A Regex that can be applied over the following routes pattern:
GET ^\/auth\/?(?=\/|$)/generate
GET ^\/auth\/?(?=\/|$)/callback
Applying it inside a code, it will get like this:
// Imprimir as rotas. Ref. https://stackoverflow.com/a/28199817/8297745
function printRoutes(stack, parentPath = '') {
stack.forEach(middleware => {
if (middleware.route) { // Caso seja uma rota
const methods = Object.keys(middleware.route.methods).map(method => method.toUpperCase()).join(', ');
console.log(`${methods} ${parentPath + middleware.route.path}`);
} else if (middleware.name === 'router') {
// Caso seja um sub-roteador (Ex: /auth)
// Remover caracteres especiais da rota com regex. Ref.
/(\^)|(\\)(!?.+[a-zA-Z])(\\.*)/g, '$3'