Regular Expressions 101

Community Patterns

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Regular Expression
PCRE (PHP <7.3)

( # 1: start ( # 2: look for header... ( # 3: start (ht|f)tps?\: # 4: http or some variant, or )| # 3: end. (www) # 5: www. ) # done with header. (?: # start repeating group ([.\/:?=&-]+) # 6: allowed punctuations ( # 9: start. chose one: (((\s?)([a-z0-9]+) # a space and lower case chars )| #or (\w+) # 11: all word chars, but no spaces ) ) # 9: end. )+ # end repeating group ) # end capture group 1 (\/?\.?\s?[A-Z]?) # exclude this.


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Submitted by anonymous - 6 years ago