# coding=utf8
# the above tag defines encoding for this document and is for Python 2.x compatibility
import re
regex = r"^(?'id'[0-9a-fA-F]{2})(?:-(?'id_to'\w+))? ([ \/\w-]+)(?: [\/\w]+ \d+\.\d+)?$"
test_str = ("00 Undefined\n"
"01 Flight Simulation Device CA 5.2\n"
"02 Automobile Simulation Device CA 5.3\n"
"03 Tank Simulation Device CA 5.4\n"
"04 Spaceship Simulation Device CA 5.2\n"
"05 Submarine Simulation Device CA 5.5\n"
"06 Sailing Simulation Device CA 5.5\n"
"07 Motorcycle Simulation Device CA 5.6\n"
"08 Sports Simulation Device CA 5.1\n"
"09 Airplane Simulation Device CA 5.2\n"
"0A Helicopter Simulation Device CA 5.2\n"
"0B Magic Carpet Simulation Device CA 5.7\n"
"0C Bicycle Simulation Device CA 5.6\n"
"0D-1F Reserved\n"
"20 Flight Control Stick CA 5.2\n"
"21 Flight Stick CA 5.2\n"
"22 Cyclic Control CP 5.2\n"
"23 Cyclic Trim CP 5.2\n"
"24 Flight Yoke CA 5.2\n"
"25 Track Control CP 5.4\n"
"26-AF Reserved\n"
"B0 Aileron DV 5.2\n"
"B1 Aileron Trim DV 5.2\n"
"B2 Anti-Torque Control DV 5.2\n"
"B3 Autopilot Enable OOC 5.2\n"
"B4 Chaff Release OSC 5.2\n"
"B5 Collective Control DV 5.2\n"
"B6 Dive Brake DV 5.2\n"
"B7 Electronic Countermeasures OOC 5.2\n"
"B8 Elevator DV 5.2\n"
"B9 Elevator Trim DV 5.2\n"
"BA Rudder DV 5.2\n"
"BB Throttle DV 5.2\n"
"BC Flight Communications OOC 5.2\n"
"BD Flare Release OSC 5.2\n"
"BE Landing Gear OOC 5.2\n"
"BF Toe Brake DV 5.2\n"
"C0 Trigger MC 5.2\n"
"C1 Weapons Arm OOC 5.2\n"
"C2 Weapons Select OSC 5.2\n"
"C3 Wing Flaps DV 5.2\n"
"C4 Accelerator DV 5.3\n"
"C5 Brake DV 5.3\n"
"C6 Clutch DV 5.3\n"
"C7 Shifter DV 5.3\n"
"C8 Steering DV 5.3\n"
"C9 Turret Direction DV 5.4\n"
"CA Barrel Elevation DV 5.4\n"
"CB Dive Plane DV 5.5\n"
"CC Ballast DV 5.5\n"
"CD Bicycle Crank DV 5.6\n"
"CE Handle Bars DV 5.6\n"
"CF Front Brake DV 5.6\n"
"D0 Rear Brake DV 5.6\n"
"D1-FFFF Reserved\n")
subst = "\\t${id_to:+// 0x${id}-0x${id_to} $3:${name} = 0x${id},}"
# You can manually specify the number of replacements by changing the 4th argument
result = re.sub(regex, subst, test_str, 0, re.MULTILINE)
if result:
print (result)
# Note: for Python 2.7 compatibility, use ur"" to prefix the regex and u"" to prefix the test string and substitution.
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for Python, please visit: https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html