(?<add> \s*\+\s* )
(?<eq> \s*=\s* )
# Remove all zeroes except the last one if the number is 0
(?<zero> (?:0(?=\d))*+ )
# cl: last digit of left operand being 1, cr: last digit of right operand being 1, \d(?:0|\b) check if last digit from result is 0
# there will be carry if cl and cr are set, or cl or cr are set and the last digit from result is 0
(?<carry> (?(cl)(?(cr)|\d(?:0|\b))|(?(cr)\d(?:0|\b)|(*F))) )
# add carry with l1 (current digit of left operand being 1) and r1 (current digit of right operand being 1)
# i.e. returns result of carry + l1 + r1 in Z/2Z
(?<digitadd> (?(?= (?(?=(?(l1)(?(r1)|(*F))|(?(r1)(*F))))(?&carry)|(?!(?&carry))) )1|0) )
# check for a single digit at the current offset whether the result is correct
# ro: right operand out of bounds (i.e. the current digit is at a higher offset than the size of the left operand)
# if we're out of bounds of the right operand, cr is just not set (i.e. handled as if there were leading zeroes)
# now, with the r and f, we can figure out r1 and cr at the current offset and also perform binary carry addition at that offset in the result
(?&add) (?&zero) (?:\d*(?:0|1(?<r1>)))? (?(ro)|(?=(?<cr>1)?))\k<r> (?&eq) \d*(?&digitadd)\k<f>\b
# iterate through the whole left operand to find the sequences (for right operand and result) of the same length as the offset of the current digit
| (?=\d* (?&add) (?&zero) (?:\k<r>(?<ro>)|\d*(?<r>\d\k<r>)) (?&eq) \d*(?<f>\d\k<f>)\b) \d(?&recursedigit)
# run the check, sets l1 and cl accordingly and initializes the r (right operand) and f (final result) groups to be empty
(?<checkdigit> (?:0|1(?<l1>)) (?=(?<cl>1)?) (?<r>) (?<f>) (?&recursedigit) )
# "trivial" increment of a binary number, i.e. a +1 is applied to the part of the right operand which exceeds the length of the left operand
# number contains a zero, just update the part after the last zero
(?<x>\d+) 0 (?<y> \k<r> (?&eq) 0*\k<x>1 | 1(?&y)0 )
# number contains only ones, add a leading 1 and replace all the ones by zeroes
| (?<z> 1\k<r> (?&eq) 0*10 | 1(?&z)0 )
# ensure correct lengths of the final operand and handle right operands being longer than the left operand
# the left operand is longer than or as long as the right one. In the latter case, the final result will always be exactly one digit longer than the operands
# in the former case, if the first non-leading zero (from the left) of the left operand is at a higher or equal offset to the length of the right operand, the final result will be one digit longer than the left operand
(?&add) 0*+ (?(rlast) \k<r> (?&eq) 0*(?(ro)(?(addone)1)|1)\k<f>\b
# the right operand has a zero at the offset equal to the length of the left operand. Then just copy the leading digits to the final result
| (?:(?<remaining>\d+)(?=0\d* (?&eq) \d*(?=1)\k<f>\b)\k<r> (?&eq) (*PRUNE) 0*\k<remaining>\k<f>\b
# otherwise there will be some carry which needs to be applied before copying the leading digits to the final result