Regular Expressions 101

Community Patterns

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Community Library Entry


Regular Expression



Regex for parsing subreddit, IDs, and URL params out of a Reddit URL. Battle-hardened and tested for over three years on Reddit bots GifReversingBot, vredditshare, and switcharoohelper.

Returns the following information if it is exists in a Reddit URL

  • /r/ or /user/ depending on whether this is in a sub or a user page
  • subreddit name
  • /comments/ if this is a comments page (mostly useless, just needed to do subsequent captures)
  • Submission ID
  • Comment ID
  • ? if there are URL parameters
  • URL Parameters (you'll need to parse them through something else to get keys and values)
Submitted by pmdevita - 4 years ago (Last modified 2 years ago)