'elements' - S - switch
In the LUXOM configuration there are just a few number of fields to use. Therefor by using an certain syntax, to add more features and possibilities to extract later by regular expression.
Such as :
ELEMENTS (S - switch)
class ELEMENTS(enum.Enum): S = ("switch", "schakelaar") L = ("light", "licht") P = ("power connectors", "stopcontacten") D = ("motion/light detector", "bewegings/licht detector") T = ("temperature", "temperatuur") HC = ("home contact : door/window", "huis contact : deur/raam") cvM = ("CV motor", "CV motor") # has to be first because contains vM vM = ("ventilation motor", "ventilatie motor") V = ("valve", "klep")
class ACTIONS(enum.Enum): S = ("1-short", "1-kort") D = ("2-double", "2-dubbel") T = ("3-triple", "3-drie") L = ("long", "lang") ON = ("on", "aan") OFF = ("off", "uit")
X-TRA : Using an enumeration in the join command - python - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66811369/using-an-enumeration-in-the-join-command-python