Regular Expressions 101

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Regular Expression
PCRE (PHP <7.3)

(?<!\\) # negative look-behind to make sure start is not escaped (?: # start non-capture group for all possible match starts # group 1, match dollar signs only # single or double dollar sign enforced by look-arounds ((?<!\$)\${1,2}(?!\$))| # group 2, match escaped parenthesis (\\\()| # group 3, match escaped bracket (\\\[)| # group 4, match begin equation (\\begin\{equation\}) ) # if group 1 was start (?(1) # non greedy match everything in between # group 1 matches do not support recursion (.*?)(?<!\\) # match ending double or single dollar signs (?<!\$)\1(?!\$)| # else (?: # greedily and recursively match everything in between # groups 2, 3 and 4 support recursion (.*(?R)?.*)(?<!\\) (?: # if group 2 was start, escaped parenthesis is end (?(2)\\\)| # if group 3 was start, escaped bracket is end (?(3)\\\]| # else group 4 was start, match end equation \\end\{equation\} ) ))))


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Submitted by anonymous - 5 years ago