$re = '/^(\d{10,21})|(\+\d{1,3}|\d{1,4}|\(\+\d{1,3}\)|\(\d{1,2}\))(([ -.]\d+){1,5}$|([ -.]\d+){1,5}([ -.](ext\.|x|extention))[ -.]\d{1,5}$)/m';
$str = 'Mexico (01) 55 1234 5678
Mexico (55) 1234 5678
Germany +49 30 2415889
UK +44 20 7930 7530
U.S.A. +1 503-225-5555
U.S.A. +1 503.225.5555
U.S.A. +001 503 225 5555
South Africa +27 21 419 3715
South Africa (+27) 21 419 3715
Japan +81 3-3211-3677
Japan +81 0112716677
Netherlands +31 20 610 9067
France +33 1 44 52 71 73
Australia +61 2 9669 3885
Australia (06) 1234 1234
Australia 0444 123 123
Spain +34 934 12 70 31
Spain 934 12 70 31
Portugal +351 21 846 1081
+81 3-3211-3677 ext. 12
+81 3-3211-3677 x 12
+81 3-3211-3677 extention 12
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
// Print the entire match result
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for PHP, please visit: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pcre.php