Regular Expressions 101

Community Patterns

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Community Library Entry


Regular Expression


`[ [ { "content": "\n", "isParticipating": true, "groupNum": 0, "groupName": null, "startPos": 16, "endPos": 17 }, { "content": "\n", "isParticipating": true, "groupNum": 1, "groupName": 1, "startPos": 16, "endPos": 17 } ] ]router.get('/scripts/:file', ({ serveStatic }) => { serveStatic('path/to/scripts', { permanent: true, // ensure that files are permanently accessible, even after a new version of the site has been deployed. exclude: ['some-non-versioned-file.js'], // you can exclude specific files from being served permanently. You should do this for any files that do not have a hash of the content in the name. }) })import { CustomCacheKey } from '@layer0/core/router'

router.get('/some/path', ({ cache }) => { cache({ browser: { // Sets the cache-control: maxage=n header sent to the browser. To prevent the browser from caching this route // set maxAgeSeconds: 0 maxAgeSeconds: 0,

  // Sends a non-standard header `x-sw-cache-control: n` that you can use to control caching your service worker.
  // Note that service workers do not understand this header by default, so you would need to add code to your service
  // worker to support it
  serviceWorkerSeconds: 60 * 60,
edge: {
  // Sets the TTL for a response in Layer0's edge cache
  maxAgeSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24,

  // Sets the amount of time a stale response will be served from the cache.  When a stale response is sent, Layer0
  // will simultaneously fetch a new response to serve subsequent requests.
  // Using stale-while-revalidate helps raise your effective cache hit rate to near 100%.
  staleWhileRevalidateSeconds: 60 * 60, // serve stale responses for up to 1 hour while fetching a new response

  // And many other options
// Optionally customizes the cache key for both edge and browser
key: new CustomCacheKey()
  .addBrowser() // Split cache by browser type
  .addCookie('some-cookie'), // Split cache by some-cookie cookie

}) })import { CustomCacheKey } from '@layer0/core/router'

router.get('/some/path', ({ cache }) => { cache({ key: new CustomCacheKey().addCookie('language').addCookie('currency'), // Other options... }) })`

Submitted by Natego☬158ᴗ✯eth:0x36210C88C438001A616687456978Aa4d3AdCba35 - 3 years ago (Last modified 3 years ago)