Regular Expressions 101

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Regular Expression
ECMAScript (JavaScript)



A fully tested regex that extracts and validates date parts using named capturing groups.


  • Year must be preceded by nothing or a non-digit character
  • Year must have 4 digits
  • Month must be between 01 and 12
  • Month must have 2 digits
  • Day must be between 01 and the maximum number of days for the month (e.g. february can't have more than 29 days)
  • Day must have 2 digits
  • Day must be followed by nothing or a non-digit character
  • Separator must be any single character that is not a space or an alphanumeric character
  • Separator must be the same between each date part

Capturing groups:

| # |   Name  | Description                         |
| 1 |  `year` | 4 digits of the year                |
| 2 |  `sep`  | Date parts separator                |
| 3 | `month` | 2 digits of the month               |
| 4 |  `day`  | 2 digits of the date (day of month) |

Example usage:

let match = regex.exec('2020-11-22')

console.log('year: %s, month: %s, day: %s',

// year: 2020, month: 11, day: 22

Compatibility: (updated 2020-11-20)

  • Chrome >= 64
  • Edge >= 79
  • Firefox >= 78
  • IE incompatible (lookbehind assertions & named capture groups not supported)
  • Opera >= 51
  • Safari incompatible (lookbehind assertions not supported)
  • NodeJS >= 10.0.0

See regex compatibility table.

Note: does not validate leap years (not really possible in regex)

Submitted by Elie Grenon (DrunkenPoney) <> - 4 years ago