurrence sequences in regard to linear complexity has a very rich and broadly studied background~\\cite{DingZiaoShan1991}.
\\label{th: max period is m-sequence}
A linear recurrence sequence $s$ over a finite field $\\gf_2$ with linear complexity $n$ has a maximum possible period of $2^n-1$.
\\label{de: m-sequence}
A sequence which has maximum period for giv'
# Print the match result
str.scan(re) do |match|
puts match.to_s
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