const regex = new RegExp('\\b(?:if|for|while|else|else\\s+?if|switch)\\b', 'g')
const str = `#include "main.h"
#include "chassis.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
//Exponential Drive Function
int exponential (int joystickVal, float driveExp, int joyDead, int motorMin) { //e
int joySign;
int joyMax = 128 - joyDead;
int joyLive = abs(joystickVal) - joyDead;
if (joystickVal > 0) {joySign = 1;}
else if (joystickVal < 0) {joySign = -1;}
else {joySign = 0;}
int power = joySign * (motorMin + ((127 - motorMin) * (pow(joyLive, driveExp) / pow(joyMax, driveExp))));
return power;
void Chassis::OP_Chassis(void){
int Ch3 = exponential(master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_X), 1.5 /*DriveExp*/, 8 /*JoyDead*/, 15 /*MotorMin*/);
int Ch1 = exponential(master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_RIGHT_X), 1.5 /*DriveExp*/, 8 /*JoyDead*/, 15 /*MotorMin*/);
int Ch4 = exponential(master.get_analog(E_CONTROLLER_ANALOG_LEFT_Y), 1.5 /*DriveExp*/, 8 /*JoyDead*/, 15 /*MotorMin*/);
/*BaseFL.move(-Ch3 - Ch1);
BaseBL.move(-Ch3 - Ch1);
BaseFR.move(Ch3 - Ch1);
BaseBR.move(Ch3 - Ch1);*/
BaseFL.move(-Ch3 - Ch1 - Ch4);
BaseFR.move(-Ch3 - Ch1 + Ch4);
BaseBL.move(Ch3 - Ch1 - Ch4);
BaseBR.move(Ch3 - Ch1 + Ch4);
ChassisMotors[BASE_FL_PORT].move(-Ch3 - Ch1 - Ch4);
ChassisMotors[BASE_FR_PORT].move(-Ch3 - Ch1 + Ch4);
ChassisMotors[BASE_BL_PORT].move(Ch3 - Ch1 - Ch4);
ChassisMotors[BASE_BR_PORT].move(Ch3 - Ch1 + Ch4);
void Chassis::stopDriving(void){
void Chassis::TurnDistance(int direction, int targetValue, int timeout){
float driveKP = 0.7;
float driveKD = 1.2;
//same PID Logic as turnValue
int motorPower;
int startTime = millis();
int currentValue = 0;
int err = 0;
int derr = 0;
int err_last = 0;
int err_sum = 0;
float KI = 0;
float p;
float i = 0;
float d;
direction == DIRECTION_LEFT ? BaseFL.tare_position() : BaseFR.tare_position(); //resets left encoder if turning left, right if turning right
while((millis() - startTime) < timeout){
currentValue = abs(direction == DIRECTION_LEFT ? BaseFL.get_position() : BaseFR.get_position()); //gets left encoder if turning left, right if turning right
err = targetValue - currentValue;
err_last = err;
derr = (err - err_last);
p = (driveKP * err);
err_sum += err;
d = driveKD * derr;
motorPower = p+i+d;
/* if(motorPower > 90){motorPower = 90;} //cap speed at 90
if(motorPower < -90){motorPower = -90;} */
motorPower = (motorPower > 90 ? 90 : motorPower < -90 ? -90 : motorPower); //cap speed at +- 90 BUG : Needs test
void Chassis::MoveDistance(int direction, int targetValue, int timeout, int cap){
float driveKP = 0.7;
float driveKD = 1.2;
//same PID Logic as turnValue
int motorPower;
int startTime = millis();
int currentValue = 0;
int err = 0;
int derr = 0;
int err_last = 0;
int err_sum = 0;
float KI = 0;
float p;
float i = 0;
float d;
while((millis() - startTime) < timeout){
currentValue = abs(BaseFL.get_position());
err = targetValue - currentValue;
err_last = err;
derr = (err - err_last);
p = (driveKP * err);
err_sum += err;
d = driveKD * derr;
motorPower = p+i+d;
if(motorPower > cap){motorPower = cap;}
if(motorPower < -cap){motorPower = -cap;}
// motorPower = (motorPower > 1 ? 1 : motorPower < -1 ? -1 : motorPower);
void Chassis::TurnGyro(int direction, int targetValue, int timeout){
float driveKP = 1.2;
float driveKD = 0.8;
//initialize variables
int motorPower; //motor power level
int startTime = millis(); //Elapsed time since start of the sequence
int currentValue = 0; //starting value of 0
int turn_err = 0; //error value init
int derr = 0;//error difference
int err_last = 0; //last error
int err_sum = 0; //sum of errors
float KI = 0; //KI value - not currently used'
float p; //p value normally 0.8
float i = 0; //I value
float d; //d value normally 0.7
while((millis() - startTime) < timeout){
currentValue = gyro.get_value();
turn_err = targetValue - currentValue; //error is how far the current position is from the position you put into the loop
err_last = turn_err; //stores the error
derr = (turn_err - err_last); //difference between how far you were from the target last sequence compared to this sequence
p = (driveKP * turn_err); //p value is preset driveKP multiplied by how far we are from our target
err_sum += turn_err; //err_sum increases by the sum of errors
d = driveKD * derr; //d value is preset driveKD multiplied by the difference between how far you were from the last rotation
motorPower = p+i+d; //motorpower is the sum of p, i, and d
if(motorPower > 90){motorPower = 90;} //if the motor power is greater than 127 (the maximun it can go), set it to 127
if(motorPower < -90){motorPower = -90;}//if the motor power is less than -127 (the minimum it can go), set it to -127
* Move motors the motorpower value times the direction.
* Here, the Front Left motor and the Back Left motor are moving backwards if direction == 1
* and the Back Right and Front Right motors are moving forwards if direction ==1
* this is the setup that allows the base to turn
void Chassis::StrafeDistance(int direction, int targetValue, int timeout){
float driveKP = 0.7;
float driveKD = 1.2;
//same PID Logic as turnValue
int motorPower;
int startTime = millis();
int currentValue = 0;
int err = 0;
int derr = 0;
int err_last = 0;
int err_sum = 0;
float KI = 0;
float p;
float i = 0;
float d;
direction == DIRECTION_LEFT ? BaseFL.tare_position() : BaseFR.tare_position(); //resets left encoder if turning left, right if turning right
while((millis() - startTime) < timeout){
currentValue = abs(direction == DIRECTION_LEFT ? BaseFL.get_position() : BaseFR.get_position()); //gets left encoder if turning left, right if turning right
err = targetValue - currentValue;
err_last = err;
derr = (err - err_last);
p = (driveKP * err);
err_sum += err;
d = driveKD * derr;
motorPower = p+i+d;
/* if(motorPower > 90){motorPower = 90;} //cap speed at 90
if(motorPower < -90){motorPower = -90;} */
motorPower = (motorPower > 90 ? 90 : motorPower < -90 ? -90 : motorPower); //cap speed at +- 90 BUG : Needs test
void Chassis::driveOnAngle(double angle, int quadrant, int targetValue, int timeout){
//PD Constants
float driveKP = 0.7;
float driveKD = 1.2;
//General variables
int motorPower;
int startTime = millis();
int currentValue = 0;
int err = 0;
int derr = 0;
int err_last = 0;
int err_sum = 0;
float KI = 0;
float p = 0;
float i = 0;
float d = 0;
//Wheel modification values
double FRMod;
double FLMod;
double BLMod;
double BRMod;
//Convert degree to radians
// angle = angle * (M_PI / 180);
//Determine which qaudrant we're driving in
if (angle < (M_PI / 2) && angle > 0 ) {
quadrant = QUADRANT_1;
else if(angle < (M_PI) && angle > (M_PI / 2)) {
quadrant = QUADRANT_2;
else if((angle < ((3*M_PI) / 2)) && angle > (M_PI)) {
quadrant = QUADRANT_3;
else if(angle < (2*M_PI) && angle > (((3*M_PI) / 2))){
quadrant = QUADRANT_4;
while((millis() - startTime) < timeout){
switch (quadrant) { //Change wheel modifications and enccder values based on the quadrant we're driving in.
case QUADRANT_1 : //If we're driving in quadrant 1 (0 to π/2)
currentValue = abs(BaseFR.get_position());
FRMod = sin(angle - (M_PI/4));
FLMod = -1;
BLMod = -sin(angle - (M_PI / 4));
BRMod = 1;
case QUADRANT_2 : //If we're driving in quadrant 1 (π/2 to π)
currentValue = abs(BaseFL.get_position());
FLMod = 1;
FRMod = sin(angle - ((3*M_PI)/4));
BRMod = 1;
BLMod = sin(angle - ((3*M_PI)/4));
case QUADRANT_3 : //BUG FL, BR might be Negative as well
currentValue = abs(BaseBL.get_position());
FLMod = 1;
BLMod = -(sin(angle - (M_PI)/4));
BRMod = -1;
FRMod = (sin (angle - ((M_PI)/4)));
case QUADRANT_4:
currentValue = abs(BaseBL.get_position());
FLMod = 1;
BLMod = -(sin(angle - (M_PI)/4));
BRMod = -1;
FRMod = (sin (angle - ((M_PI)/4)));
err = targetValue - currentValue; //error is how far the current position is from the position you put into the loop
err_last = err; //stores the error
derr = (err - err_last); //difference between how far you were from the target last sequence compared to this sequence
p = (driveKP * err); //p value is preset driveKP multiplied by how far we are from our target
err_sum += err; //err_sum increases by the sum of errors
d = driveKD * derr; //d value is preset driveKD multiplied by the difference between how far you were from the last rotation
motorPower = p+i+d; //motorpower is the sum of p, i, and d
if(motorPower > 90){motorPower = 90;} //if the motor power is greater than 127 (the maximun it can go), set it to 127
if(motorPower < -90){motorPower = -90;}//if the motor power is less than -127 (the minimum it can go), set it to -127
//moves the wheels according to the PID output and the Quadrant Modifications
BaseFL.move(motorPower * FLMod);
BaseBL.move(motorPower * BLMod);
BaseBR.move(motorPower * BRMod);
BaseFR.move(motorPower * FRMod);
// Reset `lastIndex` if this regex is defined globally
// regex.lastIndex = 0;
let m;
while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
// This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
// The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable.
m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {
console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`);
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for JavaScript, please visit: