Regular Expressions 101

Community Patterns

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Regular Expression
PCRE (PHP <7.3)

^( (?:\((?:[^()[\]{}]*|(?1))*\)) | (?:\[(?:[^()[\]{}]*|(?1))*\]) | (?:\{(?:[^()[\]{}]*|(?1))*\}) | [^()[\]{}]* )*$


Task from

You are given an expression with numbers, brackets and operators. For this task only the brackets matter. Brackets come in three flavors: "{}" "()" or "[]". Brackets are used to determine scope or to restrict some expression. If a bracket is open, then it must be closed with a closing bracket of the same type. The scope of a bracket must not intersected by another bracket. In this task you should make a decision, whether to correct an expression or not based on the brackets.

Submitted by anonymous - 7 years ago