I recommend XMind 8 and not the newer XMind Zen (I have not tried XMind 2021). It is available here: xmind.net/download/xmind8 (edited)
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Last reply 24 hours agoView thread
Paul Holland 1:49 AM
If you need to convert to a PDF - you do not need to pay for the Pro version. On a Mac just print to a PDF. On a Windows machine use an app that lets you print to a PDF.
I recommend XMind 8 and not the newer XMind Zen (I have not tried XMind 2021). It is available here: xmind.net/download/xmind8 (edited)
If you need to convert to a PDF - you do not need to pay for the Pro version. On a Mac just print to a PDF. On a Windows machine use an app that lets you print to a PDF.