Regular Expressions 101

Community Patterns

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Community Library Entry


Regular Expression
PCRE2 (PHP >=7.3)

(?:(?<display>[^<>\n]+)<)?(?<local>(?:[^\n \x22,\.:;<>@\[\\\]]{1,64}|[^\n \x22,.:;<>@\[\\\]]{1,32}\.[^\n \x22,.:;<>@\[\\\]]{1,32}|\x22[^\n]{1,62}\x22))@(?<domain>[\w.]+(?:\.\w{1,4})?|\[(?:IPv6)?[\da-fA-F.:]+\])>?


this will run in any flavor but python in regex101.

based on wikipedia

bugs: local part can have more than 64 chars if we abuse . or other things

Submitted by fbd_1 - 3 months ago (Last modified 3 months ago)