using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Example
public static void Main()
string pattern = @"^ (?&address) $
(?: (?&FWS)? (?&comment) )++
| (?&FWS)
(?<FWS> (?&WSPCRLF)++ )
(?: (?&UTF8_2) | (?&UTF8_3) | (?&UTF8_4) )
(?<UTF8_tail> [\x{80}-\x{BF}] )
(?<UTF8_2> [\x{C2}-\x{DF}] (?&UTF8_tail) )
(?<UTF8_3> \x{E0} [\x{A0}-\x{BF}] (?&UTF8_tail)
| [\x{E1}-\x{EC}] (?&UTF8_tail){2}
| \x{ED} [\x{80}-\x{9F}] (?&UTF8_tail)
| [\x{EE}\x{EF}] (?&UTF8_tail){2}
(?<UTF8_4> \x{F0} [\x{90}-\x{BF}] (?&UTF8_tail){2}
| [\x{F1}-\x{F3}] (?&UTF8_tail){3}
| \x{F4} [\x{80}-\x{8F}] (?&UTF8_tail){2}
(?<VCHARWSP> [\x{21}-\x{7E}\ \t] )
(?<WSPCRLF> [\ \t\x{0D}\x{0A}] )
(?<address> (?&mailbox_list) | (?&group) )
(?<addr_spec> (?&local_part) @ (?&domain) )
(?&utf8_local_part) @ (?&utf8_domain)
(?<alt_address> (?&FWS) < (?&addr_spec) > )
(?<angle_addr> (?&CFWS)? <
(?: (?&addr_spec)
| (?&utf8_addr_spec) (?&alt_address)?
| (?&obs_route)? (?&addr_spec)
> (?&CFWS)?
(?<atext> (?&ALPHANUMERICE) )
| (?&UTF8_extra_char)
(?<atom> (?&CFWS)? (?&atext)++ (?&CFWS)? )
(?&CFWS)? (?&utf8_atext)++ (?&CFWS)?
| (?&utf8_quoted_pair)
| (?&comment)
(?&FWS)? (?&utf8_ccontent)
| (?&obs_ctext)
| (?&UTF8_extra_char)
(?<display_name> (?&phrase) )
| (?&domain_literal)
| (?&obs_domain)
| (?&domain_literal)
| (?&obs_domain)
(?: (?&FWS)? (?&dtext) )*+
(?&CFWS)? (?&dot_atom_text) (?&CFWS)?
(?&CFWS)? (?&utf8_dot_atom_text) (?&CFWS)?
(?: \. (?&atext)++ )*+
(?: \. (?&utf8_atext)++ )*+
(?<dtext> [!-Z^-~] | (?&obs_dtext) )
(?&display_name) : (?&group_list)? ; (?&CFWS)?
| (?&CFWS)
| (?&obs_group_list)
| (?"ed_string)
| (?&obs_local_part)
| (?&utf8_quoted_string)
| (?&obs_local_part)
| (?&addr_spec)
| (?&utf8_addr_spec)
(?&mailbox) (?: , (?&mailbox) )*+
| (?&obs_mbox_list)
(?<name_addr> (?&display_name)? (?&angle_addr) )
(?<obs_ctext> (?&obs_NO_WS_CTL) )
(?<obs_domain> (?&atom) (?: \. (?&atom) )*+ )
(?: (?&CFWS) | , )*+
@ (?&domain)
(?: , (?&CFWS)? (?: @ (?&domain) )? )*+
(?&obs_NO_WS_CTL) | (?"ed_pair)
(?<obs_group_list> (?: (?&CFWS)? , )++ (?&CFWS)? )
(?<obs_local_part> (?&word) (?: \. (?&word) )*+ )
(?: (?&CFWS)? , )*+
(?: ,
(?: (?&mailbox) | (?&CFWS))?
(?: (?&word) | \. | (?&CFWS) )*+
| (?&obs_NO_WS_CTL)
| [\x{0D}\x{0A}]
(?<obs_qtext> (?&obs_NO_WS_CTL) )
(?<obs_route> (?&obs_domain_list) : )
(?<phrase> (?&word)++ | (?&obs_phrase) )
(?<qcontent> (?&utf8_qcontent) )
| (?&utf8_quoted_pair)
(?<qtext> [!\#-\[\]-~] | (?&obs_qtext) )
(?<utf8_qtext> (?&qtext) | (?&UTF8_extra_char) )
\\ (?&VCHARWSP) | (?&obs_qp)
\\ (?&utf8_text) | (?&obs_qp)
| (?&UTF8_extra_char)
(?&CFWS)? ""
(?: (?&FWS)? (?&qcontent) )*+
(?&FWS)? "" (?&CFWS)?
(?&CFWS)? ""
(?: (?&FWS)? (?&utf8_qcontent) )*+
(?&FWS)? "" (?&CFWS)?
(?<word> (?&utf8_atom) | (?&utf8_quoted_string) )
string input = @"John <a@b.c>, w@com, ""wibb.[dhdhd]""@(comment)";
RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace;
Match m = Regex.Match(input, pattern, options);
Console.WriteLine("'{0}' found at index {1}", m.Value, m.Index);
Please keep in mind that these code samples are automatically generated and are not guaranteed to work. If you find any syntax errors, feel free to submit a bug report. For a full regex reference for C#, please visit: