(?# PCRE 8.x )
(?<scheme> (?i) [a-z0-9+.-]+ (?-i) )
(?<userinfo> (?<username> (?&uriUnreserved)+ ) (?: : (?<password> (?&uriUnreserved)+ )? )? @ )?
| (?'ipv4' (?&_ipv4) )
| \[ (?'ipv6' (?&_ipv6) ) \]
| (?<hostname> (?i) (?: (?&hostLabel) \. )* (?&hostLabel) (?-i) )
(?: : (?<port> (?&port_number) ) )?
(?# If an authority component is present, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash. If an authority component is absent, then the path cannot begin with an empty segment, that is with two slashes as the following characters would be interpreted as an authority component. )
(?# TODO: Exception: file URI scheme RFC 8089 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_URI_scheme )
(?<path> (?(authority) (?= [\/?#] | $ ) | (?! \/\/ ) ) (?&pathSequence) )
(?: \? (?'query'(?&_query)) )?
(?: \# (?<fragment>(?&_fragment)))?
(?# http://es5.github.io/#A.6 )
(?<uriCharacter> (?&uriReserved) | (?&uriUnescaped) | (?&uriEscaped) )
(?<uriReserved> [;\/?:@&=+$,] )
(?<uriUnescaped> [[:alpha:]\d] | (?&uriMark) )
(?<uriEscaped> %[[:xdigit]]{2} )
(?<uriMark> [-_.!~*`()] )
(?<uriUnreserved> (?&uriUnescaped) | (?&uriEscaped) )
(?# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier )
(?# allowed characters per RFC 952, RFC 1123 )
(?<hostLabel> [a-z0-9-]{1,63} )
(?<_ipv4> (?: (?&octet) \. ){3} (?&octet) )
(?<octet> (?&_250_255) | (?&_200_249) | (?&_0_199) )
(?<_250_255> 25[0-5] )
(?<_200_249> 2[0-4]\d )
(?<_0_199> 1? (?&_0_99) )
(?<_0_99> [1-9]? \d )
(?<_ipv6> (?&ipv6_2) )
(?<ipv6_1> (?&hextet) :: (?: (?&hextet) : ){0,5} (?&hextet) )
(?<ipv6_2> (?&hextet) : (?&hextet) :: (?: (?&hextet) : ){0,4} (?&hextet) )
(?<ipv6_3> (?: (?&hextet) : ){2} :: (?: ) )
(?<ipv6_4> )
(?<ipv6_5> )
(?<ipv6_6> )
(?<ipv6_7> )
(?<ipv6_8> )
(?<hextet> [[:xdigit:]]{1,4} )
(?<port_number> (?&_65530_65535) | (?&_65500_65529) | (?&_65000_65499) | (?&_60000_64999) | (?&_10000_59999) | (?&_1000_9999) | (?&_100_999) | (?&_0_99) )
(?<_65530_65535> 6553[0-5] )
(?<_65500_65529> 655[0-2]\d )
(?<_65000_65499> 65[0-4]\d{2} )
(?<_60000_64999> 6[0-4]\d{3} )
(?<_10000_59999> [1-5]\d{4} )
(?<_1000_9999> [1-9]\d{3} )
(?<_100_999> [1-9]\d{2} )
(?<pathSequence> (?: (?&pathSegment) \/ )* (?&pathSegment)? )
(?<pathSegment> (?: (?&uriUnreserved) | [:@!$&'()*+,;=] )* )